KiwiJim's Replies

Put it on the agenda for the next Klan gathering, I’m sure one of you is literate enough to write a stern letter to Hollywood about it. Fine, but my point was that the people bitching about others bitching about Trump would be raising exactly the same concerns if he wasn’t a republican and would not constantly make excuses for his idiotic behaviour and offensive demeanour. Simply, they would admit he is a laughing stock to the rest of the world. But yeah, he has changed political affiliation more often than most people change underwear, so if republicans (or democrats, depending on which way he sways) think he has anyone but his own interests at heart, I question whether they are being honest with themselves considering the volumes of evidence to the contrary. From your garbled thread title I would assume you’re throwing stones from a fine looking glass house there, buddy. The opinion of one rapper nobody’s heard of doesn’t seem to negate the overwhelming support Harris has from the black community: But good for Lord Whoever. That might have been correct if that’s actually what I said, but I appreciate the blatant twisting of my words anyway. Great work 👍 “whining on their phones or computers through social media” Which is unlike what you’re doing right now… how exactly?? To elaborate, this was the die-hard Republican saviour in 2004 “In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat. It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans." Is it any wonder people are astounded that rational people believe anything this conman says. His allegiance has clearly always been to himself, despite what political line he feels will benefit his own needs at the time. Well if Trump was a Democrat as he used to be, I’m convinced that everyone who supports him now would be just as incredulous about the other side choosing such an incompetent muppet as their candidate. Why say sorry? You did it on purpose. So you like to stir shit, big deal. Either that or you have a trans fetish. Regardless, no need to apologise. “As for the cake, I support the right of business owners to discriminate. And I'm against gay marriage anyway.” I agree to an extent. I mean, if a business had patronage from a convicted child killer I would support their right to refuse service. Queer people giving you the ick or commandments from whichever deity you pray to seem like bitch-move refusal reasons to me, but fair’s fair I suppose. If someone refused me service for any reason I wouldn’t fight it myself, I’d give them a polite fuck you and never shop there again. Yeah gay marriage reform was a missed opportunity for queers. Could have been the perfect moment to create a union structure unique to lgbt, rather than copying, or awkwardly shoehorning us in on, an archaic heterosexual institution that has ever dwindling success rates for the straights anyway. On the contrary, I’m not mad at you at all, I just find your proclamations ripe for parody. Still, I’d be fascinated to know what you think makes you such an authority on women. Is it your penis? It’s the only logical explanation. And while I don’t profess to understand women (or men, to be fair) I do know how to treat people as individuals as opposed to constantly grouping genders like cattle while proposing a whole bunch of largely negative theories about the modern female condition. You’re always protesting at how others make your posts personal but, c’mon, the volume of your posts about women alone makes it seem like a completely personal issue for you. Hooray. What’s my prize? Please say it’s a copy of your new novel ‘The Modern Woman: A Comprehensive Critique of Everything Female’. I hear it’s a real page-turner. 😂 100% more entertaining than the original thread Isn’t it fucking obvious? It means queer people can shop there and not be hassled by nimrods like you. I suspect the Trump bedrooms are even further apart after this announcement. You know so much about women and how they think and everything they want. If I didn’t know you were so alpha I’d suspect you were hiding a little triangular secret down there yourself. Got my tickets for the next sermon though guru, front row!! That sounds wonderful. Shame he didn’t do all that when he had the chance on his first rodeo, but your unconditional loyalty to the Don is very sweet. Nothing Trump says is funny to me. Besides, is that what we are using as a gauge for the value of a candidate? Whether they make you laugh? In any case, I don’t see any evidence to suggest Trunp is a better public speaker or indeed a more competent, trustworthy politician than Harris. I think if America votes that idiot Trump back in after the insurrection event then they deserve everything they get. Yeah bizarre as fuck, like when she was at that rally talking about border control and started rambling about Hannibal Lecter.. sorry the “late great Hannibal Lecter. He’s a wonderful man.” That was her, right? Ask around, I’m sure most people remember the incident fondly. It was the comedy hit of the year, bigger than Barbie!!