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she was in THE NICE GUYS, and now MEAN GIRLS. this was interesting where to watch? i was impressed what a shitty ending standard 5/10 ending? pretty damn funny terrible hilarious View all posts >


good acting just not the sort of people we aspire to be like florida project saw again last night "pretty good" rating from me so much truth in this post fletchers revenge backfired. but he was impressed by the kids drumming at the very end. "i am defeated, but i respect my opponent" vibe very overrated. it couldnt make me care about any character. i agree with the "not believable" stuff. u r smart, like thomas sowell looks like u r another brainwashed dumbocrat this season at least 2 of the girls have gained 10-15 pounds in 1989, didnt a nail gun have to be hooked up to an air compressor to fire? a racist statement designed to make liberals cheer View all replies >