MovieChat Forums > Politics > Amazing advice from Jordan Peterson, tak...

Amazing advice from Jordan Peterson, take note wokists: "if you cant even clean your own room"

"who the hell are you to give advice"

you cant make this stuff up


That's not a bedroom, it's a small office. I guess you're too poor to own stuff.


the point is about how can one who isnt organized themselves or in their surroundings claim to have answers to larger challenges. when they cant even tackle a small one.

LOOOOOOOLL you proved my point. thank you. conservatives have become a total joke and will bend over backwards to simp for their daddy figures. you think JP would have accepted? "keep your personal bedroom clean but the rest a mess"

you are failing harder than JP :)


Lol, communists do not believe in private ownership, sooo...


You do realise "cleaning your room" is figurative right?


no it isnt. its about being organized in your own life...

and even if it isnt. JP is a mental nut job who is crying in almost every appearance he makes now. hes unstable. so even if figurative, he isnt figuratively cleaning his own room, yet still lecturing others.

try again little Billy


"its about being organized in your own life..." Thats why "cleaning your room" is figurative.

Except JP isnt trying to virtue signal to others about things like climate change, like most idealist left-wing hypocrites do.
I don´t think someone who shows emotion when they publicly speak, means that they are "mental nut jobs" either.


no hes just trying to virtue signal on others things, like an idealist right wing hypocrite instead.. also your whataboutism of hypocrites on the left changes nothing. man made climate change is still a scientific reality, and Jordan Peterson is still a hypocrite. the worst kind. a life advice guru offering a father figure to weak conservative males looking for simple answers to complex reality.

hes not just showing little emotion breaking down in tears about almost every subject. talking word salad. thats what makes him a nut job.

ignore the commentary. watch the clips of Petersons insane nonsense and crying.


He's had a lot of health problems and is currently infirm. That does not make him a nutjob, nor does it invalidate his ideas.


yes by definition it does................

its like saying "he isnt sick and unhealthy! Ihe just had a heart attack and alot of health problems!!"

it actually does invalidate many of his ideas. its why I provided that quote. damn you guys are simping hard to defend him. by his own assertions, he has no damn authority to give advice.

maybe listen to him


How does it?


if you are so mentally unstable you are going on incoherent rants, and bursting into tears over seemingly mundane conversations, you are a nut job.........................

the fact you are so biased I have to explain this to you shows the lengths his defenders will go to deny basic reality to defend their daddy figure guru

if you meant the second part ITS IN HIS OWN QUOTE I PROVIDED

"if you cant even clean your own room, who the hell are you to give advice""

wow you are a joke buddy


The irony of you calling people "nutjobs", you are probably one of the least stable posters on MC. lol


nice addressing your JP defence. you have nothing. leave and save face


I made my point, no further need to continue with the resident troll.


"wahhh he disproves my nonsense!! troll!"

you guys make it so easy to intellectually destroy you. you guys have stopped trying ive given you such bad ptsd from embarrassing you


Yes having to read "English" without capital letters and full stops is definitely taking its toll on my intellect.


if reading 3 sentences that didnt begin with capital takes a toll on your intellect, you had very little. hahahahahahahahahaah you basically called yourself an idiot


Well, I´ll take solace in being able to write in correct English.


should I start going back in your comments and find mistakes? you grammar nazi nitpickers make plenty. whenever I do you flee like cowards.

the fact I dont care about capitalizing means nothing. I form better arguments than you! its why you have changed the topic and are hyper focusing on grammar! you have nothing clown. you got obliterate. save face and go away billy you embarrassment :)


"Better arguments" like ad hominem.


no like. his entire foundation has been about self responsibility. about getting ones own room in order, or ones own "house in order" before lecturing others. take charge and be organized and responsible for ones self, because you cant expect to do massive change, if you haven't even mastered your own "bedroom".

and hes a mess, literally and figuratively. crying at seemingly nothing. living in a stye.

that was the entire point. yetis point went over your small non functioning brain. actually I dont think it did I just think you knew you hd nothing, and changed the topic.

now again clown. save face and go away. your re out of your element here. grammatical nitpickers conservative losers like you are just a Monday for me. I see it every week

I destroy your nonsense and thats all you have.


No you.


LOL utterly destroyed. you look like a whiny like beta here hahaha.

YOU"omg poor punctuation and capitalization!!"

ME "can we stay on topic and debate the point I brought up?"

literal 8 year old response "no you!"

you got fucking rekt here


The conversation ran its course ages ago which is why my I replied in jest but if you need to convince yourself you "rekt" me, I don´t mind since you clearly need to stroke your own ego.


"no you!!"

hahahahah you are such a dull witted little clown.

so cant defend JPs nonsense I see? your concession is noted. you have no rebuttal. you are a joke


Being emotional, and sad, even crying easily, does not mean that your ideas are wrong, especialy as you did ALL of your work, when you were younger and healthier.

Anyone with a soul, would cut the guy some slack for his serious health issues. you want to critique his ideas, take a look at his older interviews. He does a fantastic job of presenting his ideas.

Especially the famous interview with Cathy Newman, they get really into is, in a good way.


I actually do feel bad for his health issues. I do not feel you would grant that some liberation to someone on the left though.


his ideas are wrong based on his own comments. thats the point.

anyone with a soul? his entire career has been built on being mean spirited and attacking people.

" take a look at his older interviews.He does a fantastic job of presenting his ideas."

no he doesnt..... hes a known charlatan.


The shit you say, just isn't true.


its a fact. any time JP leave his major, any expert says he makes no sense and talks total horseshit pseudoscience


example? To back up your shit?


Now you want proof. No lets just take his claim as gospel truth. Sound familiar?




Lies lol.


Normal people can tell the difference between offering a premise to agree to, and a conclusion.


Normal people also don't defend blatant corruption like you do. So long as someone is right wing that gives them a pass to be corrupt.


So, you're changing the subject? THat last one didn't work out for you? And when this one doesn't either, you just move on to the next bullshit attack? Piss off loser.


Nope I'm calling you out. You want proof from others but won't provide any yourself. You are a hypocrite.


Which is not what happened. AND, I note that the loser was unable to back up his shit.


Yet you don't back yours up either. Why should you be mad when you don't provide proof either? I'm holding you to the same standard you hold everyone else to. I provide proof for my claims.


I'm not mad. I asked him to back up his claim so it could be discussed.

I asked you to accept a premise, and when you didn't i dropped it and tried to make my point another way.

You are a fucking weirdo.


No you wanted me to agree with your claim without proving it. I agreed that Hollywood was liberal, you wanted me to agree that Zoe Kravitz was cast for a political reason without proving it. Generalizations do not count as proof of your claim.


Whatever. When you refused to accept the premise, I moved on. You, something is wrong with your brain.

Meanwhile, your buddy, can't support his shit talk about Jordan Peterson.


Nope I rejected your claim. I accept the premise that Hollywood is liberal that however does not prove your claim.

What was his claim about Peterson? You do realize he has been proven wrong about many things correct?


Whatever. That was months ago. You need a better hobby.


You need to start realizing how toxic your mentality is. Anything that disagrees with your ideology you automatically consider it to be bad. Then again your ideology is right wing=good left wing=bad. You do not go any deeper than that unfortunately. The world is not always in black and white. There are gray areas.


Except, you and yours are the ones that immediately respond to any opposition by crying wacist or some such shit. That is YOU being the one to see any disagreement as "bad".


When something is blatantly racist it would be dishonest for me not to call it out. See you are allowed to say America is racist against whites. If a black person says that all hell breaks loose. Ironically you were the first to call America racist not me lol. Comical irony alert. You also called black panther racist. The us vs them mentality gets old. Your camp does it to a toxic degree.


Blantaly racist? Obviously not what I was talking about.

So, you brought that up to avoid honestly addressing my point.


I did not immediately respond with your opposition by crying out racism. I questioned you. You then offered only a generalization to prove your claim. Once you realized I was not buying into that you attempted to manipulate me a different way. When that did not work you got upset.

I did no avoid anything. You did claim America was racist against whites and black panther to be a racist film. You denying you said those things now?


"Manipulate you"? LOL. What a drama queen.


No it's true and you know it.


Comical irony alert.


You truly are obsessed with pushing an agenda huh? Anyone who plays for the right you worship.


What's funny is that you actually think this constitutes a cogent argument.


it does little craigy. please explain what makes no sense. ill wait then destroy you


The only thing you ever destroy is your mom's supply of snacks.


and still cant address the argument :) I dont need to destroy you. you do it yourself little craigy


When someone uses "ad hominem", its changing the subject. When you do it, its of course totally fine. You are as much a hypocrite as you purport JP to be.


you dont "ad hominem" you use "an ad hominem". nope im not a hypocrite because you dont know what that word means. its not changing the subject. its a fallacy insult. how sad you are clown.

keep going dont stop. I want to keep embarrassing you.


"you dont know what word means". lol. What a pathetic rebuttal.
I know you want me to continue but you are too unpleasant to interact with for this long, so I am going to "save face" now. Good night.


yes you dont.. im not a hypocrite because i'm not changing the subject.

no dont go anywhere. keep embarrassing yourself clown.

"Ah yes, look who ran away to save face here. LOL"


You are the quintessential hypocrite. The clueless type.



LOLL you people are such follower. beta males to a T. you dont even know what you are agreeing with


What a ridiculous rabbit hole to go down. Before you lecture anyone, you need to own up to your own lies. You should have stayed gone.


LOL good one. I hope you get the help you need :* little doggy. bark again doggy.


C'mon lying coward, post that link.


little doggy listened :) bark again doggy. I love that my doggy follows me around everywhere


You have made such a fool of yourself. Your new tactic is even more desperate and pathetic. Delete your account.


good doggy. keep barking for master :*


Go away, you pathetic, lying coward.


good doggy. keep going :) bark


Jeez you're a loser. You are a pathetic failure and you continue to make a fool of yourself.

I'll be back to call you out for being a liar, later. Until then, stay the course. You're doing great!


thats all the attention you get today doggy. you barked well for master. come back tomorrow :) now get in your crate doggy.


What is a 'crate doggy'? Pathetic, illiterate liar. Delete your account.


If a long time chain smoker tells his children that smoking is bad for them, is that bad advice?


thats different. want to figure out why all by yourself or should I educate you?


Go for it


we can demonstrate cigarette smoking is objectively bad with hard science. its irrefutale

Peterson, in comparison, is giving life advice, hardly a hard science. and one of his main rallying cries has been as I said "if you cant even clean your own room, hw the hell can you give advice"

this makes him a hypocrite, the cigarette smoker isnt. unless the smoker had said "you shouldn't smoke cigarettes because they are bad".

either way it undermines JP completely


Lame answer.

The cigarette smoker is no less a hypocrite for the exact same reason. "If you can't stop smoking, how the hell can you give advice?"

Good advice is good advice, regardless of who's teaching it, or how often the teacher misses a day or two. And cleaning your room, however seemingly trivial, is demonstrably a good psychological exercise for those who value discipline. They literally order you to do that in the military.


wow educate yourself peasant.

you dont even know what hypocrite means.

if the smoker had said "If you can't stop smoking, how the hell can you give advice?", then yes they are a hypocrite if they then chastise somone for giving advice. or said "no one should ever smoke no matter what smoking is bad and anyone who does shouldn't be listened to". THATS HYPOCRISY. they arent a hypocrite for simply telling people smoking is bad for them, while smoking. you dont even know what

"Good advice is good advice, regardless of who's teaching it, or how often the teacher misses a day or two. And cleaning your room, however seemingly trivial, is demonstrably a good psychological exercise for those who value discipline. They literally order you to do that in the military."

his advice and crux of his foundation wasnt just "clean your room". it was "if you cant even clean your own room, how the hell can you give advice". you dont know what simple terms mean you clown. you should stop commenting.

it would be an issue if the drill sergeant tried to impose all these orderly rules, while they themselves were an unprofessional slob who followed none.



Wow you talk like an infant. No wonder nobody here likes you.

I know the kinds of people he talks about and criticizes. These people are always trying to change the world for their own sake, rather than changing themselves. They demand that others change so that they themselves don't have to. They are the real hypocrites.

Peterson is not wrong about them.


LOL you didnt address my argument clown.

you went on a tangent instead attacking me and talking about how you support Peterson.

you got destroyed here. Thanks for conceding :)

you dont fucking know what hypocrite means. spend 5 minute more doing research instead of responding to me.


I know what hypocrite means.

The only slight mistake I made was assuming you were accusing Peterson of not being able to demonstrate cleaning up his own room by providing that picture. But also, you were the one who brought up the topic of hypocrisy first.

Peterson is still right. Change yourself first. The people he criticizes reject that.


apparently you DONT> since you used that smoker analogy which wasnt hypocritical.

DEFINTION :the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform

lol the "ONLY slight mistake" you made? too bad Peterson never taught you how to be a man when you make mistakes.. now go away little boy.

Peterson isnt right by his own admission. his room isnt clean. hes a mess, in his environment, and mentally. hes a nut job crying at every single podcast he does now.
