MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > So, COVID is going up again. Are you sca...

So, COVID is going up again. Are you scared?



I'm not scared, just freaking annoyed by spreaders who don't seem to give a shit about other people, where I've spent the last couple years sacrificing my own life to PURPOSELY protect other humans.

Now, I have covid, it's terrible, and I trust others even less now.


How many days have you had symptoms?


no symptoms, test confirmed, and i'm fighting my through it right now. it's like my worst ever flu/cold, then doubled.


I work at a nursing home so yes, I am very concerned.

Last year we lost 21 residents during an outbreak.

We take every precaution to avoid covid in the facility but it always finds a way in.


Down here it usually tends to get in via the workers who are less cautious and the residents families visiting.


No, it's going up because of the midterms so the assholes in charge can cheat with mail in voting.


No. I'm more scared of getting shot at my school.


I'm considered an essential worker so worked through the first couple of years before they had a vax for it. So although I am being careful I am not scared either. I actually was training a newbie a couple of months ago who was ill and I got them to go home and they tested positive for CoVid. I spent the previous day with them and I was a little worried but I never caught it.


Nah. Im passed caring now. There's a new hemorrhagic fever with about a 90% death rate in Africa im more concerned over tbh. They don't know how it kills a person.


Yes, I heard about the Marburg virus. Thankfully, it's not airborne and we should be better able to deal with it due to our experience with Covid. But a 90% death rate is very scary indeed.


It'll be scary if society reacts the same way they did with the 1st covid lockdown


just lol
