MovieChat Forums > urrutiap

urrutiap (1141)


anyone notice the Basket Case cameo? Police Academy 3. an old joke in the movie I still don't get weird jokes in the movie you still don't get Eric and his son running away again. most dumbest thing ever why did they do that to Tank in the last season? the timeline for Predators. When does the movie take place anyway? Besides it being another stupid Deadpool movie, did you enjoy it because of returning characters? Isabel looking good for an old Mexican lady that been in jail for decades Why didn't Alice just sneak out through the back door or from Rick's bedroom window? she was great in A Far Off Place View all posts >


dude, I already said why didn't she just go into Rick's room in the first place and open the window in his room and sneak out that way? or at least try to quietly tiptoe out through the back door that was in the kitchen area but then while the father was a little drunk he could have heard Alice wander around in the ktichen area and open the door. What she should have done in the first place is go into Rick's bedroom and open the window I think its funny that Duane and/or Belial sensed something off about the Brain Damage character lol. dunno what timeline Basket Case takes place during Brain Damage but I guess Duane and the basket popping up in the subway train that means he was in the process of going to the places to have Belial kill the old team of doctors that separated them? putting you on ignore, Melton you stupid ass dipshit. fuck off then explain the fucking joke during that scene. that is what I am asking but what was the fuckiung joke during that scene? That's what I want to know go watch the movie, Melton. the joke is in the very beginning well then you explain that joke in the movie well I still don't get it grown ass men as usual being horny and creeps when it comes to jungle women characters that take a bath in the river. Grow up View all replies >