Batfleck's Replies

im not trying to be conflictual and say your beliefs are wrong. My philosophy is i want to believe as many true things as possible and as many few false things. and what is true is that which comports with reality, and can hence be demonstrated. So my biggest issue, and you are absolutely free to say/ believe it, is you are making claims you cant possibly demonstrate. and are equal to any other theists claim, or someone claiming "i just feel a magic dragon created everything" without evidence <blockquote>he so-called 'god' (superior intellect/advancement) does exist but has moved on to greener pastures</blockquote> how do you know this? what evidence do you have? To us, him moving to greener pastures would look identical to 1. it never existing 2. it existing and not wanting it known 3. it existing but only making itself known to the people and believers it wants. <blockquote>Just glad we're alone in the universe because we sure as hell would dissect, reverse engineer, steal because we humans must come out on top due to our fear of the unknown.</blockquote> How do you also know this? what evidence do you have? according to our best observations and guess, there is 7 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 planets in our universe. im not exaggerating thats the number. how could you possibly know this? it is when its something i never said, implied or said i supported or was down with. and he completely dodged what i was asking before this to say im okay with all these things i never said or brought up. he invented this dellusion in his head. i gave you such bad PTSD you can only reply to others i replied to hahaha thats how badly i emascaulted and fu**** you up. i literally left you in fear of me. hey remember when you admitted to stalking me around Moviechat when i blocked you and you said its cause i kept brigning you up all the time? and when i asked for one example you bitched out? HAHAH little puss if you dont understand his point, you might be retarded..... the point is both catch on fire. arguing catching on fire is some particularly novel thing to EV ones is disingenuous and untrue. try and keep up half wit. i agree homes are obv protected. but i could see both sides saying "well why aren't cars then? i have the right to travel and privacy and not be harassed or detained for no good reason. and saying "i denied yu consent to search isnt a reason to say you can get a dog and search me" im just playing devols advocate i see both sides position. he is objectively a right wing libertarian extremist........ but nice conflating me objectively describing his political ideology, with just shouting "racist". you are a loser scumbag. Tik is a right wing libertarian extremist. im sorry im describing a spade a spade and what he is. he has said he wants all teachers, police, firefighters and even judges and military privatized. even by libertarian standards he is extreme. Im not in trouble at all. see i actually know wtf im talking about. and why i provided quotes by him to back up that he is talking out his ass and extreme. you shouldnt reply. you just got embarrassed. and theyd rather fight and defend their country have the chance to win then be subjugated russian btiches. cant say the same for you though huh? yaa they know you are unstable. keep going "So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year? With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves? You like those practices on a global scale?" LOL remember this clown where am i wrong does your family know your struggles?? you are mentally deteriorating. good you deserve it no the ppint is im not an extremist. gunna man up bitch>? hhhahah no you cant im about to go to my families for thanksgiving. meanwhile you beg for attention on here. and left and right doesnt matter, everyone literally hates you. yes im repeating myself because you lied and i asked for you to show where i said it. and you ran like a bitch. im sorry you have no spine and just lie like that. that sounds like a you problem little puss. so ill ask again, this time show you got a spine "pro-lynching racist Southerners." link to me saying this you scum yes i posted multiple videos and multiple pics from two different events. im sorry your brain is that fucking stupid you couldnt keep up LOL. your mom probably tried to give you bleach to abort you you claimed the photos were photoshopped. i provided a yahoo artcile showing it wasnt. awww stupid ass Keelai. you are such a failure and waste of space topic is inappropriateness for children. if me saying these trans shows is bad means i have an "obsession with sex and little kid" then you saying this lynching display is bad means "you have an obsession with lynching black people" i own you keelai. you are like a worse version of me in everyway. you are an extremist idiot who no one likes qanon? LOL you are a waste and you have no family who wants you yep you are a liar who cant prove what you said about me little scumbag this is why you are hated and no one cares about you