MovieChat Forums > arcticdragon > Replies
arcticdragon's Replies
Let me guess. You watched the Matt Walsh episode? That was a hell of an episode to remember.
You're the one who called them an idiocracy. Anyways, that's thrice you evaded the topic being discussed, and still offered no real solution.
Consider yourself rekt and move along.
Your idiocracy managed to change and force the way we use pronouns, and are ready to punish those who don't obey. They put men in women's bathrooms and women-only sports teams. And they encourage and push the way we raise our children to adopt their existential viewpoints and weaknesses.
You can admit they are idiots, but there's no denying their power and influence, and the necessity to challenge them. If you think this documentary is "trolling", then feel free to propose a better way to challenge something.
Proves how necessary this movie is, doesn't it? Since it fearlessly confronts and challenges the unknown.
So what's your solution? Besides declining to criticize something clearly worth criticizing?
Pretty much this.
Transgender advocates have trapped themselves in the unwinnable dilemma of proving there is no hard requirement or fundamental difference to be a man or a woman, yet insist that there still needs to be a man AND a woman.
In addition, the paradox that most, if not all, gender advocates fail to admit is that when you identify as a woman, or any pre-existing word, the idea is to identify as the same thing as somebody else. In other words, what characteristics make another person a "woman"? And which of these characteristics make a trans person also one?
It just can't be up to each individual person.
I know what hypocrite means.
The only slight mistake I made was assuming you were accusing Peterson of not being able to demonstrate cleaning up his own room by providing that picture. But also, you were the one who brought up the topic of hypocrisy first.
Peterson is still right. Change yourself first. The people he criticizes reject that.
Wow you talk like an infant. No wonder nobody here likes you.
I know the kinds of people he talks about and criticizes. These people are always trying to change the world for their own sake, rather than changing themselves. They demand that others change so that they themselves don't have to. They are the real hypocrites.
Peterson is not wrong about them.
Lame answer.
The cigarette smoker is no less a hypocrite for the exact same reason. "If you can't stop smoking, how the hell can you give advice?"
Good advice is good advice, regardless of who's teaching it, or how often the teacher misses a day or two. And cleaning your room, however seemingly trivial, is demonstrably a good psychological exercise for those who value discipline. They literally order you to do that in the military.
<blockquote>The issue is Right-wing thugs beating and killing people that are not exactly like them. Their fear and inability to compete in the modern free world has led them to want to destroy the whole country.</blockquote>
What the fuc does this have to do with this movie? This sounds like the usual fearmongering and opportunistic all-or-nothing attitude made by minorities. I.E. <i>"Every time you disagree with us, you give the green light for murder. So just agree with EVERYTHING we say!" </i>
<blockquote>What is the Left-wing gender ideology ... you fascists never are specific you always speak in meaningless handwaving generalities. You point at a couple of cherry-picked examples and try to apply it as the universal. That is so childish and ignorant, but Republicans encourage ignorance.</blockquote>
First of all, not Republican nor fascist.
Second of all, it's the left wingers who are never specific about their gender ideology. They're consensuses are:
<i>"I can't define a woman because I don't identify as a woman"
"A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman"
"Each person who identifies as a woman defines it differently"</i>
They gave themselves the futile objective of saying YES to everybody, and then go full hypocrite by saying NO to people whose obedience they need.
When trans people define gender their way, always agree with them.
When challenged, use the victim card, or whatever the fuc you just displayed in your previous paragraph.
And when women define themselves with chromosomes or bodyparts, fight back with dead end red herring arguments like <i>"What about intersex?!"</i>
And just about all of their "scientific" essays end with something like <i>"It's complicated. LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY!"</i>
That's what encouraging ignorance looks like.
Go for it
If a long time chain smoker tells his children that smoking is bad for them, is that bad advice?
Try asking left wingers what is a woman.
OP got rekt.
Not a stupid idea for a movie.
The "left" want their gender ideology to be a relevant topic, and to be as influential, popular, and pervasive as possible. And if that's what they want, they need to defend it. All things need to be defended. And as such, debates and criticism are both inevitable and necessary.
This documentary is very justifiable.
<blockquote>Why do people care so much about how others wanna live?</blockquote>
Because they WANT us to.
They changed the way we're allowed to use pronouns, and they monitor and even punish how we define man or woman.
They want it registered into universal empirical science that "trans women ARE women".
They want us to play along with their feelings in women's sports teams and bathrooms.
They enable, encourage and push the way we raise our children to become more like them. Just look up "theybies".
The list goes on.
It's no longer live and let live. It's (d)evolved to the point where it's now about <b><i>affirmation</i></b> and <b><i>normalization</i></b>. And to accomplish that, they NEED popularity, public approval, and lots and lots of controlled speech and thought policing.
"A dog is whatever is called a dog."
"A bomah is whatever is called a bomah."
"A kableh is whatever is called a kableh."
Do you see the problem yet?
Sorry if you're being sarcastic, and I didn't realize it. In that case, good one!
Not sure most people care about Page specifically. It's just the topic of transgenderism, how it impacts the lives of others, and what it forces them to do.
"Fantasy world" means they are living in denial of reality, but otherwise clearly still "exist".
But you knew that, didn't you.
<blockquote>If you say you exist, then you must know what it means so why are you asking what it means.</blockquote>
If "exist" means the same to them as it does to me, then it makes even less sense why they're complaining about losing their "right to exist". They are not at risk of "not existing anymore".
<blockquote>In this context, it means to live without being tormented, persecuted and harassed by the law.</blockquote>
If this is what it means, then why call it "existing"? That's not what existing means to me, nor what it means literally or even generally.
In any case, you're wrong.