MovieChat Forums > Roguemail

Roguemail (1614)


The Batman and the Batmobile. A Soldiers Story 1984. A Soldiers Story question. Street Smart 1987. Faraday and Co Tenet review Agenda to shut these boards down? Question about Ouija boards 63 Up The Sugarland Express View all posts >


Also, considering he is from Leeds, West Yorkshire his accents are pretty decent. I think he had an Irish accent in The first Omen, and an American one in Ready Player One. He also did an awful lot of TV work early in his career, but seems to be transitioning to movies of late. It's true though...I heard that a lot growing up, Stepmother's were always least in fairy tales etc. Another one was Swedish Au Pair. They were always Swedish, and as portrayed in 70s comedy and soft porn movies, always blonde and naive. Hardly great. It should have been, but with the streets lined with hundreds of onlookers ruining the mood, a very obvious conveniently placed ramp in the car park, and the silly editing error with the car going up on two wheels, I think its very lack lustre. Chase set pieces in Bond movies usually have a 'moment' to make them memorable or cool...such as the car flip in Golden Gun, the boat jump in Live and let die, the car flip in Casino Royale. This movie had none of that. It probably never did resonate. It was nothing more than a cheap ET cash-in, plus with a lot of McDonald's product placement. It made a bit of money on release, largely because the young audience it was aimed at are not discerning and lapped it up. But beyond that...I see no reason to ever watch it again. Can't help thinking that this man should not have said anything to the police. He does not have to account for his actions, and anyway he was standing there silently. Police had no reason or evidence to question him. But because he said he was praying, that changes things due to the aforementioned law. This is not a stop and search state, you don't have to give your name to police unless they can articulate a crime, state the statute for it and read you your rights. Bottom line is, don't talk to police unless you have to. Does not seem to be working...I don't see any responses. A couple of things... A lot of people are wary of clicking links, in case they are fake and take you somewhere you don't want to go. Also some people don't click because you are adding to the hit rate of the video, and ultimately the person who posted the video benefits financially. If you post a link with little description, as in no opinion of yours to go with it then few people are likely to click on it. Foe example, the title of this thread...are you saying its awesome or it's ridiculous that Seagal brings down a chopper with a handgun. You will probably get more response if you add some of your own comments. Can you not actually write? You just post video links. You have nothing to say about these videos. Quite common for such movies to be filmed out of season, and set dressing added afterwards. In Carry On Camping, it was filmed in winter so the scenes in the camp, particularly the famous one where Barbara Windsor loses her bra. The set dressers had to actually paint what was a muddy field woth green paint, to simulate grass. Ultimately, when children are taught about religion in school, they are taught it from a book (bible, Koran etc) and are told to believe it. They are told its true. And they believe because they are young minds. When children get older they should decide for themselves. If this word of God we are taught at a young age were so powerful, there would be no atheists. I thought the effects were terrible.. everything looked dark and murky, especially underwater shots. I suppose they could improve it with a blu ray release, maybe 2 or 4k. But frankly from what I saw of it, I would never have the inclination to go back and watch it again. View all replies >