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KinkyInk (1694)


Missing mission to Mars? The best evidence I've seen that proves we're being lied to about the JFK assassination. The real singer and real songwriter performing the song Dominik Hasek calls Alex Ovechkin a 'chicken sh-t,' wants NHL to suspend all Russians After years of the news media telling us... I remember this guy They missed out on what could've been a great scene One thing to keep in mind about this case. Does something like this happen to you? Communication Professor Reacts to Bill Gates Interview on PBS View all posts >


If aliens had invaded under Biden, you'd have a valid analogy. Stop being stupid. Can't take anything you say seriously anymore. You proved yourself an idiot by claiming Biden lied about vaccine mandates. You're a moron. The questioner should have started off by asking her how many women were currently on the Supreme Court. When she answered, then she should have been asked, "How do you know that? What are you using to determine who is a woman, and who is a man?" "I’d vote for a turd over Trump." And you did. Thanks. Just a few comments on some of these: Pushing the "Patriot" Act - Government controlling its citizens through surveillance is more left-wing than right. DOMA - The Democrat party as moved left on this issue since that bill was enacted. Strong commitment to reducing deficits - I find this curious. Are lefties really against lowering deficits? So they're for higher taxes just so that money can be spent? Doesn't seem like any critical thinking is involved with that. Completely abandoning the working-class - Yes and no. Completely abandoning the current American working class, while importing a new one. Increased border enforcement during his tenure - Whose Tenure? Biden's? If so, this has to be a joke. Biden has not only allowed 2 million illegal immigrants to flood into our country over the past year, he's bussed them to destinations around the country. (Not his neighborhoods, of course.) Biden has applied for more drilling permits on public lands, than Trump did in all 4 yrs. - First of all, the government doesn't apply for drilling permits. They just approve permits. And no, they didn't approve more in one year than Trump did in 4. The only outpaced Trump's first year. According to what I read, the only reason that number was so high was because there were so many permits applied for because of the anticipation in the change of administration. They were in the pipeline, and there are legal issues involved for denying them. There's no indication Biden's going to continue at that pace. Biden has been great for the stock market. - Markets are up all over the world, recovering from the pandemic. What has Biden done to help the stock market? I have to say, some of these items surprised me. So let me get this straight, as an American, your political views lead you to want high deficits, high taxes, an open border, and a crappy stock market? Can you give some examples of laws or policies Democrats have enacted that highlight this move to the right? Seems to me that everything they do is with the intention of getting the government involved with every aspect of people’s lives. That sounds like a Leftist’s wet dream to me. You can tell overall, it's an effort to be an analogy for climate change. But it's a deceitful attempt. They're taking something that is solid, and undoubtably THERE, and using it as a stand-in for something that's more ambiguous. A comet is out there or it's not. If it's out there we can track it's speed and trajectory and use math to determine whether it's going to strike the earth. Pretty much the definition of settled science. Climate Change isn't so clear-cut. How much is the climate changing? How much of it is normal climate change, and how much is due to man? How long do we have before it's too late? How much are one country's efforts in stopping it affected by other countries ignoring it? How much do the efforts to stop it affect our economy? How much has it been politicized and used for purposes other than the environment? I've always found it fascinating that the Left promotes climate change as being an absolute fact while the Right questions it. At the same time, the proposed 'solutions' for climate change are things the Left have always wanted to implement. Government control over business, transfer of wealth from rich nations to poor nations, and limiting capitalism. I don't think that's a coincidence. It's obvious the makers of this movie want people to think that Climate Change is as real as a comet headed for our planet. And that there are exact steps we can take right now to avoid it, and if we don't take those steps, we're just as stupid as if we ignored a comet headed for us. Put simply, it's not that simple. But it's obvious people are falling for it. I'm surprised your parents were the only ones who complained. "Notice how Cuomo and Franken had to resign." Pat Meehan, Republican US Representative, forced to resign in 2018 Trent Franks, Republican US Representative, forced to resign in 2017 Tim Murphy, Republican US Representative, forced to resign in 2017 Blake Farenthold, Republican US Representative, forced to resign in 2018 Chris Lee, Republican US Representative, forced to resign in 2011 Mark Souder, Republican US Representative, forced to resign in 2010 John Ensign, Republican U.S. Senator, forced to resign in 2009 You really are clueless. "Democrats criticize other democrats all the time. And Progressives are very vocal against Moderates. And Biden was receiving heavy criticism." "Republicans expect more loyalty, therefore more likely to attack or pushout anyone with opposing views" Sounds like you're saying the same thing about both parties. "Am I correct?" No, you're not. You're taking a kook fringe theory and attempting to paint all Republicans with it. (Weren't you the one just whining about people being obsessed with their party alignment?) The general prevailing opinion among Republicans and Conservatives is that the Democrats used the Covid pandemic to their political advantage. Trump was cruising along to an easy reelection, and then Covid happened. Democrat state leaders shut down businesses and the economy, knowing the economic downturn would hurt Trump. They blamed Trump for every Covid death, despite the pandemic being world-wide. (Funny how they aren't doing that now with Biden.) And the way they counted Covid deaths jacked up the numbers, making it seem as worse as possible. (Which they've stopped doing now that Biden is president.) Then they used Covid as an excuse to open up mail-in voting, making it easier for them to cheat without it being detected. They certainly followed the advice of “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” View all replies >