MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Things you were disappointed to discover...

Things you were disappointed to discover?

For me, I was disappointed to discover that so many cool songs were ripping off beats/chords from older stuff (especially the 1970s). I've learned to make peace with it - especially if they're not ripping off the song entirely.


Gravity is not kind to girls with big tits.


Oops. I read this as gravity is not kind...


True 😭 (unless they are fake)


For me, it was finding out that almost nothing you're taught in elementary and high school will help you in the real world, once you're out on your own. That's how bad our school system is.


Wow, good one, very true. I thought about this with the pandemic, since I teach in elementary schools.


80% of the science I learned was stuff I studied at home.


So reading and mathematics are useless? Wow.


Algebra, calculus, and trig don't work in the real world unless you have a job that specifically demands such things. Exactly how many people do you know that are engineers, mathematicians, statisticians, meteorologists, rocket scientists, math teachers, physicists, and astronomers? Not as many as you think.

Most of what I've used so far as an adult is basic math, and that includes keeping an eye on one's bank account and balancing the checkbook.


I know plenty of people who use these disciplines, much more than you think. And I certainly know many who could have benefitted from this knowledge. It just floors me that people take on higher mathematics but claim they never have used it.


Much of learning is about stretching the mind so it will be limber enough to absorb more in the future instead of specific data tools. The world is full of trivial information but any of it we can acquire will enhance our ability to benefit from context. Some classic books are pretty crappy but at least good for this.

... but I cannot dispute your point on the state of our school system.


The one part that pisses me off the most is how they treat Consumer Education. It teaches a lot of things you really can use in the real world. Home Ec and cooking is also useful in the real world. And yet it's treated like an elective, a class not required to graduate. In fact, when schools are broke or have their budgets cut, guess which classes are thrown out first? Home Ec and Consumer Ed!


I wish school had taught me how finances work. How banks make money and to ALWAYS pay off your credit card! It seems so simple now, but as an 18 year old with all this ''free" money it put me in so much debt!


Agreed. I started school just before computers started appearing. Cursive Handwriting was a real big thing then and mine apparently was never neat enough. So much time and energy placed on something that didn't matter once I got to high school and doesn't matter at all now.

When we do hand write something at work I print it as it's easier to read, I hate trying decipher cursive now matter how nice it looks.

And all other times it's typed.

Still don't understand why we spent half a year on Romeo and Juliet either.


That there is no Karma, you can do whatever you want, and there's no day of reckoning.


almost all of us, though, have done things we would just as soon avoid getting payback over, speaking for myself, anyway.


When I was a kid I believed Women didn't fart


In my world my girlfriend does not poop or fart. She emits unicorn and rainbow dust.


that will change if she becomes your Wife


You're right - my ex-wife craps like a horse.


I don't fart. I sing in my pants.


Sounds of the Funk ?


I still laugh over the time my now-ex son-in-law said, "I don't fart. I poof."


I learned that in dating that even has a hope of something serious, get the farting out loud out in the open, as soon as possible. It saves a lot of discomfort.


Growing up thinking that policemen are always good guys.


I had a policeman help me move years ago. He was lovely. Even gave me a tv he was getting rid of.

Last year he was in the news. He was sacked for sending "inappropriate" texts to a young girl he had in his caseload.

So yes, I agree 😐


If I expected love when first we kissed,
Blame it on my youth.
If only just for you I did exist,
Blame it on my youth.
I believed in everything,
Like a child of three.
You meant more than anything,
All the world to me.
If you were on my mind both night and day,
Blame it on my youth.
If I forgot to eat and sleep and pray,
Blame it on my youth.
And if I cried a little bit when first I learned the truth,
Don't blame it on my heart,
Blame it on my youth.


having sex doesn't always lead to having babies


Funny, in the real world, there are billions of people who seem shocked when sex DOES lead to having babies!

Most of them are straight men, but not all.


one more would have been just fine.


That scifi space aliens movies are all lies (except Ad Astra.)

When I was a kid I can't wait the day we will find life, any kind of lifeform (bacteria, algae, whatnot) in the outer space.

Now I realised how vast and empty the universe is. And while it's highly probable that there are alien lifeforms, we have extremely miniscule chance to actually find / meet them. So tiny it's basically zero chance. Nil. Nada. Zilch.

Not just the universe is so vast in space but also in time. There were maybe living beings as near as Mars. But that might have happen a long long time ago. There may be life in, say, one of the moons of Saturn or Jupiter, but it can be in billions of years from now. Which is ultimately don't really matter to us.

It's as dissapointing as when you thought you have friends at school, but no one ever actually showed up on your birthday party.


good one. one of my pet peeves is NASA always dangling the (quite small) possibility of finding evidence of ancient life on mars. its more than a bit of a bait-and-switch for the actual science.
