MovieChat Forums > The Notebook (2004) Discussion > The movie that ruined almost

The movie that ruined almost

... An entire generation of women. Seriously, the vast majority of girls I have dated since high school are really just looking for this cookie cutter, formulaic relationship. It's really quite sad. There's a reason why this is fiction. Ladies need a reality check. This isn't real life. This isn't how love is supposed to be. This is a book/movie. Please stop comparing your relationship to the notebook. And if you have the sensibility to not do this already, then you're one of the very few who can apparently tell the difference between reality and a d@mn movie.


I think most movies set us up for unrealistic expections, that's why I avoid them.


I partially agree with what you are saying, but you have to know that this kind of love DOES exist. It's very rare of course and most of the people never get to find it, but there are still couples among us that are actually in love passionately like this and will be for their whole lives. Plus, they too face many obstacles that just aren't shown in the movie. They had an argument remember? "Look at us! We're already fighting! Well that's what we do! We fight!"
The passionate love is very difficult and takes a lot of courage, whereas "the real love" as you named it has a calmer and duller course (she would have this with Lon).
Many of these girls (or boys) you are talking about wouldn't endure a year in this kind of relationship, and in the end choose to rather end up with the latter. Trust me.


Um, I don't know what ANY of you are complaining about. Try dating in today's world while being in a wheelchair. Spoiler alert: It doesn't happen. Romance? Forget about it. I'd be so happy if a guy took me to McDonald's on his bike, let alone Applebee's in a Prius, or something better. And the thing is, I'm constantly told by so many guys that they'd date me if I were exactly as I am and not in a chair. So, I know that you guys may be struggling right now, but you'll all at least find SOMEONE. Please keep that in mind.
-Carry on.-


I agree. This is a PROGRAM, one of millions out there that we 'imitate'. This is why the D.I.V.O.R.C.E. rate is over 50% within 5 years. Most people will not get this unless they are OLDER like I am...
