MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > women want mahogany...

women want mahogany...

it's super obvious if you examine the facts, and history:

- KINGS (the top men) used to have mahogany in their palace rather than some desperate sheep herder's grass hut. let's be real.

- droves of women line up for mahogany.

- dating apps have proven, and also related studies, and also also the obvious truth by using your own eyes, that ALL WOMEN would prefer mahogany*, the kings, the winners, the rich, healthy and successful. long/short they are driven to desire mahogany from the best of the best stock. that drive is hard wired but for another discussion elsewhere.
* it doesn't matter what they VERBALLY TELL YOU, because that doesn't always match reality

If men are wealthy enough to be able to afford to pay for mahogany, and the women are fine with that then, mahogany is the desired state of natural furnishing.

Am I in favor of this? Oh, hell no. But I'm not blind to the overwhelming evidence that the natural desired state.... FROM WOMEN THEMSELVES..... is mahogany.


why oh why would you NOT be in favor of women wanting mahogany??

seems a little SEXIST... doncha think? :D


I, personally, have no interest in mahogany, and am against it. OP was never about me or my interests, it's just a topic for discussion.


"Am I in favor of this? Oh, hell no."

You said you are NOT in favor of mahogany equal for everybody. You also said you hate trump, kamala, and anyone who's name starts with the letter "X", and people who don't brush their teeth. You incel.

Men and women and Cheetahs are all equal, and here's a fish as proof!


Cool - hope others are also OK for it, including any controversial statements on the order of "Laws not always being fair" and the potential topic of female gender in say less than always 100% positive light in plain view.


Less than 100%?!?!?!?!?!





100% more entertaining than the original thread


Nope. I'm telling you, particle board is where it's at. Just cover it with a finish to look like real wood. Women won't know the difference. 😁😁😁


Mine doesn't like wood paneling - is she defective?
