MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do some kinds of car drivers/owners anno...

Do some kinds of car drivers/owners annoy you?

As a respectful driver who doesn't think that the whole road belongs to him, here a few kinds of drivers who irritate me (notice that some of them are potentially dangerous):

- Those who arrive to a pedestrian crossing point (I don't how to say but the zones meant for pedestrians to cross the road) and instead of stopping they seem to accelerate.

- Those who use their horn when the situation is totally out of yours or anyone's control (ex.: you're at a blocked road and can't go any faster than the traffic and the guy behind is impatient and uses his horn at you.)

- Those who think that a pedestrian light is actually a green light.

- Those who change de lane without signaling it.

- Those who use their car even when it's really unnecessary (ex.: they live one minute walk time from a gas station and only want to buy a soda and take their car for it.)

- Those whose cars are actually the only thing they have to offer and it seems to be their personality.


Those who remove the automobile silencer to enjoy the roar of the engine.


I could never understand why people feel the need to make noise. It must be a "look at me" thing.


I guess they are trying to make their "race car" sound like "Fast and Furious".


When trying to Increase engine performance one easy way is to allow air to enter and leave the engine more efficiently with less restrictions. However, there are still those who just want loud exhaust which I agree is annoying.


Everyone annoys me.


You sound like my kind of guy. I would try not to annoy you, but it’s probably too late now. 😕


After living in Texas and California; both capitals for bad drivers, I have quite a few drivers I greatly dislike:

- people who come flying out of a side street without stopping and checking both ways first
- old people who drive at 20 mph and refuse to let you pass them
- people in big, fat trucks that take up much of the road
- speed demons
- people who get mad at you because you refuse to drive 20-30 miles over the speed limit (I have issues with dying on the road, and refuse to drive 80 in a 50/60 mile zone)
- speed demons who cut you off because you weren't going fast enough for them
- people who put their lives in danger right in front of you just because they couldn't wait more than 2 seconds for you to move
- people who don't signal before changing lanes, and almost sideswipe you as a result
- people who speed up ahead of you, just before they gotta stop for a stop light
- people who stop their car right behind you as you're trying to get out of a space in the parking lot
- idiots who don't check behind them before backing out, risking either running you over (if you're on foot) or hitting your car if you're driving too

Most of the time I just glare at them and try to remain safe and vigilant on the road, and other times I gotta vent to somebody about it. Dad, on the other hand, can't quite keep quiet about his opinions of bad drivers. His philosophy is "everyone on the road is an asshole but me."


4WD (I think they are called SUV's in Amercia) when it's obvious the driver can't control the vehicle, takes ages to park it etc. Not to mention when they have one in a metro area which begs the question is that sort of vehicle really necessary?



the bad ones


People who get close to my bumper when there's so much traffic and no way to go faster. I slow down for those people just to make them a little madder.


Drivers fiddling with their phones, tailgaters, drivers who pass you on the freeway and then cut over so soon that you're tailgating them temporarily, drivers who don't use turn signals or flip them on at the last second (gee, thanks!), and drivers who don't stop at pedestrian crosswalks when someone is waiting to cross.

I don't like speeders either, but I'll happily let them pass me - I'm not gonna play cop and any violation is on them, so I don't care.

I've watched enough YouTube videos of drivers who lay on their horn when someone makes an idiot move instead of braking and taking evasive action. Seriously? Do they really want to deal with the results of a crash rather than doing what they can to avoid it?? I can't count the number of crashes I've seen that could have been avoided if a driver would have braked, even though they're in the right.
