MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > Never film a movie in England. tea time...

Never film a movie in England. tea time nonsense etc

In case anyone even thinks about starring in movies, if you do, don't do a film in England. you're going to have a tough time trying to tolerate the Brits where they sit around drinking tea and question your director about his style of film making.


studios won't pay 10% more to film in other places


Just Brits being Brits. So they like to grumble a lot. Aliens turned out pretty well, dinnit?


We need tea to function. It's like Asterix and the magic potion. Shit gets done!


yes Aliens did turn out well but the frikkin Brits were being lazy back then.

So if you ever do a movie over in England, just don't. or else you'll have to tolerate or get pissed at the Brits for sitting around having their stupid tea and cheese breaks


Cheese breaks? Woah, woah, woah, cheese is never stupid. We need cheese breaks in the U.S.


Yeah, we should be following that example, not criticizing.



whats brought this up ?
Are you a big shot director who has suffered these issues?


well I was watching the bonus features from the new 4K Ultimate Edition Blu ray of Aliens just last night.

stupid Brits back then they were doing things to piss off James Cameron by having tea breaks all the damn time

that and they thought Gale Ann Hurd and Cameron were amateurs where the tea drinking brits still had a hard on for Ridley Scott.

Even chuckled at Lance Henrikson saying he had an encounter with some jackass who put his hand on Lance's chest which irked Lance where Lance Henrikson said to the guy if he does that again, I'm going to kick your ass.

but I guess Sigourney Weaver saved the day and I guess the lazy Brits listened to her or something


Fucking braindead yanks, you thick cunts really don't have a fucking clue.


This was nearly 40 years ago, things have changed a lot.

Oh, and in case some people still think we are a nation of tea drinkers...think again.

Walk down any street in the UK and its nothing but coffee shops. Yes, they also sell tea but coffee is far more popular.


I don't give a shit if was 40 years ago.

those British crew members were disrespectful and lazy during filming of Aliens.


Oh do fuck off and do one urrutiap, you fucking dipstick.


Well you should educate yourself.

The UK was very heavily unionised back then, and tea breaks, lunch breaks etc were written into staff contracts, almost set in stone.

You could argue that Cameron came in with a high-handed attitude and tried to ride roughshod over the agreed rules. He was in a different country for gods sake, he should have appreciated that and maybe tried to sit down with people and work something out.

However, I have heard reports that he was not very accommodating at all to the British workers.

Lucas experienced similar issued when filming the original Star Wars movie, but was more flexible and hence was not given a hard time.


No. Dunno where you get your information Rogue mail.

The Brits back then when they were sort of working on filming for Aliens, they were giving James Cameron and Gale Ann Hurd a hard time the whole time. They treated Gale like crap because she was a woman and they didnt believe she was a producer or whatever. THey also gave James Cameron a hard time because the Brits still had a hard on for Ridley Scott and they thought Cameron didn't have enough experience which is total bullshit. James Cameron at the time had plenty of experience sine he was part of Roger Corman's gang. That and Cameron did Terminator and he was director and writer of Piranha 2 and the writer of Rambo II.

He was also showing the stupid Brits on how to do scenes the right way but the Brits were being stubborn where they were doing stupid crap not only to James Cameron but also were picking on Lane Henrikson and Janelle.

THey did sit around and drank tea and munched on British cheese foods while James Cameron and the U.S. movie crew were working their asses off


It must boil your blood to see all these Brit actors infiltrate Hollywood and take the roles of archetypal American superheroes - Batman, Superman, Spiderman. Kind of funny really, those are like your 3 most popular and beloved comic book heroes.



“Never film a movie in England.”

I’ll bear that in mind.


Many of them don't think very highly of us either.


Yeah. We think that anyone who lets employers dictate that they are supposed to work 51.25 weeks out of the year and 16hrs a day, just because, is a fool.

Some of those work practices were a result of workers getting organised to change the conditions during the industrial revolution that had resulted in average forty year life expectancy etc.


The problem was, Cameron was filming "Aliens" at a time when British Boomers were still dominant on the scene in England, and that includes movie studios. Even worse, he didn't to the practical thing and plan his filming schedule around afternoon tea time like most British studios would at the time. It shows that he was doing the "Brash American" thing, in addition to being his usual "talented douchebag" self. I mean, the man's an amazing film-maker, but he can be a real dickbag in person.

I have a friend over in England who tells me that nobody does that "never fail to have afternoon tea" thing anymore. It apparently was more of a WWII generation and Boomer generation kinda thing. Most Brits today just drink tea whenever they feel like it, and often on the go from a tea/coffee shop.


well those British dipshits back then in 1986-1987 were assholes screwing with James Cameron. Cameron's way of thinking is similar to Jim Henson and Kubrick. they want scenes to look right and look good a certain way.

the frikkin British at that time were still kissing Ridley Scott's ass. that and they underestimated James Cameron where they thought he was a nobody. Have they not heard about Terminator or even Piranha at all?


I'm quite certain they did, or they wouldn't have allowed him to work over there at all. But I suspect James Cameron hadn't quite made a name for himself yet at the time. It was basically a clash of cultures, and he frankly did not respect the people he was working with. I've heard of many film-makers from America working overseas in British studios for decades, and they never complained of the tea time thing like he did. He appears to be the only director/producer who would have his people work long hours and have no consideration for the host country he was working in.

Honestly, it was amazing that Signourny Weaver was able to talk the crew into finishing the movie, and she no doubt made many friends in the British film industry as a result.


well there's the problem there too. lazy British folk back then would actually get off their asses for a female actor and kiss her ass because she was in Ridley sott's Alien movie. Favoritism if you ask me


I thought it was because she risked losing her job and stood up for them against Cameron. That was pretty ballsy of her, considering who she was dealing with. Movie set crewmembers in any country would appreciate that, never mind the British ones.
