KiwiJim's Replies

“I think she just lost a lot of fans and will prob go broke in a few years due to the backlash.” Sounds like a classic JoJo prediction there, like that one about Barbie being a massive flop. Thank fuck for the edit button, ay mate? What makes you think I’m angry? I find your fractured psyche quite fascinating actually. No doubt at all. I laughed so much I almost shat. Post more like that. Scum needs to be easily identifiable, if only so the Amerigirls of the forum can flock to it like flies on shit. Yeah stating that black women should be kept on leashes is a laugh riot. You’re a regular Carrot Top. Whoa, take it easy mingey, there will be no sifting through your posts, I’m just not that invested. But that’s amazing that you quote movies. YOU are amazing. Please let me know how to subscribe to your newsletter. Mingey for president!! Lots of love to you too 😘 I know! That really made my day 🤣 🤢🤮 Ok cunt :) Better get back to that larger purpose of masturbating while disparaging other ethnicities in a forgotten corner of the internet. You’re making a difference mingey. Are you sure? Your weak-arsed race baiting appears distinctly minge-worthy from where I’m standing. Pussy is as pussy does. Well you know what they say, if the minge fits.. No I always thought you were a grumpy, twisted old fuck, actually. Sorry for the confusion. Not that you have too much time on your hands or anything, ay CuriousMinge? You’re telling this story, buck tooth Billy. “Even your girlfriend/sister thinks you are a retard.” Well she should know, she is his mother after all. It’s a start. Yes, but be honest, you would say the same even if she won fair and square. I don’t particularly like either of them. I can’t really agree that Trump is hammering Harris, especially regarding his flip-flopping on the abortion debate. I believe Harris was correct in saying that his position is whatever benefits him personally at the time and that nothing he says on the issue of reproductive rights should be trusted. No I think he’s rambling and looking more divorced from reality by the minute. It’s certainly entertaining though. Comedy highlight was Trump taking credit for his world class Covid response. Remember, that virus he insisted was just a flu that would be gone in a few weeks, the one he suggested might be sorted with a hot shot of bleach? Hilarious how dumb and forgetful he believes his supporters are.