MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 100 things you learned about MovieChat.

100 things you learned about MovieChat.

Let's see if we can get to 100 like the good old days of IMDb.

1. Apparently people think "Talk about anything here...except politics" means we can talk about anything here especially politics.

2. People with less than 5 posts love to tell us how much this place is dead.

3. Kowalski really loves the eggplant emoji.

4. AndyKing1967 really likes Asian Babes Vol. VIII.

5. Samoanjoes isn't really Samoan. And his name isn't really Joe.

6. There is a massive hatred from some users when they see dictators trending.

7. Waiting for making another reply takes too long.

8. People really like the "what are you all listening to?" thread.

9. Jim pulled a hit and run on us.

10. StoneKeeper likes to rap.

11. It's really easy to accidentally hit "ignore".

12. nyctc7 is from New York, but moved to Reno.


48. Anyone who has even a marginally different opinion than you are wrong.


Brentford > Everton. Disagree and you are wrong.


They haven’t played yet so……..


Doesn't matter. 0 league titles > 9 league titles.


It didn’t work out too well for Arsenal.


What do you mean? They're first in the league if you list the table in a descending order.


Looking forward to Norwich taking 3 pts.


Me too. But I also want the Arseholes to go scoreless again.


If that happens, then I think Arteta will be gone.



49. kowalski likes weed.


I've reported KOWALSKI to The NY State Police multiple times for his shameless weed smoking...They keep telling me it's out of their jurisdiction and say 'Stop being a snitch bitch'

I'm quite offended


Plus it's legal in NY and CA. You'd have to catch him somewhere in between.


Love #7.

And #10 of course.

#50: If you look closely, there is a refined elite of members that play a very complicated and confusing game.


I agree. The game is confusing.


Stoney's game confuses the hell out of me...I read each thread but my melon does not operate on that level...very frustrating😣




I won one time and ran away, that game confuses me...I'm pretty sure that 'win' of mine was just a mercy from a pretty cool former Reg named Twin-A...He seems to be gone now, I think we had a nasty dust-up over something very stupid and then he deleted himself...That whole mess was probably my fault, he was a pretty sweet guy...I probably roll too heavy and act like a dick but that's just my schtick...I don't mean any offense

Whenever I act like an asshat feel free to punch me on the chin as hard as you can folks, chances are I deserve it.


51. Hownos chats more than anyone. (74,415 posts at the moment.)

reply'd figure he'd be busy ice skating or shoveling snow but nope, that hownos guy never clams up😄


53. Allaby is a big Green Bay Packers fan


54. People over here have an overall good grip on reality and an automatic understanding of how real life, including but not limited to modern day America, works and how it isn't like a fairytale or a fictional action movie where good guys win and evil gets it or even when just evil gets punished.
55. Roman Polanski for what he did over 40 years ago, besides it being heinous, terribly wrong and a criminal offense, should not be forgiven.
56. We should treat men and women more or less the same in certain matters but especially criminal offenses.
57. Laws including in America don't always work well and it IS a sad tragedy, criminals must be made to pay for the crimes.

58. We are not supposed to even QUESTION certain FANTASIES of certain err "people" particularly in sensitive and serious issues, we should just talk about their harsh reality instead, and whether or not murder is really worse or "just as bad" is rather immaterial and irrelevant in the minds of certain people.
59. Yes, we all agree that Tony Blair was wrong for taking UK to war with Iraq in 2003 and that he really did exaggerate evidence and lie deliberately and so did it under false pretenses which makes him a war criminal.

60. According to spirits and situation overall, I probably need to stop repeatedly referencing the little seen 1995 direct to video police thriller movie "Someone to Die For" that I own on VIDEO and especially its one "controversial scene" in it that also made me CRY. Maybe later some more folks will watch it but for now I am encouraged to give it a bit of a rest, at this site anyways.
61. Most users over here are rather reluctant to check out movies with a rating on IMDb overall of below 5.0
62. We still have COMMON patterns in humanity with men being stereotypical particularly in one overall evil matter and whatnot. And we don't necessarily mean murder or physical torture and whatnot. And people today discuss this issue AUTOMATICALLY without any second thoughts etc.
63. We should


54. Ariana Grande barely gets mentioned, these days.


63. We should continue hunting down and arresting former WW2 Nazis for their crimes even if they look like walking corpses.
64. Ordinary white boys/men have it in their minds and DNA about wanting like that to be forgiven.
65. Adults get "called out on their shit".
66. Anyone who opposes death penalty out of say sympathetic feelings towards officially guilty murderers has a few screws loose.
67. John Lennon's killer Mark David Chapman isn't really in here welcomed in the kind of spirit that at some point he should be released from prison and live life normally and that he already paid his debt to society despite being behind bars for over 40 years now.
68. When it comes to particularly heinous crimes, the words "unacceptable" and "not OK" often means guilty perpetrators actually got killed if some individuals were found out.
69. I need to type less and more coherently for people to understand me and provide helpful responses. EMOTIONAL and WONDERING thoughts like that are not too welcome and I need to ground myself more in REALITY, however typical, dull, uncomfortable and repetitive it may be, and no offense to anyone.
70. (I will do last one.) Americans are not too keen any day today to generally become drinking buddies with RUSSIANS.


you missed the point of this thread.


See #33.




i asked him a long time ago if he was a philosophy major.


A lot of his questions take me back to a Discourse on Method which is why I said Descartes. All the circular arguments make me dizzy.


TheMan is confounding and often flies off the rails but gosh darn it all, I love the Dude👍


You have more patience than me on this occasion.


I believe I replied that at the moment at least, I am not. Also, if I was, I would probably spend most of my time at a philosophical work center as opposed to at home, on the internet, in front of my computer and (no offense of course) here.


What WAS it, if there even "was one"? Also, I was ALSO being a bit ironic and sarcastic albeit in my very OWN personal black humor sort of way.


When do the jokes start?


You skipped a bunch of numbers Amigo ...WTF? LOL

You are my favorite maniac!


That car that drove by and splashed you with 5 gallons of gutter water in the rain? That was me and Tony Blair. I expected to see a giant exclamation point above your head but instead there were 15 commas.


What would YOU be doing IN UK with a former Brit Prime Minister of arguably the shakiest politically ruined reputation and nearby with me?

Oh and let's see you watch that movie one day and if it also makes you cry, cheers.


Tony Blair was telling me that he can barely understand you, thinks your posts are bloated with unnecessary semantic posturing, and torpedo themselves by substituting key subject words with vague allusions instead. I told him that he should give you a chance and try to figure out what you mean underneath the run-on sentences.

But at least we all agree that Tony Blair was a great leader and did a great job during a certain "thing" etc whatnot you know what. That Tony, what a great guy. I tell everyone how much you love him.

So Tony and I compromised and splashed you curbside.


I think you missed haha, for the past few days, I was at home all day, don't recall any cars splashing me, lol. :)


Well, in all fairness, you did look confused. Looked like you were talking to yourself too. Maybe we got the wrong rusky. Alas, see ya next rain!


In the last few months or so, I was thinking a lot about the movie "Someone to Die For" (1995) by Clay Borris and starring Corbin Bernsen and I was telling most people at my workplace that I own it on video and how much one scene in it in particularly made me cry. And I wondered if some of them maybe wanted for me to make a copy of it from VHS to DVD-R or memory stick so I can lend it to them and we could discuss the movie and compare notes.

Wonder what you think of that Anubis (though I very much take it you haven't seen the movie, I reviewed it on YouTube and so did one other guy I succeeded in getting to watch it), cheers.


A few seconds ago I was thinking about how they create yellowcake. They crush up raw uranium in a process that saturates it in acids, peroxide, and alkaline. Though not typically yellow once filtered and dried, yellowcake is used in the creation of reactors and fuel rods. It isn't terribly radioactive, I explained to the checker ringing up my groceries, until it is enriched into the isotope U-235. Still, don't sniff it.

You are on youtube??


In case you missed my YouTube review of that movie Anubis, yes I am, although that is so far the only video I have uploaded to it - have a look here -


I CHALLENGE you AnubisRaydeen to one day WATCH that film, as rare and practically forgotten as it is, with it currently now only being available on VHS (the kind of players most of us don't have anymore, although I still do, strangely enough!) and some Russian links albeit with heavy Russian voice-over dubbing, and especially its controversial scene and see if it ALSO makes you cry and what you make of it. Cheerios.

Also, up to you of course, but I kind of dare you to try and judge that scene on its own, rather than "related" examples and whatnot, maybe even just because, this is what the film has shown and dealt with and well, make your mind up as well, and good luck.


I failed the challenge.


Fair enough, how was my YouTube vid?

And I guess you'll probably continue to fail the challenge AnubisRaydeen as I imagine in the next couple of years or so you are unlikely to try and track down that movie, even on DVD-R at DVD Planet site or some obscure links or even if I (dare) to upload it to YouTube?

And assess the melodramatic and controversial nature of that scene in it that made me cry.

Good luck in future. :)


I can MAYBE one day tell you what happens in it and who does what to whom (and why) and get into several details about why it made me cry, but I would rather not do so for reasons mostly two-fold, one to avoid spoilers and two to avoid budging you or others with some rather depressive and disturbing and controversial stuff the scene happened to deal with, even if (and I would leave it up to you to decide how well or not the film handles it, as well as what you think of the film overall itself) it was overall really just a plot device...

And wait till you see AFTERWARDS who it was that really DID kill those cops (again, I wouldn't want to spoil) and analyze if you want that scene from the perspective of that main character (ala, did she kidnap me BECAUSE she found out and suspected I was trying to frame her for those killings and decide to turn me over to the police or does she want something else from me? Ooh, deep Freudian stuff there) but anyways...


Well… that was weird.


Yeah, almost on a David Lynch-like level, right? And yes I'm a fan of him.


It's for the better. ElSofoque or whatever his name was has been crying since.




71. TheMan18 will post exhaustive lists of things in a thread called "100 things you learned about MovieChat" that have nothing to do with MovieChat and have never been discussed on MovieChat



That confused me also.


His contributions should be removed! He took up almost 20 entries.


Never been discussed? I only saw discussions of them for the past 4 years or so like every day.
