MovieChat Forums > Politics > So the Democrats created the covid?

So the Democrats created the covid?

Am I correct? I thought they cared about things like stopping climate change and a healthy environment. Not exactly the kind of thing one would normally do if they believe in that stuff. From what I hear, it's allegedly a part of their plan to further their agendas.


Yeah, right. The Democrats created a worldwide pandemic just so they could further their agendas. Whatever you hear is ridiculous.


It's funny when people say things like that. But I'm sure that they were using the vaccine as an excuse to profit.


The 2020 still hasn't been investigated by the Federal Gov yet. Odd?

An investigation will uncover the truth that the Dems has a crisis in reserve just in case. They didnt think it would be this bad though and it mutated and got out of control.


Is it actually possible people are this stupid?


i'm waiting on the kraken, Giuliana and Mike lindens evidence..its been "any day now!! next week!" for a year now!

not odd at all. there's no evidence. 60 court cases and turmp lost them all.

its like saying "officer my house was robbed!"

and the police come and say what was stolen. and you say "I don't know I have no evidence but I was robbed!"


Why not just investigate the election like they did 2016? Dems have nothing to lose if they are right.

Until then, the election was a sham and stolen with the help of the Chinese.



again. "come investigate that my house was robbed"

"okay so what was stolen"

'"well nothing but I know I was robbed"

61/62 court cases lost. cyber ninjas finds nothing

Until then, the election was a sham and stolen with the help of the Chinese."

HAHAHAHHAHAHA must be nice being a conservative. "I will provide no evidence, and until then I will come up with any assertion I want and claim its true"

go back to school kid. you are dumb as hell


There was no evidence in 2016, other than the fake Steele dossier, yet the 2016 election was investigated. Brandon said he was lose the election by chicanery and Hillary said not to accept the results of the election. Until this election is investigated, Dementia Joe is a fraud and imposter president.


why are you talking about Hilary? do you have any evidence that there was massive election fraud? yes or no? why did trump lose 61 cases.


Those were State cases, not Federal. Only the House of Representatives can launch an election investigation, but they haven't yet, cause they know fraud and collusion will be found.

Now there is no chicanery apparently, where did all the chicanery go?


sooo where's the evidence? im still waiting hahah. you are obsessed with Hillary.


Thats what an investigation is for. An investigation will uncover the truth that the 2020 election was a sham. Dementia Joe said he was lose the election by chicanery and Hillary said not to accept the results of the election.


do cops just randomly pull up to houses? knock on the doors and say "im going to investigate a rape"

and the person says "umm what? there is no rape"

"ya I know but im going to investigate for one

HAHHAAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH amazing how no republican genitor or state has found wrongdoing either! weird! and Matt Barr just came out saying there is no evidence and it was total horseshoe. Also still waiting on the kraken, Alex Jones, Rudi and mike Lindell breaking evidence any day now!

wow they could sell you a pile of shit and you'd swear it was a gold bar. your brain is fucked up.


No investigation by the dems means there was chicanery going on. Thats why Covid was released by the Chinese. They had to create a crisis in order to cheat by mail in votes. Just remember that failing to investigate the 2020 election is admission of fraud by the dems.



"no evidence means evidence!"


wow the Chinese all did that to help the dems win?! wow readjust your tin foil hate, and double up on the meds you are taking


They have to investigate first. Then they will find all the fraud and chicanery. Hillary said not to accept the results of the election.


"there is zero evidence! they have to investigate a zero evidence crime to prove the crime!"

again is that how crimes works? police show up at homes where no crime is committed with no evidence, and say "we are going to investigate a murder here!"

your brain is mush. you have given up all logic to simp for trump. you got duped.

you re obsessed with Hillary. I don't care what she said. she can say unicorns exist. and? but we do know one person who didn't concede. its trump. now try again


I'm just laughing at the 9 pages of side effects that were leaked from Pfizer....laughing because I didn't get vaccinated and won't have to worry about them but the sheep who got their multiple "boosters" are a ticking time bomb for whatever side effects they get over the next decade they can't sue the vaccine manufacturer for because they signed their rights away.


"Am I correct?"

No, you're not. You're taking a kook fringe theory and attempting to paint all Republicans with it. (Weren't you the one just whining about people being obsessed with their party alignment?)

The general prevailing opinion among Republicans and Conservatives is that the Democrats used the Covid pandemic to their political advantage. Trump was cruising along to an easy reelection, and then Covid happened. Democrat state leaders shut down businesses and the economy, knowing the economic downturn would hurt Trump. They blamed Trump for every Covid death, despite the pandemic being world-wide. (Funny how they aren't doing that now with Biden.) And the way they counted Covid deaths jacked up the numbers, making it seem as worse as possible. (Which they've stopped doing now that Biden is president.) Then they used Covid as an excuse to open up mail-in voting, making it easier for them to cheat without it being detected.

They certainly followed the advice of “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”


Blue state all leveraged Covid to their advantage and then they were complacent in the riots as they sought to brutally oppress those who oppose them.


Cook fringe.


I’ve always believed the notable events of 2020 were all planned to affect the outcome of the 2020 election.


Agreed. COVID, BLM, journalistic manipulation of truths and statements of and regarding President Trump... All were orchestrated and weaponized to affect the election.

I do feel it is entirely within the realm of possibility that COVID was the creation of an alliance between China, Globalists and the DNC to attain power in the USA.


No doubt the Democrats had a hand in creating Covid.


as I saw the title of this post in the politics section I said to myself "I bet everything I own there will be no citation".

it must be convenient being a conservative! you can just make the most bald ass ridiculous assertions and never provide evidence! do I get to do that as well? here ill give it a go!

I know you are joking but its amazing how this is what conservatives on here actually do.

"most deaths by diseases aren't actually that, they are actually by evil republicans who have a device that kills people. why do republicans kill millions of people a year?!?!"


Yes because Google makes you so smart. You can Google things. Yet never had an original thought in your head.


Essentially. It was funded by democrats, who later lied about it and still lie about it. Democrats certainly benefited from it the most. The only real question that remains is whether it was released intentionally.


Why isnt there more of an effort to find the origins of covid and hold those people responsible. Whether it was on purpose or due to negligence.

Dont put it past the elites. They look at the world like a civilization game.


No, no you are not. Jesus H. Christ, this is next-level nuts.


The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
