Magicdave's Replies

I agree. There would have been other things for her to do, such as learning from Strange how to control her power, and maybe even at one point doing something that would save Strange's life from Nightmare. In the comics, Nightmare was one of the few that came the closest to killing Strange. Well, for one thing, this wolverine is not from our universe. He is from a parallel dimension. And, I guess in this reality the yellow suit is standard, though I have always felt that a bad ass like wolverine would NEVER wear a YELLOW outfit. Of course, considering that this is a Deadpool movie, they might come up with a funny reason for his wearing the suit. Okay... One of the funniest comedians that ever lived. His sense of timing and his ability to adlib were legendary. Interesting theory ... however inaccurate. While that might have had some bearing on Hitchcock's decision to make "The Birds", the screenplay is based on Daphne du Maurier's story. The only problem with your hypothesis is that if some of the secondary characters survive, then the "final girl" dies, then the final girl is the one that is left. Hence the final girl problem still exists. LOL! 6? Isn't that being a bit conservative? Well, now we know that was just one of thousands of RUMORS connected with the cinema industry that none of us should take seriously until they prove to have some merit from the actual industry. I cannot tell you how many theories I have read on here or viewed on Youtube that were ultimately wrong. This is, what I perceived from the trailer, a different Wolverine from a different multiverse reality. I would venture the same question to you ... what are your favorite movies? Do you think EVERY person who has seen your favorites like them? No, not necessarily. It's a matter of personal taste. Some of the other responses here must have also answered your question. Then don't watch them anymore ... Charlize won the Best actress Oscar for her portrayal. "the movie could have had a very hot lesbian scene" - this movie was not a porno film. Don't sweat it SJW, all the entries in IMdB for the "movies" that were supposed to be out with Miles Jonn-Dalton starring in them have all disappeared. I wish I had taken some screenshots of the "movies", but it really doesn't matter anymore. Had he done anything else, Captain Love's suspicions would have been proven correct. I grew up with Guy Williams' Zorro, and he will always be my first hero. But, I really enjoyed Anthony Hopkins and Antonio Banderas' take on the character. Gaga has actually proven herself to be a good actress. And we all know she can sing. The question should be "What are they NOT smoking?" Yes, if one puts any stock in statistics. If someone likes a film, that is all that matters. Well, as we all know now, Kong Skull Island was a passable monster movie. But I thought that Godzilla Vs. Kong was a bit of a cheese fest. Kong swinging a blazing axe? Who were they trying to make him into? THOR? Unconcerned by what others may think, I, a 72 year old man, have always loved this movie. The chemistry between Mr. Wilson, played by the wonderful Walter Matthau, and Dennis is the rock upon which this film rests. Christopher Lloyd's turn as Switchblade Sam is at times very scary, and at other times, very incompetent at his trade. And that is the comedy of this movie, besides the incredible situations Dennis puts Mr Wilson in, although without malice or anger. But, there is one sequence in this film that soars above all else. The heart touching, tear inducing scene when Mrs. Wilson reads "Winkin' Blinkin and Nod" to Dennis and you see how he is connected to his parents through the passages in the poem. Beautiful moment.