Stop with the personal attacks
Some commentators seem to think it's okay to personally attack you if your opinion defers from theirs. Stop already. You can have a discussion without name calling and personal attacks.
shareSome commentators seem to think it's okay to personally attack you if your opinion defers from theirs. Stop already. You can have a discussion without name calling and personal attacks.
shareNever been any different, in a debate about whatever topic, if one side gains the upper hand with their arguments, the other side will always try to compensate their weaker arguments with personal attacks and insults.
That's why you can see most of the right wingers in here using foul language when talking about the left, they simply don't have any civilized arguments for their belief.
Same thing in the movies and series section when they are insulting anything that looks remotely "woke", you'll rarely see anyone doing that without foul language, in fact for them alone the word "woke" is used as an insult already.
I think the trick is to not take the attacks personally, because they don't actually know you, and what does it say about them that they're so offended about a difference in opinion? Them name-calling is confirmation that you don't need to take those names seriously. Also, idk if it's just because I grew up with siblings, but I find it pretty hard to be offended by strangers' opinions of me, like what names would actually hurt your feelings?
shareHow about nincompoop?
shareHere's a musical trivial question - without using Google or any other computer aid, can you name a song where the word nincompoop was used?
I cannot ☹️
shareI like that word and it was a surprise to hear it in a song.
Is This The Life We Really Want (2017) from Roger Waters has it:
Also Desmond Dekkar: -
I wanna say it was used in a song in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, but I think that's just what Grandpa Jo called one of the other kids.
shareTry the ignore feature on this site.
It works well.
Problem solved 😀
I already have that troll on my ignore list. Like the post above suggests, just click ignore. Bada bing bada boom! Problem solved 😀
shareWho is it?
Signed, million man.
For the recorcd, /user/TiberiumKing/posts.
shareHey, do you have Kowalski on ignore? Kowalski wants to know.
Signed, million man.
When discussing things, facts need to be brought forth, and not emotion. As soon as you get emotional about something, then a person must rather refrain from talking, otherwise it's just a constant slugfest, and all reason and facts go out of the window.
shareYou came here to start an arguement...
will this be just 5 minutes, or a full half hour?
This is broadly true but all too often a humiliated poster will try to shut down discussion by pretending to be a victim of ‘name calling’.
For example, Flimflam (filmflaneur) might say he’s being insulted or the victim of ‘ad hom’ when he is described as a pretentious low IQ cult victim, when in fact he is merely being… described.
It’s important to draw the distinction between genuine objections to name-calling and thinly veiled Leftist language policing to evade uncomfortable truths.
It's unfortunately true with flimflam.
He's the kid who gets picked on at school that you felt sorry enough for to try to initiate a friendly conversation with, only to quickly realize they bring it on themself. When flimflam isn't pointing the finger and crying ad hominem, it's probably because he's busy engaging in one of his own at the moment.
Great observation.
Creatures like Flimflam make you realise the sad truth that bullying can have a healthy social function.
Quite a little echo chamber you have going here lol I am flattered.
bullying can have a healthy social function.
I’m sure you were very easy to bully - largely because you were too retarded to realise you were being bullied.
Oh dear. Is that really all you can offer?
shareI can see it now - you trying to impress the bullies with your latest Latin phrases while they took turns kneeing you in the balls…
Is that more 'healthy' bullying lol?
You and my other two admirers here do see the irony of making personal attacks on a thread, er, precisely arguing against them ... right?
…I can see them plunging your head into a toilet after several of them had used it, when they pull you out for a breath you drop an ‘oh dear’ before they plunge you back in…
shareHave I mentioned before how you seem obsessed with homosexuality? Perhaps it would be better if you keep your fantasies to yourself.
shareI hadn’t even considered that dunking someone’s head into a used toilet was a homosexual act, but thanks for educating me, Head Sister.
The stuff you lot get up to 🤦🏻♂️
plunging your head into a toilet after several of them had used it ...
I’m still processing how you interpreted several bullies forcibly dunking your head into a used toilet as a sex act.
So while they were bullying you, you were… getting off??
Though you couldn't help yourself with that block quote, wasn't that at least more fun than pasting a flurry of search engine results?
shareThough you couldn't help yourself with that block quote,
than pasting a flurry of search engine results