As a respectful driver who doesn't think that the whole road belongs to him, here a few kinds of drivers who irritate me (notice that some of them are potentially dangerous):
- Those who arrive to a pedestrian crossing point (I don't how to say but the zones meant for pedestrians to cross the road) and instead of stopping they seem to accelerate.
- Those who use their horn when the situation is totally out of yours or anyone's control (ex.: you're at a blocked road and can't go any faster than the traffic and the guy behind is impatient and uses his horn at you.)
- Those who think that a pedestrian light is actually a green light.
- Those who change de lane without signaling it.
- Those who use their car even when it's really unnecessary (ex.: they live one minute walk time from a gas station and only want to buy a soda and take their car for it.)
- Those whose cars are actually the only thing they have to offer and it seems to be their personality.
Definitely the idiot phone use while driving. There was an accident just last week in my town because of cell phone use.
A woman with four children in her car took her eyes off the road to answer her cell phone. She lost control and the vehicle flipped over. Luckily no one was killed. But they all went to the hospital.
If it is that easy to lose control of your car on a bright summer day on a dry road, imagine wet, slippery, snowy conditions in the winter!
I've been on the main street in town shopping and I will see people backing out of their parking space while talking on the phone. For cripes sake, you were just PARKED a few seconds ago! Stay there and finish your oh-so-important call. And backing out can be a tricky proposition, especially in this town where a lot of drivers ignore someone trying to back out and just keep going.
Jeez man, that woman is an example of people who should have their licenses revoked permanently imo. She a danger for everybody.
In my town, drivers are really selfish and think that the road belongs to them. People passing on pedestrian crosswalks, on red lights, shamelessly skipping everybody without signaling it, etc. And there was an investigation that found out how little the police cares and don't do anything about it.
Too many peope are driving and shouldn't, honestly.
Sounds like we live in the same town! It would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous. People constantly run red lights and stop signs and not much is done about it.
It's not a major highway, but the road out of town has several red lights. There are stores like Wal Mart, a little shopping plaza, fast food places, etc. And it is appalling how people speed up when they are still a distance away when they see a yellow light.
When I see the light turn yellow, I stop because there is cross traffic. I can't count the number of times someone way behind me speeds up and passes me to run the light.
I'm going that way later today to do some shopping and I know I will see several people run those lights. There have been a number of accidents there because other people foolishly think green means go and they pull into the road just as someone is speeding through a red light.
Okay with you've just said I feel even more that we live in the same town lol. 😅 Yeah people who speed up to get the yellow light, even though it's cleary red when they pass, or becomes red while they're crossing. I was driving with my friend in his car last week and I was the passenger and he did exactly that. Before he even started crossing it already turned red. I was really frustrated at him and told him "dude... that was even partially an yellow light, this was straight up red!"
It like if people simply didn't even know the definition of the word "courtesy". No, every is just constantly in the hurry to reach their destination.
True story: the other I was about to cross the road on pedestrian light ( it was already on) and I even started crossing. I was on the road. Not one... but TWO cars turned and passed me by. And the second driving gave me a little douchy look like "oops ... sorry bra", to make matters worse.
Total idiots
Texting while driving is the worst and most stupid thing ever
I was SLAMMED by a dope playing with his phone once...I was stopped at a red light and glanced in my rearview mirror and this jackass in a VW was barreling toward me, eyes on his phone
Funny but true, your final words may literally be 'Oh Shit!'
They were nearly mine!!
There's a fast-food restaurant in my town located on a busy road. The drive-through exit is clearly marked RIGHT TURN ONLY because there are times when a left turn would be nearly impossible (and dangerous) due to traffic. There have been numerous occasions when I could have made a quick exit by turning right, but NO... I had to sit there and wait unnecessarily because someone ahead of me is bound and determined to make a left turn during a busy time of day. They think that the right turn rule doesn't apply to them.
So what is the point of having the sign? To decorate the parking lot?
I hate that too. People are not wary enough of making left turns. There was a restaurant on the corner from my apt building and I'd often have to wait in a long line for drivers to cross oncoming traffic when they could have gone straight and right safely.
What makes this so aggravating is the fact that the exit is clearly marked RIGHT TURN ONLY. And it's marked that way for a reason. There should be no question as to whether turning left is okay or not..
It's simply another case of selfish entitlement and "the rules don't apply to me."
Yup, and slow lane drivers who use it like the express lane, blowing by cars trying to merge on from entry ramps, tailgating drivers who are slowing to exit off.
I've noticed that Jeep, BMW, Audi, VW and gigantic Pickup Truck drivers tend to be aggressive tailgating speeders...I really hate having one of those A Holes right behind me!
people who hit their brakes first than at the last second use their blinkers.
people who make turns and dont use the shoulders and stick out halfway into the lane.
people with car damage in a certain areas doing maneuvers that make you understand how they got it. example: someone with front end damage tailgating me.
another example. a woman holding her phone to her left ear then moving to the left lane that im in nearly hitting me.... then i notice her whole driver side was previously damaged.