MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > Gay story line developing

Gay story line developing

Between Will and Mike, its been disclosed. Watch for it. Not that anything is wrong about that.


But there is something wrong with it because it doesn't seem organic. I knew some pillow biters back in the 80's and the way they behaved, dressed and acted was a dead giveaway that they were gay. Now you have a character in this show that didn't have the right traits to be gay in the beginning but suddenly he's one step away from Richard Simmons. It just seems way to forced. Kind of ignores the gay folks claim that you are born gay, if that's the case he should have been showing the characteristics of being gay far sooner than now.


Netflix are trying to tick all the boxes before the show ends. They've got the lesbian and interracial relationship boxes ticked already, but they realised they hadn't got the male gay one ticked so they've forced Will into being gay. They're even ticking the disability box with Max (she'll be in a wheelchair next season). My prediction is they'll also try and throw in an Asian character next season.


a gay asian tranny in a wheelchair, there, 4 boxes checked


They haven't quite filled in the transexual box just yet, but they're trying their best. They've now got a male character with long girl's hair and El looking like a boy for most of the series.


I don’t think so. Will watched Mike declare his absolute love for Ell, and he didn’t look hurt over it. He looked like he really loved how much Mike loves her.
Regardless, it was a really great season and I can’t wait to see how they wrap it up in season 5. However many years away that is, lol.


He didn't seem hurt when Mike declared his love to El because he had already cried it out with his brother earlier, and in the previous episode he started balling in the van and tried to hide it. At that point, with El's life on the line, I'm not surprised Will not only held it in, but pushed Mike towards El.


Exactly. He’s through it. I definitely do not see Nike falling for him. He lives Ell..


I don't think he's through it, yet, I'm just explaining to you why he didn't seem upset at that particular moment. He was all cried out and there was something more important going on. I still expect him to be struggling with it in season 5, which I think is the last season, so I also expect him to finally confront Mike about it. I also think El will over-hear it which will create some drama.


Internet called it so correctly )))

I laughed out when Will was giving his sad speech about being different then cried at the window )))

My condolences Will and actor Noah. We all thought they fulfilled their obligatory "gay character" that every show now must have when they made Robin gay. But they thought it wasnt enough I guess and made Will gay.

Next season they will probably introduce trans character as it feels like this is the new obligatory too now. Every show must have one.

Next season they will try to find boyfriend for Will. And when his friends will find out they will all be like: "You go boy. We always knew and supported you. Gays foreva".

Because its obviously it was like that in the 80-th)))) Of course not but they cant risk with any main characters not being on board because then woketards and press will declare them homophobes and cancel. So to avoid all hate - every single good character will support Will. Like in Umbrella Academy everyone were on board with Vanya getting short haircut and declare herself Vitor.

Its hilarious how Hollywood is forced to rewrite history because on woke terror. In one movie they show how poor black people were slaves and treated like trash just 150 years ago. They were not allowed near whites. Then in next movie they show how black counts, dukes, regular people are walking around whites no promlemos and being treated with all respect.

Like those Bridgerton, black Anne Boleyn, Fantastic Beasts and countless other.
