MovieChat Forums > Batfleck > Replies
Batfleck's Replies
soo democrats helped save the world and fight the evils in WW1 and especially WW2???? when you going to post in politics thanking dems for fighting the nazis
also thanks for leaving all the wars out that were under republicans. you really think we here are all as stupid as you?
what an incoherent mess of nonsense
not an aguement you little clown. i could say that about anything to pretend it will
"trumps never ate a child.. til it happens.. see trumps a child eater!!!"
you def top my list of MCs dumbest posts. im glad i gave you PTSD
you off your meds again?
invading authoritarian forces at polling stations, from a country that jails and assinates dissident politician are hardly a measure of actual support.
LOLLLLL make money? you are just parroting those unfounded stories arent you? Zelensky has more of a backbone and is more of a man in his one finger than your entire body.
you prob would have sided with Hitler too like a good authoritarian simp that you are. you like be authoritarians little bitch.
good thing we actually had people with backbones in the past (and now in Ukraine) standing up to bullies. did you have a weak father growing up who didnt teach you to be a man?
hahahha you got emasculate here. i couldnt imagine being as ignorant as you
you look so desperate to dodge like the coward you are
you gunna cry he name called you you little victim?
i dont understand how you did not get what he wrote.
hes not saying THEIR rational is flawed. hessaying YOUR rational is flawed. hes saying they could have created " could have devised a far more exclusionary voting system which they did not. "
so why didnt they if as you said "The Founding Fathers were terrified of anyone besides the elites voting. They believed most people were incapable of voting with intelligence and could easily be manipulated by a loud mouth tyrant."
i forgot skeletor is still lurking around
"You should check your behaviour, bad-spot.
You crossed a line, repeatedly.
Have a good one. 👋​"
wahhhhh wahhhh. the little victim
haha yaaa i got you permanently mentally destroyed and gave you ptsd. how weak you are
cope hill? cope? are you using terms you dont understand again?
everything you post is verifiable?? like your hawaii space lasers thing? and how i had to explain how forest fires work to you like a little child?
how about when i had to explain to you how C02 works and why we know its causing global warming?
im sure lots of fellow idiots thank you for posting the same dumb stuff they subscribe to.
haha you look like a coward who couldnt address my arguments. good everyone needs to know what a puss you are. LOLL i intellectually emasculated you and that clown parkerbot too. he does the same. just spams one thing cause he cant address what i say.
i cant believe you fell for Tiks nonsense. i can only imagine what a gullible shit life you have for real.
you were sooo offended and victimized that i made a joke you had to say "goodbye" and leave immediately and couldn't respond to what i said about Tik. yet here you were now begging for more attention.
you are so transparent in your pathetic cowardice. i couldn't imagine being someone so weak and pathetic.
to anyone reading it just looks like you puss'd out because you had no argument. which im sure being a puss and coward is your entire life
stay weak and fragile. it suits you
oh look who is back!! werent you leaving because you were so offended and victimized??
ohhh look at that still not addressing the argument where i showed Tik is completely full of crap. thank you for confirming you have no argument and are just afraid of the truth. stay fragile and get to your safe space.
ohh right i forgot you were the one who plays the perpetual victim!
good excuse to run away from my argument :) people like you always need to deflect to an escape to address the argument they know they cant counter.
ill reiterate again you clown since reading is hard for you
hes so extreme, ADAM SMITH THE FATHER OF CAPITALISM WOULD BE considered a "socialist" under Tiks definition. because he not only supported fiat currency, but also governments role in some regulation and providing schooling and institutions like policing and military. He believed that a government's three functions should be to protect national borders, enforce civil law, and engage in public works. all of which Tik says should be 100% privatized and the government doing this is "socialism".
THIS IS YOUR EXPERT??? hahahhahahahahahahah your mom def dropped you on purpose multiple times
ive given you outstanding posts. His own quotes showing his ignorance and why what he said is complete gibberish and libertarian extremist mubo jumbo.
hes so extreme, Adam Smith THE FATHER OF CAPITALISM WOULD BE considered a "socialist" under Tiks definition. because he not only supported fiat currency, but also governments role in some regulation and providing schooling and institutions like policing and military. He believed that a government's three functions should be to protect national borders, enforce civil law, and engage in public works. all of which Tik says should be 100% privatized and the government doing this is "socialism".
his analysis is so poor, that to double down and defend his libertarian ideology that seeps into his political economy analysis. he has to say absurd things like
<blockquote>Democracy is People Power. Except the People are the Public and the Public is the State. So Democracy is State Power. North Korea is a Democracy, because the State is in power. This is why the Founding Fathers knew that democracy was bad and called their government a Republic. Also, I explained all this in the video".</blockquote>
<blockquote>Capitalism is private ownership. Since you must pay taxes on property, income and business revenue, that proves that you don't own your own property, income or business. You're only renting property from the State. You're a working slave to the State, which is why you have to pay them when you earn anything. And the business isn't yours, which is why they can dictate to you that you must pay minimum wage to you employees, or say how you have to run things via regulations. We don't have private ownership, we have State ownership. Karl Marx himself defined capitalism as the system where money is chased for the sake of having money by the capitalists (Das Kapital volume 1). However, he also said that money (capital) is a commodity. Well, since we do not use commodity money (gold or silver) as our means of exchange, by Karl Marx's own definition, we do not have capital, and thus, cannot have capitalism. Karl Marx also called for central banking in the Communist Manifesto. Why? Because he wanted to use a fiat currency system rather than money (gold and silver). That's where we are right now. We live in a fiat currency world - meaning that we live in a central planner world (Socialism)."</blockquote>
Sheer nonsense. so of course an idiot like you falls for it LOL
"alll daaaa historians and economcists and political sceinctsts are all wrong cause i watched a youtube video derp"
its like me going to some extremist actually communist who just claims "everything not my very very specific extreme version of communism is actually capitalism so therefore Moa and Stalin were actually capitalists"
Thats literally what TikHistory did. ill reiterate, by his extremist redefinition, Adam Smith THE FATHER OF CAPITALISM WOULD BE considered a "socialist" under Tiks definition.
your mother clearly dropped you multiple times as a child.
you are free to assess how you like. im more concerned about having a coward who spreads nonsense actually account for what he says. but hes a puss who lies then runs away. if others know or see that it doesnt mean much to me.
as long as hes called out for being a spineless liar
yes he is a right wing libertarian extremist. Just like id say a communist is a left wing extremist, or far extreme on the left political spectrum.
i am sorry your authority on WW2 history and Nazi economics is a joke. who has said multiple stupid things that shows he doesnt even have a basic understanding of political economy/economics. and is trying to push a narrative.
i am sorry you are sooooo stupid you thing all of academia on the left and right, are all wrong for the last because some libertarian extremist made a youtube video. you are the classic model of an idiot and someone easily duped.