MovieChat Forums > Politics > TVFan is an anti-american authoritarian ...

TVFan is an anti-american authoritarian who rejects the first amendment and who wants to persecute LGBT people

One of the most prolific right-wing "pro-constitution", "we the people" posters on here is openly in favour of the Russian "LGBT extremism" laws. To note, the "LGBT extremism" and "LGBT propaganda" laws in Russia outright ban LGBT expression and culture in public life entirely. It's not a case of just changing how kids are exposed in school to LGBT issues, it's a total ban on anything that indirectly promotes LGBT issues in any positive or 'normalising' light.


TVFan openly supporting censoring the media. Source 2:

There were several other posters in this thread that implied support for it as well.

Since we have so many free speech purists on here who complain about Twitter being censored and influenced by the FBI, or worry about Joe Biden or the Democrats censoring conservatives, I assume you will all join me in condemning this obvious anti american and anti first amendment attitude, right?


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How am I targeting "the kids", fascist?

Keep in mind that the Russian "LGBT extremism" law that you support bans all LGBT culture and content **FOR EVERYONE**.


That shit is unreadable!


It's readable with a 'smaller' view.


wheres the far right ascii art generator ? truth network?


This is a very weakly regulated social network site, also it's one of the least viewed, and I think there is cause and effect there.


Another thin skinned Leftist snowflake call out thread.


Do you think the state should arrest LGBT people for holding hands in public, or shut down LGBT communities online?


Another fascist maga whiner.


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"Sexy" is subjective, though....


Who cares? What does this have to do with the threads actual point?


"There were several other posters in this thread that implied support for it as well."

Therefore you needed to call out tvfan?!
I'm neither a fan of tvfan nor the Russian ban of LGBTQ.
And it's not just a decision of Russia's Supreme Court anymore.
It's now a Russian law with a possible prison sentence of up to 12 years! ☻

Russia declared the LGBTQ community an international movement and extremist organization. The law opens the criminal hunt for those "enemies of the people".
December 27, 2023

That's hard to beat in terms of intolerance.
So, call out Russia again and not a user you don't like.


Evil should be called out. I have no problem with exposing evil people who happen to post on Moviechat (lol, if that doesn't prove how lame they are!).


Yah, I realized that you also like the typical Filmboards call outs. ☻


I'm sorry, but I don't understand you.


You understood very well what I said.
You don't want to understand it.


TVFan made his position much more openly obvious than the others.

>So, call out Russia again and not a user you don't like.

I do call out Russia. But Russia isn't here on the forum with us. TVFan is.

Do you, or do you not reject TVfans anti-American, pro-authoritarian attitudes?


"Do you, or do you not reject TVfans anti-American, pro-authoritarian attitudes?"

I've already answered that question above with my first reply to your bully OP. 👋​


I don't think it's bullying to identify fascist ideals amongst users on this website.


tvfan is a nutless wonder. I almost feel sorry for him.


at least I didnt vote for Dictator Joe.


Skavau is a retarded Briticunt who spews nonsense about things he/she/it has no understanding of and should mind its own business.

Most Americans don't give a shit about the alphabet people. We just want them to leave our children alone and live their lives without involving the rest of us. Tired of hearing about it. Got bigger fish to fry.


What happens when "our children" become alphabet people? Will you leave them alone by disowning them?


Right. This thread is about TVfan. Not "most American people". Are you going to support, or condemn TVfans position?


Oh, he's just spouting EurO-Pinions? I wasn't aware of this. Dumping him in the Disregard Bucket with Rorikon now lol.

Thanks for the update!


Not going to answer any of my questions, I see.


There are NO 1st amendment issues in Russia!
Do you support the right to show Muhammad's image? To wear a NAZI uniform?


>There are NO 1st amendment issues in Russia!

Russia has no protection for free expression. Something TVfan supports.

>Do you support the right to show Muhammad's image? To wear a NAZI uniform?

Yes I do.
