This guy was a cold blooded murderer of two men. He should have gotten the electric chair.


I didn't know he killed a black man.


Excuse me i just found out these dudes were white. There appeared to be some confusion about that.


You are the only one who is confused. That the "victims" were white was stated over and over on the news. And, I didn't even watch the trial.

You are just happy to jump on the race band wagon.


The liberal leftist news did what they could to make people think that Kyle went on a racist killing spree, leading many to think that those killed were black.

According to Glen Greenwald, in Brazil the media there was saying they were black, and they said this because of what the American media was saying.


"Excuse me i just found out these dudes were white."



@Patman111196 It's clear that since you didn't even know these were white men you didn't follow the trial at all. So, with that being said, how the heck can you post any opinion on the verdict?????????????

"There appeared to be some confusion about that." There is NO confusion.


The victims were White? That makes it alright then. Everyone go home.

And that's exactly what happened.

Have you never watched TV?? White people can never be victims. (Unless they're gay or trans, meaning they won't reproduce themselves, which is fantastic)


They weren't victims, they were assailants.


Why didn't you seek out the FACTS of this case until just now?


Because I can post in whichever news I feel like.


So you chose ignorance over knowledge like a true dumbass liberal Democrat.


You're ignorant and proud of it. That equals stupid. I hope you are sterile, too.


Are you proud of being stupid? You posted "2 black men were murdered in cold blood," then you changed your post. 🙄


" i just found out these dudes were white"

Typical liberal reaction, to just hear some headlines and talking points and immediately assume that it has to be yet another endless, countless example of racism and white privilege in this God-forsaken shithole country that the Liberal Left portrays us as.


Lol, got caught playing the race card a little too fast. Typical of ignorant fucks without a substantial argument.


No, white people get off easy.


They sure do! Derek Chauvin is living it up!


He will get out of it somehow



White people huh, with chubby face, brown hair and big nose killing an Aryan brother?

Look up Joseph Rosenbaum and see for yourself. That chubby faced milkboy shot down an aryan down on his luck. He was just getting his life together and saw a killer in the street and tried to stop him.

Here's some info about the fallen hero.

"Rosenbaum, who did not have a firearm, threw an object that appeared to be a plastic bag at him and missed, according to a criminal complaint filed last year.
Videos played at trial showed Rosenbaum throwing the plastic bag at Rittenhouse. His fiancée testified Rosenbaum had just be discharged from a hospital in Milwaukee and was carrying papers, socks, deodorant, a toothbrush and toothpaste in the bag.

Kariann Swart, Rosenbaum's fiancée, testified they were both homeless when they met in 2019 and were living in a motel at the time Rosenbaum was killed.
"We just spent a lot of time talking, getting to know one another, and laughing and joking around. He was a very animated person like that," she said."


If Rittenhouse had killed Trump supporters in cold blood it never would have gone to trial and he would be the hero of the left.


STFU! Facts don't have feelings.


I assumed Rittenhouse's victim was a black person, and the Trump MAGAts shot me down over it immediately. Such is the way of the corrupt United States of America these days.


Yup, the corruption is with the one that LIES!!!!


I'm curious,why did you assume that?


I'm wondering that as well.


Thank god judge Schroeder rigged the trial for him, otherwise he woulda been fucked!


How did he rig the jury? They decided.


There shouldn't have been a trial in the first place. The DA should've taken one look at the evidence and declined to prosecute.


LOL, you crazy!!!

Ahh, you changed from "murdered a black man"???

I see how it goes. But it just proves how uninformed you are ...


Ya know... I don't support riots, but this outcome just gives liberals a chance to do so to prove how divided we are. It's like getting upset over someone burning your dinner.


Gives liberals a chance to show that they don't want justice.

And it actually kinda forces them to riot to keep the powerplay going.

If the concede and accept defeat they lose, big time.


They better not riot or I'll sic Alec Baldwin on them, Unlike Kyle that is only batting .666, Baldwin is batting 1.000... One shot one kill, a goddamn liberal sniper, if he had only had a higher caliber he might have gotten 2 with one shot.


My goodness, such a savagely funny post. I legitimately laughed out loud while reading it. Well done.


Are you struggling with what "not guilty" means?


Ummm... NO! This guy needlessly killed 2 people and there was nothing suggesting that it was a life threatning situation! They probably werent going to kill him, just rough him up and ditch him, so that means using a gun is NOT justified.


"They probably werent going to kill him"

Wow. You really are stupid.


Well it's not like they followed him shooting a gun at him first, right?


So in order for it to be self defense, you have to wait until they actually shoot you?

Yes, you're a moron.

Ten minutes ago you thought he shot some black guys. Aren't you embarrassed yet?


Then what is the acceptable outcome for you?

Kyle dead?


One of the cunts did try to shoot him, pointed the gun at his head but Kyle popped him before he was able to pull the trigger. Is that close enough to getting killed for your version of self defense?


One person doesn't need a gun to kill another. It can easily be done with bare hands, in a variety of ways.

Plus, Rosenblum reached for Kyle's gun. And the other "unarmed" person was trying to bash Kyle's head in with a skateboard.

Fact is, if you can reasonably conclude that you are in danger of death or grave bodily harm--and he had ample reason to conclude that--then you have a right to defend yourself. We should cheer this verdict, as it shows that the right to self-defense still exists in this country. It is a win for all Americans.

It is also a warning to fools: Don't chase down and attack a man with a gun.


lol probably?


I do not get embarrased on this site. Only on Discord and stuff. Yep, most tend to leave potential abusers when they are first hit. Same deal with KR.


"I do not get embarrased on this site."


"Yep, most tend to leave potential abusers when they are first hit. Same deal with KR."

I have no clue what you're talking about.


I think this poster has wandered off from their care home.


Well I mean watch the movie "Enough" with J Lo and Billy Campbell and you will see what I mean. He may have thought he was defending themselves by these guys, but when the danger of being killed is not imminent, then that doesn't make Kyle right.


It was self defence. Unanimous from the jury. End of.


You're a shoe in for getting a job as a prosecutor. They don't know what they fuck they're talking about either.
