MovieChat Forums > emori > Replies
emori's Replies
Because awards are stupid and meaningless and they never give it to people who actually were good at something. They will just find some depressing show with boring problems that no one watches and will give it awards. Thats why no one watches them and cares who wins.
Sadly but show went full woke in season 3. Its like a decease and virus that no show can escape. Even if they try to start as normal shows - as success comes they are forced to include woke nonsense in later seasons.
Same happened to last two seasons of Stranger Things, Boys and many other.
Homelander fans are basically now copy of how woke crazies see republicans. Its was almost hilarious.
MM even screamed obligatory "racist" as they were gasing down Soldier Boy. As no black character can be Normal Person in woke world. All of them must be obsessed with race and scream how everyone are racists and oppress them.
Honestly I dont even understand what powers they all have.
Specially Maeve. She is like Wonder Woman copycat. She is strong and thats it? She took against Homelander. But he took her eyes easily. So she is not invincible and cant heal. She can take hits that she cant recover from.
And Solider Boys is being simply invincible? He can take whatever hits and keep going. And then ruskies gave him power to take away powers from other sups with that light inside. Which made him powerful enough to take all powers from Homelander.
Nah. I think he is dead. He took his guts. You cant repair that. Its not some hand.
And the way how easily Homelander killed Noir who he considered a friend.... And the we have Deep and A-Train who Homelander despises and cant stand for being losers... Its 100% that he would killed them during one of his meltdowns. But producers are keen on their survival for some reason.
Well since he doesnt speak and we dont see his face/emotions then it was the way that writers tried to tell us his backstory, I assume. To show us how he is scared and was bullied by Soldier Boy.
And it was him talking to himself also.
I think it was nicely done and I honestly felt sorry for him.
Yes. Its a good show. Best Start Trek show that is not in the name.
I mean... look at how many mixed-race half-black people are in USA. Among celebrities, athletes, normals. They all had to be born when their white and black parents married and dated before that. So it had to be pretty common.
People who are now 38 years - had to be born in 1984.
Hollywood and lefties are so lied up that its hard to even know now what happened back there. Because people make their assumptions on movies. But those can lie. And basically only people who lived there in that time can tell actual truth.
And when you think of it - its kinda even shocking that ST didnt address Lucas race that much. They just treated him as regular human being without making him victim of racists as it it now basically every show does. With black characters around white woke lefties would made those characters to be harassed by evil whites for no reason.
Interesting point. We will see how their careers will go.
But it also depends of how much kid actors want to act as adult. Many just lose interest like Joffrey actor.
And when they want it depends of how much and on how many auditions they go.
The worst career I think will have Gaten Materazzo (Justin). He was cute kid for a moment. But this season he lost it and was...well... overweight. It was noticeable when he tried to run. And has face was bloated. And he is "one shtick" actor. I dont think he can act different roles.
Finn Wolfhard looks kinda fine to me. He developed fine career while still doing ST. Two "It" movies, Ghostbusters. And there will be sequel. I think his career is fine actually. But he needs shorter haircut.
Millie Bobby Brown has that Enola Holmes thing. But I dont know if she will have many lead offers once ST will end. She was not that charismatic in other roles. And with long hair in general. She becomes mandane and boring. Thats why they gave her short hair again. Because they saw that she cant get that level of sadness otherwise.
Noah Schnapp (Will) grew up the prettiest. But I dont see him wanting that acting much. He could book roles but doesnt audition I think.
Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas) looked weird and old on red carpets. But he was actually very good and teenager looking in season 4. His haircut was good.
Charlie Heaton (Jonathan) will have no career. He is charisma void and looks like he is 40 already.
Same with Nancy actress. She will disappear once show will end.
Internet called it so correctly )))
I laughed out when Will was giving his sad speech about being different then cried at the window )))
My condolences Will and actor Noah. We all thought they fulfilled their obligatory "gay character" that every show now must have when they made Robin gay. But they thought it wasnt enough I guess and made Will gay.
Next season they will probably introduce trans character as it feels like this is the new obligatory too now. Every show must have one.
Next season they will try to find boyfriend for Will. And when his friends will find out they will all be like: "You go boy. We always knew and supported you. Gays foreva".
Because its obviously it was like that in the 80-th)))) Of course not but they cant risk with any main characters not being on board because then woketards and press will declare them homophobes and cancel. So to avoid all hate - every single good character will support Will. Like in Umbrella Academy everyone were on board with Vanya getting short haircut and declare herself Vitor.
Its hilarious how Hollywood is forced to rewrite history because on woke terror. In one movie they show how poor black people were slaves and treated like trash just 150 years ago. They were not allowed near whites. Then in next movie they show how black counts, dukes, regular people are walking around whites no promlemos and being treated with all respect.
Like those Bridgerton, black Anne Boleyn, Fantastic Beasts and countless other.
Yep. That was my question too. "Where is Max's mom?"
It was distracting. They should have mention that she is somewhere in the hall. But not just have there a child with broken bones and in coma and no mother around.
Or maybe they let mom kinda.... die.... on that final moment. They mentioned 22 people to die and many wounded. Maybe she is wounded or dead.
I feel in general that show doesnt know how to deal with parents. They show them sometimes to let everyone know they still exist. But then we have kids wondering around unsupervised deep at night all the time. And Erica is smallest of them. Yet parents didnt care that she wonders at night when there is some cult murderers going on. Not to mention kids literally escaped from police custody at home. And it appears no one was even looking for them. No police, no parents. Next day they were wondering at that weapon store.
Maybe its easier for them to just kill off Max’s mom for next season.
Well one is sure - there have to be a time jump if they plan to wake her up. Because her bones are broken and she cant wake up and go on adventures. They would have to conveniently time jump some 4 month for her bones to heal. They were heavily broken.
I fast-forwarded when Eddie was dying. Because it was so predictable and so clishe. Eddie was created only so that they could kill someone off and they didnt want yo kill main character.
It made me angry and I didnt care. Every season Stranger Things introduces character that is either hated (Billly) or loved (Sean Austin) and then kills them off because they need to kill someone to make things realistic or whatever.
Eddie didnt stand a chance to stay alive from the moment he was introduced. Cast it too bloated. They would not keep him alive. I wonder what will they do with stoned guy. He doesnt belong in this world too. Maybe he will come back to his old life since he was accidental companion. Hopefully.
But yeah I noticed strange vibe too. Maybe its just the actors trying too much to play sad intense good-buy.
Comics make fun of everyone. Literally. For all their existence. But mentally ill woke clowns only notice they making fun of alpabet people and get in hysterics about it.
"Preaching trans ideology to others, and dismissing critics as transphobic" - there is the answer.
Didnt she start pushing that kids should be mutilated? By talking about "trans kids being oppressed" or something.
"trans kids" are normal kids that gets brainwashed by their parents, twitter feed, shool to think that they are opposite gender, because its like a cool thing to do. And people like Page want to mutilate them and force them to life altering operations.
And that fact that she is everywhere in press with her fake abs and weird voice trying to convince everyone that she is "happy real man" now.
And that fact that they changed her gender in new season of beloved show Umbrella Academy. Instead of killing her character off or letting her wearing wig. But nope, out of nowhere Vanya gets haircut and demands everyone to call her Victor now. And whole her family is like: "Cool. Hi Victor, nice to meet ya. Now what were we talking about before?". It was all very cringe and hilarious.
On a show she didnt even did operation. She just got shorter haircut.
I’m almost sure that none of her 'intense' depression, anxiety and 'struggle with food' went away. She is still depressed and has anxiety because her gender was not the problem. She was wold by woketards that it is and that it will go away once she will "become man". And then it didnt. She probably lies to herself now and in few month will struggle for real and will be afraid to go out again.
The "yelling man" thing could actually happen. If she was walking in some leftist city. And that man was mentally ill lunatic that walk around in left wing utopias. There are thousands of cases with aggressive crazy people that walk around and yell to themselves and often attacking people around them. I wonder what race he was. Because we know what race is most homophobic. He could truly thought that she was gay man and lashed out at her. Not because of transfobia but because he was mentally ill.
Fair point. She is 35 years old woman that looks like 14 years old boy. And she always has that frightening look as if she is afraid to walk around people. And those kind of teenagers are often picked up and bullied by other men or teenagers.
And she still thinks that men will treat her as petite woman. And will talk with her softly and gentle. Not realizing that men are not gentle when they talk between themselves. They can swear, trash talk their s*x life, their girlfriends, dates, politics. And then she is shocked to hear such language and runs away....
Oh, the torture. I cant believe she survived it. Give her a medal for bravery.
Who cut your balls, mate? It was embarrassing to read.
What those t american pink hair woketars dont understand is that there are other countries in the world beside USA. And they are not ill with woke-decease. They dont follow its insane rules. And when majority on men in USA will turn into woke-submissive betas like you - they will attack US and there will be no one to protect it. They will just scream wrong pronounce and purple haired american soldiers and they run away crying. screaming from being offended. Then those countries will set their own rules and all those woke idiots will just follow it. Because when they will yell - they will be put in prisons and keys will be thrown away.
That is your "female future".
Interesting point about "equivalent of blackface".
Its actually kinda is. "Womanface" is what it is. When that white woman Rachel Dolezal decided that she wants to be black, she was feeling inside as black and started wearing tan and curly hair then woketards called her racist, laughed at her and cancelled. And she was sincere in her adoration and respect for blacks. She truly wanted to be one. But nope.
Then same people praise every man that dressed up as woman and demand everyone to threat him as one. And attack everyone who doesnt.
Just shows how woketards dont follow their own rules and its all performative. They dont really care about anything. Now women, not trans. not blacks. Only for their own power.