MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 100 things you learned about MovieChat.

100 things you learned about MovieChat.

Let's see if we can get to 100 like the good old days of IMDb.

1. Apparently people think "Talk about anything here...except politics" means we can talk about anything here especially politics.

2. People with less than 5 posts love to tell us how much this place is dead.

3. Kowalski really loves the eggplant emoji.

4. AndyKing1967 really likes Asian Babes Vol. VIII.

5. Samoanjoes isn't really Samoan. And his name isn't really Joe.

6. There is a massive hatred from some users when they see dictators trending.

7. Waiting for making another reply takes too long.

8. People really like the "what are you all listening to?" thread.

9. Jim pulled a hit and run on us.

10. StoneKeeper likes to rap.

11. It's really easy to accidentally hit "ignore".

12. nyctc7 is from New York, but moved to Reno.


33. TheMan18 is trying to channel René Descartes.


34. 10200 is planning her next cruise right now


35. If someone dislikes your taste in films, MC law states that you must immediately tell them to ‘go and watch Transformers’ instead.


You don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you should let watch Stargate instead.


Um...Ok, I will.


36. No amount of interesting media banter can escape being connected somehow to your personal Covid responsibility in high dudgeon.

37. Posters who capitalize words at random can easily be ignored with no loss of information nor context. (not to be confused with he who capitalizes all of his words. he is ok, sorta)


#37 made me laugh. So very true. Are we sure that Random CAPS isn't really a Hyperdyne Systems 120-A/2? Because the A/2s always were a bit twitchy.


Most of us are convinced that RANDOM CAPS is an unstoppable terminator best avoided👍


Ha! That's what I'm thinking, Shoggie.

Kowalski's caps are consistent, but she/he who shall not be named is all over the place!


If we could only lead it into an enormous smelting factory and it chased us into a big stomping machine...'Your terminated CAPPER!' *Boom!


Doesn’t that just cap it all!


Oy Vey!

Several of these posters hate my guts and I never use the ignore feature...That one? Gotta be honest, I've been tempted and 'ignore'-buttoning is against my personal code lol, no lie, I'd rather fight them off then run away

I see that one's handle and I scroll down very quickly! It gives me a headache and buries me in sanctimony every flipping time😵‍💫


It’s the lack of humour or self awareness that’s so bloody exhausting.

I am also tempted to break my Ignore button rule.


I wont but dang, I'd rather fight with 1'000 angry cranks than wade through another of those Bot posts

Jumping Jeebus, imagine if that one is actually a human?!?

How does it even get internet access ?


I think a lot of people have decided not to engage.


That's where I stand too


Oh, btw I found a link *cue a massive wall of text, with random capitalised, bold, italic words, leading onto a non related topic that I want to discuss because remember, bot lives matter*


Holy mackerel!
I've sprained my index finger scrolling quickly through that ones endless, off-topic posts

If it's a program it must have an expiration date, if it's human I cannot believe it's allowed internet access

Either way, Lord Help Us!


It constantly wants to change the narrative to suit its own ends - it’s soooo tedious.


DID YOU know that narrative means things
you don't care at all about? I'm an EXPERT in ancient LATIN. Here's a LINK I found




Oh man, that captures it perfectly. 🤣 🤣 🤣


#37. That's why Kowalski writes everything in capitals.


His cap habit is not random. I can deal with it.


I thought it was random at first too, but if you drop the uncapitalized words, what you have left is a coded message of the aliens that are among us.


Who's who and their favorite movies:

38. Shogun - Conan the Barbarian
39. AndyKing - The Wizard of Oz
40. Hownos - The Searchers
41. Tcrum - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
42. Damo - Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
43. Fred Burroughs - Robot in the Family
43.5 Kowalski - Cool Hand Luke
43a Allaby - Ben Hur
43b Kawada_Kira - Seven Samuri/The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly
43c StoneKeeper - Requiem for a Dream
43d Mrmojo - Jaws


Beyond the Valley of the Dolls is such a great pick for a favorite film. Russ Meyer would be proud! 👍


Forgot this one....

43.5. Kowalski - Cool Hand Luke


Good to know we can add a .5 in there when needed. 😄


honestly, if the only thing people remember about me is my btvotd devotion, i will be very very happy about that.


That’s what I’m saying. I have a framed poster of Faster Pussycat Kill Kill in my computer room, so I’m a Mayer fan too. And yes, I do associate that film with you.


I've never heard Andy bring that up.


She might be mixing him up with allaby


Nope. It's the kind of thing I remember.

Stones, I think yours is Eyes Wide Shut.


Nop but I mentioned mine COUNTLESS times. I’m sure someone else remembers. It’s a drug movie.


Requiem for a Dream!

Yeah, I have seen you talk about that versus Trainspotting.


Got it! ;)


i wanna say allaby's favourite is gone with the wind...

it's definitely in the mix for him. don't remember him ever mentioned wizard... though.

i could look at his letterboxd profile, but i'm gonna pin my answer as gwtw for now - i'll confirm that later, unless he comes in to set me straight.


Allaby's favorite is Ben Hur


if you're right, & i'm sure you are, then i am in awe of that memory bank you have. holy cow.


according to his letterboxd profile, allaby's top 4:

ben hur
gone with the wind (so i wasn't totally out to lunch!)
schindler's list


You are correct, Laura! Good job.


That’s what I meant. Gone with the wind. I knew that. And remembered it cuz I’m good too.


She is spookily correct.


you know it


How about me?


I dont know yours.
I know the others because they've written about it in General Discussion, many times. I think I would remember if you had put it out there, because I care what you have to say. It's not rocket science, this is a movie site, and I'm a movie nerd, so this is the kind of nerd stuff that sticks in my head. Nothing more.


Pick a Kurosawa flick and you have good chances!


I would agree with that.


I've mentioned it before, but not very often I guess. It's actually a tie between "Seven Samurai" and "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". :)


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is number 2 on my list. 👍


Is it Jaws?

I'm gonna have to update the list!


Laura! You are correct. 😄


Those are great films, will update list. 👍🏼


44. captainbucky is a fine fellow, a good sport and also a total bully... I can't stand that guy


I can't remember the exact quote, but there is a Spinal Tap quote on the DVD commentary that went something like: "this guy right here is a liar, a cheater, whore, but a really nice guy".


Yes to all of that! If MC was a Cowboy movie cap would have a black hat! For real you guys!!


45. If someone doesn’t care too much about the film you’re discussing, then you must counter with the classic phrase, ‘that’s because you just don’t get it’.


46. Sometimes people will make the mistake of continuing a thread by replying to the latest post instead of the OP's.


I've done this a few times😁




Someone said that to me for The Fast and the Furious.


47. Right now, AndyKing, MovieManCin2 or 10200 is preparing to travel somewhere pretty awesome


Just got back from the mini UK tour/staycation.


I envy you folks that just pack a couple bags and bolt...I'm a weirdo, unless I'm out of booze, smokes or require a pepperoni pizza I am NOT leaving the yard😬


We have a bag with all our toiletries, phone chargers and assorted paraphernalia permanently packed, so that we don’t have to keep packing and unpacking stuff and it means that there’s less to remember.


Before covid I did too. We do keep our camping gear ready to go, but we are finally looking at maybe getting an RV. This girl is getting too old for tenting, but would still need a tent for hiking, so who knows?


I'm looking forward to restrictions being eased on foreign travel.


Me too. I haven't been on a scuba trip since 2014. Travelling was still fun, but they were easier trips. Now that I'm feeling better I need to go somewhere, climb a mountain, swim with whale sharks, or just something. My travel itch needs to be scratched.


I’m getting excited just reading about it.
