what's an ongoing issue where you live?
housing shortage.
shareToo many empty units in the Town Centre.
sharenothing really.
Theres plenty of bitching and whining about this and that , but basically those people dont know what real problems are.
Over population without upgrading the infrastructure.
shareCost of living crisis, so pretty much the same. It's a housing shortage plus the consequences of that shortage, aka higher/unaffordable rent prices on the places that are available, and so much more.
shareRise of the cost of living. Which has basically has had kind of a domino effect in the past few months.
Cause of that, there's been:
1. A bit of a rise in crime, especially robberies.
2. Homelessness has risen a bit.
3. Dozens of jobs lost.
Also, for a while now, the sewage system in our area has been shit.