The very worst of the franchise
And as for the special effects, DIRE.
I'm Deckard B26354, I retire Wokies, I'm filed and monitored.
And as for the special effects, DIRE.
I'm Deckard B26354, I retire Wokies, I'm filed and monitored.
For me, Covenant takes the cake, easily
sharePrometheus is the better movie, but I actually liked Covenant better.
shareI like Prometheus. Didn't love it but I enjoyed for the most part. Michael Fassbender is great in it.
But Covenant is borderline unwatchable for me. But to each their own
I'm not arguing that Covenant was a good movie, but at least it had some bona fide alien action. The last act with the alien on the ship wasn't too bad, especially when he told Jussie Smollett that "This is Xeno country!"
Otherwise, Alien 3 is miles better than everything but Alien/Aliens. Alien 3 is overall a good movie, but would have probably been a better sequel to Alien than as a sequel to Aliens.
That Jussie Smollet bit has me rolling, very well played!
shareYou're wrong.
Alien: Resurrection, Prometheus and Covenant are all significantly worse in every way, aside from special effects, which are secondary anyways... well, at least for people that understand movies and don't just fall for flashy pictures.
^ It's true.
shareYep. Except I also prefer the special effects in Alien 3 compared to what we got in Resurrection.
shareTrue. Don't remember them particularly being an issue - apart from that shot of Ridley falling into the incinerator, which was terrible. Although maybe that was only in the Assembly cut?
shareThe Alien's running and movement animations were absolutely ghastly, like really so bad that I always thought it would be better to cut these (few) scenes out.
It's funny how some things never seem to change in film.
Jaws' shark is so rarely shown not because Spielberg was that smart, but because of constant mechanical failures not making it possible to show what he originally intended. So they left a ton of shark scenes out and in the end, got a significantly superior result just because of it. Wish A3 would have done the same, realizing their CGI is just so shit, they'd better skip it.
Yeah, the effects in Aliens 3 felt worse than Alien Resurrection to me.
Fuck you Kendricks you condescening cunt.
Woah, the language on you! Do you blow your father with that mouth!?
come now, Deckard doesent just watch for flashy pictures
He also likes all the shooty shooty bang bang that Aliens had ,
and all the SIR YES SIR,SIR ! Military Jingo porn.
To be fair, his nickname implies he's also a Blade Runner fan.
It's not all bad, I guess. Maybe there's hope for him?
Slim ,
Some of the posts I've seen that "Filed & monitored" sig line underneath of suggests he does indeed need to be filed & monitored on a government list.
But yes , he does at least appear to appreciate Bladerunner
What's so bad about Prometheus and Covenant??
But it's ok if you like them.
Yeah but I dont understand the hate for them. What specifically pisses everyone off about them? I recently did a rewatch and then went to Alien right all hds up. As for resurrection. Yeah there were issues but it was not a total dumpster fire. I wish they would not have had a clone Ripley..
shareThe hate comes from high expectations.
The hate comes from comparing them to Alien and Aliens and expecting them to be at the same level. Which they are not.
The hate comes from them having the feeling of urgency and danger only as results of idiotic actions from crews supposedly super trained and "the best".
Pretty accurate.
The asinine actions of these, allegedly, top experts in their fields made me rip my hair out throughout the movie and there was no way in hell that I could ever suspend my disbelief that much.
On top, I would add the sterile and esoteric touch especially Prometheus had with the whole engineering bullshit which I find completely boring and actually harmful to the franchise.
Horror movies work best the less you really know about the monster.
That's also why horror sequels do not work 99% of the time, because all they can come up with to make follow-up movies interesting is to dial it to eleven and show the monster all the time, ultimately destroying the mysticism behind it and with that, what made it work in the first place.
Yeah but sequels/prequels do that. Explain backstory. I get what you guys are saying but as a whole I find them enjoyable scifi films..
sharePart of the hate is because the people in Prometheus and Covenant are retarded.
shareYou are absolutely right. Prometheus is not just bad... it is like "Plan 9 from outer space" with better effects.
shareI have only seen the alternate cut with the Bull alien. I admit I didn't like this as much as the first 2 but it's definitley better than Covenent and the AVP movies. I refuse to watch Alien Ressurection.
shareA:R is honestly not that bad.
While it takes a very...different approach to the Alien franchise compared to Aliens and even more so Alien, it has its own charm and is worth a watch, really. Just don't take it too serious and think of it as some fan fiction material, not canon.
I hate Ripley getting cloned.
shareIn my opinion, Resurrection is most certainly the more enjoyable movie than Alien 3. I'll let others argue over which is "better." But in my estimation, if you found something to appreciate in Alien 3, you should be able to sit through Resurrection.
sharenever seen it, refused to watch it
shareYour loss. It is easily the third best Alien movie. The only really bad thing are a few CGI scenes, but how important is that in the end. Terminator's exoskeleton scenes in T1 looked like shit too due to the overly obvious stop-motion like it's the 1960s, but that doesn't make the movie bad.
Give it a shot.
thanks, i might
shareA lot of fans hate Hicks and Newt getting killed off. I admit I myself would rather they lived. But the studio felt it would cost too much for the actors to come back.
shareI agree, I would have "liked it better", have they lived - but the problem here are really the fans and their expectations from a franchise that made it very clear from the start that a happy ending should not be expected, and I like that.
Hicks dying was bad enough.
Little Newt drowning in her cryo-pod was, and always will be, gut wrenching.
I hate it, and I love to hate it - if that makes sense.
It's also not just about Newt, but Ripley AGAIN losing "a child" which made Newt's death so horrible. It was very obvious that she basically immediately adopted her and that both were very happy with that. This destroyed Ripley for good. She was never the same again and throughout the movie you feel a significant difference compared to who she was in Aliens, thanks to Weaver's performance.
My point is, as harsh as it is, it is still brilliant.
Just how the movie manages to make you root for murderers and rapists to survive and defeat the xenomorph. That's a difficult thing to achieve and I enjoy moral conflicts like that... while others apparently just jump hate trains and parrot the ever same meaningless and superficial, dumb reasons: Muh CGI...
Killing them off was ballsy, which is precisely why I love Alien 3.
shareAlien 3 is unfairly maligned because it wasn't the sequel to Aliens that people wanted (myself included). It's a good alien/monster horror movie, and certainly better than Resurrection, AvP, Prometheus, and Covenant. It's just unfortunate that it had to take a dump on Aliens to exist.
shareIt is not better than Resurrection.
shareDiscounting anything AVP, I might agree. It's a very beautiful-looking film and great on a technical level (musical score, cinematography, art design, effects, etc) but it's horribly boring and has an awful screenplay. Covenant may be a smidge worse but its close.
shareThe misery ends quicker with Covenant, which is about all it has going for it over this one. Not sure which is worse, but these are the bottom two, imo.