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DeSantis Wants to Raise Retirement Age to 70

And as a Congressman, he voted repeatedly to cut Social Security and Medicare!

Trump ad revealing the truth about DeSantis:

DeSantis is a sleazebag. He hates average Americans.


If people are living longer then it has to be considered.

Plus stopping what one has been doing is not healthy. Retirement isnt always good. Got to keep the mind and body moving and nk busy.


You're being an elitist.

Not everyone has a cushy desk job! There are millions of construction workers, laborers, agriculture workers, firefighters, sanitation workers, postal employees, etc. who are at a huge disadvantage because their work is physical or outside who can't work into old age. Imagine your house on fire and a 70-year-old carrying you outside.

And Americans want their Social Security and Medicare returned after paying into it.

This Trump ad effectively kills DeSantis campaign with millions of voters.


My understanding is that certain professions have an earlier retirement for that very reason - currently for firefighters, 57 in the US and 55 in the UK.

Not being argumentative, just stating some helpful facts.


Two issues:

1. Many depend solely on Social Security for retirement or they need it to supplement their pension. DeSantis' idea about dumping or diminishing it harms most Americans who rely on it to pay bills.
2. They can't collect Social Security because of the delay which harms them.


Gotta keep the slavery going, the cogs in the machine churning, the profits generating for the elites. No resting is allowed, work till' you drop while the fat cats above smoke cigars, chardonnay, and ho's. Ah, Capitalism. Good thing the elites are smarter than the average worker to keep them for forming up to rebel against the elites eh? I wish I was an elite so I could do the same thing, so gullible they are and easy to sway minds.


Totally agree. Notice how fiercely the workers in France fight to hold on to their retirement age. But, many Americans are willing not to fight or go along with the program that hurts them.


I suppose Biden wants to lower it to 60 and have a mandatory 35 hour work week?


No one ever listen to this clown.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.


Let me ask you a couple questions. First off, you realize Obama also had a plan to raise the retirement age as well. Because as it stands social security won't last. People are living much longer and thus keeping their benefits longer. Second question would be, what would be, what are your ideas to save social security. Don't criticize his unless you have plans of your own. And at the end of the day the final solution will see benefits cut somewhere.


Solution for Social Security and Medicare is easy.

1. Both are regressive taxes, therefore raise it for the rich to make it more equitable which would save both programs.

2. Lack of American workers paying into the programs could easily be addressed with the historical solution - increase immigration. There are plenty of potential future workers begging for jobs. They need jobs and we need workers. Win-Win solution for both of us.


Why would we increase immigration and pay them a living wage when we can keep them illegal and pay them chicken feed which they are happy to get? You gotta think sometimes Keelai.


Depends on the job. Many immigrants are employed in good-paying STEM and medical jobs. But, there are definitely many jobs which rely on cheap illegal immigration. The faux outrage from politicians crying over illegal immigration is a joke when they know it common in agriculture, construction, childcare, restaurants and factories.


The second idea is your best, however, both political parties only see immigrants either as a voting block or a wedge issue. Both parties have been giving out amnesty for decades, but the problem continues to come back in a decade or so. Our overall immigration policy needs overhauled. Make it easier to get in if you do it the legal way and make it easier to send them back if they break the law.

You're first idea just won't work. You want to tax the rich to pay for it. What then happens is what we are seeing now in our current economy. Prices of good will be jacked up and those same people will be paying for them, thus they will need a bigger cost of living increase.

Obama and Desantis are both right, the age needs to be raised. While they both have different ideas on the new age requirement, they know it needs to be done. Then once that happens both political sides need to stop their BS on taxes and spending. Yes we should raise some taxes.......BUT we also need to slash spending. If we continue this long enough maybe the retirement age could be lowered after a decade or two.


You misunderstood my first idea. I'm specifically talking about payroll taxes which I just found out was raised for 2023. The maximum amount you pay for Social Security from your paycheck is $9,932 whether you make $160,200 or $25 million like Tom Cruise. Cruise can afford to pay more so if it keeps SS solvent, I say raise the threshold. Biden wants workers earning $400,000+ to pay more.

Businesses have nothing to do with this since saavy biz owners don't take a paycheck since its taxed higher. They have other options to pay themselves which are taxed at a lower rate.

It doesn't make sense for every country to encourage a high birthrate for their economy. Instead of overpopulating the Earth, I'd rather see more open immigration for migrants who would be happy to work and pay taxes.

Gingrich had the idea that the GOP should not compromise not cooperate with Democrats in order to make them look bad. That type of nonsense is destroying the U.S.. Obstructionism instead of governing.


1) raise the income cap on the SS tax
2) loan money from federal budget. This was actually part of the comprom8se deal passed in the early 80s. They raised the SS tax rate (just when I was entering the job market) and elected to tax a portion of SS benefits. The excess income generated from the increased rate would build in the trust fund for 25 years or so, after which money would be pulled out of the trust to pay obligations as baby boomers were reporting. After the trust wound down, there would be a period of deficit made up from general treasury funds. After a period, demographics would balance out to where tax receipts equaled benefits paid out. THAT WAS THE DEAL THAT SOME WANT TO BACK OUT OF NOW AFTER I'VE SPENT 40 YEARS PAYING INTO THE SYSTEM!

The problem is that when we were paying our excess tax into the trust fund, they pulled an accounting trick that made it look like the deficit was lower than it was and used that as an excuse to give out massive tax cuts, mostly to high income people. They lied that the tax cuts would pay for themselves, but all it did was add 10s of trillions to the national debt making it now seem undoable to subsidize SS payments and add more to the debt.

We've been lied to and are being stolen from.


Great post!

I read that they won't be able to pay the full amount beginning in 2033. They repeatedly want to throw the working-classes under the bus in order to help the rich become richer.


The thing is, they CAN pay the full account if they go back to the promise they made 40 years ago.


DeSantis needs to go. While I applaud his fight against the woke degenerates, I don't condone the way he's going about it. He is a dangerous authoritarian subhuman who has no place in civil society.
He belongs in a gulag where he will receive one bowl of gruel per day.
