MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, p...

Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, panic attacks, suicidal...

Not a well individual.

- Now, he claimed that starring in the 2007 flick and being forced to dress a certain way for it 'almost killed' him, while chatting with Esquire recently.

- He admitted that he suffered from 'intense' depression and anxiety, and would 'struggle with food' - losing so much weight that he 'collapsed multiple times'.

- The star said he constantly wanted to 'flee' from his body and that he would have 'severe panic attacks' over wearing girly clothes during promo for the film.

- He recalled being told by production company Fox Searchlight that he had to wear a dress to the premiere, which he called 'extremely f**ked up' and 'gross'.

Recounting a run in with a 'transphobe'.
He said transphobia is 'so extreme,' as he remembered one time when a 'really big dude' started screaming at him and calling him a 'f****t' while he was trying to cross the street.

Out of fear that the man would retaliate, Elliot said he didn't respond and 'stood completely still, staring straight ahead' as the man yelled, 'You f****t! Don’t look at me! You f****t, f****t!'

The man told him, 'I’m gonna kill you, you f**king f****t! I’m gonna kill you, you f**king f****t! I’m gonna gay-bash you. This is why I need a gun.' He eventually ran into a convenience store for safety.


I will say that a woman transitioning into the world of men better be prepared that men don’t talk to each other with loving affirmations. I don’t believe the crossing-the-street encounter happened as Page claims. But, don’t transition and presume yourself a man and then expect men to always be polite and gentle like what you experienced with your lady friends. As a skinny, petite, and effeminate man, Page is gonna have a hard time if he can’t handle some big dude yelling at him without pissing his pants and running for help from a Walgreen’s cashier.


Fair point. She is 35 years old woman that looks like 14 years old boy. And she always has that frightening look as if she is afraid to walk around people. And those kind of teenagers are often picked up and bullied by other men or teenagers.

And she still thinks that men will treat her as petite woman. And will talk with her softly and gentle. Not realizing that men are not gentle when they talk between themselves. They can swear, trash talk their s*x life, their girlfriends, dates, politics. And then she is shocked to hear such language and runs away....


That's because she's still a woman in her soul.


The man told him, 'I’m gonna kill you, you f**king f****t! I’m gonna kill you, you f**king f****t! I’m gonna gay-bash you.

Sounds 100% legit...

... Actually say what you will re Page but this is pretty sad.

Celebrities are so far removed from normal existence regardless of their gender status that they can spend hours spooling through social media and claim something like this was said. Even although 99.9999% of the world's population would know that not even a complete homophobe bigot would actually use phrasing like that.


I’m almost sure that none of her 'intense' depression, anxiety and 'struggle with food' went away. She is still depressed and has anxiety because her gender was not the problem. She was wold by woketards that it is and that it will go away once she will "become man". And then it didnt. She probably lies to herself now and in few month will struggle for real and will be afraid to go out again.

The "yelling man" thing could actually happen. If she was walking in some leftist city. And that man was mentally ill lunatic that walk around in left wing utopias. There are thousands of cases with aggressive crazy people that walk around and yell to themselves and often attacking people around them. I wonder what race he was. Because we know what race is most homophobic. He could truly thought that she was gay man and lashed out at her. Not because of transfobia but because he was mentally ill.


I’m almost sure that none of her 'intense' depression, anxiety and 'struggle with food' went away.

You're almost sure but you're still wrong. Transitioning improves psychological issues in people with gender dysphoria.


'Addicted to attention' more like it.


It's a SHE, not a he.


An actual man would have decked the cunt. If it happened and we all know it didn't.


So she already knew about her gender identity but still dated lesbians? Isn't that like rape by deception?

Has her ex ever commented on this after being revealed?


The modern left takes what should be rare, minor and easily cured gender dysphoria and ruins these people’s lives with hormones and misinformation all so they can push their mentally ill agenda.

This is happening behind closed doors in the public education abortion and universities of “higher education”.

This shit was never an issue until the Obamas were in the White House. Overnight we went from 2 genders to 200.

These people are unfit to have any presence around children nor should they have any voice of influence. They’re mentally ill and need counseling, not a bull horn.
