MovieChat Forums > LanceDance > Replies
LanceDance's Replies
That's not a good argument. His role was unnecessarily reduced no matter how you put it. Him being killed was what lead him to be sidelined. They planned on reducing He-Man’s role from the start, using his death as an excuse.
What's disingenuous is trying to invalidate people's criticisms over a weak technicality. People being outraged that he was killed and sidelined seems pretty valid to me.
I wouldn’t call this show a “reboot” since it doesn’t ignore previous continuity. It’s a continuation of the series.
Just thought I’d say that.
I don't watch Fox News or Australia Sky News. I also read a lot, though I haven't read Murdoch Press.
Quasimodo brought up one historian who, among others, has debunked the Stolen Generation myth. The truth is out there, and it's been out for a while. You no longer have an excuse to live in fear and ignorance, or spread misinformation.
I was impressed too. Glad to see some tv shows aren’t afraid to show hot curvaceous women in these prude-some times.
I personally was weary of the Force Awakens once I started learning more about it. Posters, promotional images, and trailers all hinted that it was gonna retread old ground, so I went in cautiously optimistic. Unsurprisingly, I was disappointed.
Since then, the subsequent sequels made half the profits, meaning they lost half the audience, and never recovered. The prequels in comparison lost almost a third of the audience from Phantom Menace to Attack of the Clones, then gained most of that audience back with Revenge of the Sith. The prequels also sold lots of merchandise and inspired the Clone Wars and Knights of the Old Republic, the latter of which is considered peak Star Wars storytelling. The Sequel Trilogy failed to sell merchandise, and theme parks based on them are under-performing even today.
Force Awakens might still have a good IMDb score, but so does Avatar, and almost nobody talks about that movie anymore. Then again, there's reports of rating websites tampering the scores for the sequel trilogy, so take that for what it's worth. Are there people that liked Force Awakens? Of course, we can see them here in the comments. But to suggest that most people still like Force Awakens wouldn't be entirely correct, based on how the later movies turned out financially. If most people liked it, why didn't they come back to see what happened next? Meanwhile, more and more people are coming out in support of the Prequels, despite their somewhat low scores on IMDb. While I might go back and adjust my scores if I feel like it, not everyone does that.
I wish I could like comments on moviechat. Good one 😄
The Left will riot either way. Though thankfully as more people step up to defend themselves, the Left will scale back on its destruction.
"chud" lol, such a cringe insult.
At least try to be offensive and come up with something more creative.
Well if you watch CNN, ABC, BBC, NBC, or CBS, you’ll be convinced you’re in a world where women, POCs, and LGBTs are constantly oppressed by straight whites with no end in sight.
You can either live in fear and ignorance, or embrace the facts and move on. The stolen generation is a myth, and it was debunked.
And yet the media and companies focus on that minority and pretend they’re the majority.
This small but vocal minority has had more power and influence over entertainment than soccer moms and nuns could’ve ever dreamed of.
Or better yet, play the 2009 Ghostbusters game. That’s the real Ghoatbusters 3, it was even written by Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis.
Afterlife wasn’t that bad, but it was aimed at children which was a mistake. It’s still better than the 2016 movie though.
None of that makes her woke.
Recent comics featuring her (and most characters really) have been super woke.
Since she’s another strong female character in current year, suspicions are high that the show will be woke. That said, she looked kind of sexy in the trailer, which shocked many people including me. We thought women weren’t allowed to look hot anymore since the male gaze is bad.
Really? Interesting.
While I don’t think she’s ugly in real life, I just don’t care for her looks. There are other female actresses, and other female cosplayers, that would’ve made a better hotter Yennefer.
The part I found unrealistic was how that black mage was attracted to her even when she was an ugly hunchback. They’re really trying to push that beauty is subjective and anyone can be hot.
They did something similar in American Horror Story where this hot guy was supposedly attracted to this ugly down-syndrome girl. I didn’t buy it for a second.
People have standards, that’s just how it is. Women never go for ugly guys, why should guys go for ugly women?
They were likely transported before they died. They’ll probably do a cop-out and send them back and wipe their memories so that the events of the previous movies can occur without issues.
We’ll find out soon enough.
Well, from what I know of the lore, Yennefer actually was ugly at first, then used magic to become hot.
That said, the actress playing her in the Netflix show is ok at best, not ugly, but not nearly as hot as her video game portrayal.
Agreed. The movie itself wasn't good (nor was it terrible), but ScarJo's casting was definitely not the race-washing the whiners thought it was.
They didn't say death caused them to go to another earth. What caused them to come to the MCU was Peter tampering with the spell which opened portals or whatever between universes.
In the trailer, Strange seemed aware that the bad guys eventually die in their universes, so sending them back means sending them to their deaths.
That, and Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell isn’t Japanese, she’s a robot with various aliases.
Japanese fans saw Scar Jo’s casting and liked it, saying she looked just like the character.
The Left likes to say that stories should reflect reality, but when you criticize it for not being realistic or making sense from a narrative perspective, they'll say "lol it's a fantasy, it's not real, calm down."
Not only are they hypocritical, but to them "fantasy" means no logic or consistency.