jimmyjuliano12's Replies

i didn't say "all" you fag! "females" spoken like a true basement living future rapist. you said we should listen to scientists, a scientist in the link i've provided says that transgender "women" are infact "women" you can be nice and as supportive as you like. but to say we should listen to people who deny science, just shows how naive you are. i've put up a good argument, you're just too emotional to understand it. you say we should listen to scientists, but i've given you the best argument in the world of how they are wrong, and now base everything off feelings. you're on your period? you know only women can get that right? or is that lies too? you've just lost you little queen! i'll tell you what is disinformation, telling us that a man with a dress on is a woman. in order to know if something is fact or fiction, we need a base of facts in the first place. for example we know that a man isn't a woman because of the chromosomes however with covid, there are no facts, no truths, so how can you tell me what is disinformation? i'd end the debate if i was as dumb as you, run along susy vaccine /ˈvaksiːn,ˈvaksɪn/ noun a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide IMMUNITY against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. IMMUNITY means you WON'T get it. even you recognize that people even with 2 jabs are getting it right? so there isn't IMMUNITY! so it's not a vaccine. holy fuck i'm talking to morons who can't find their asses with both hands calm down you fag When it comes to covid, how can you separate disinformation from real information? what information is there? do you know where it came from? did it come from a cave? a market? a lab? when did it appear? because many countries have very differing data on their "patient zero" and lastly, why? why do we have this virus? add to that, that they told us that the vaccine would create IMMUNITY, and now we know it doesn't. so tell me, i'm really interested, how are you gonna distinguish between fact and fiction with this virus when even fauci changes his fucking mind every 2 minutes? when we don't have a fucking clue what is happening? "lets listen to the scientists" is the most fucking dumb thing i've ever heard!! Opinion: Attacks on trans people are also attacks on science ...https://www.cnn.com › 2021/06/24 › opinions › attacking... 24 jun 2021 — Dr. Jack Turban and Professor Jules Gill-Peterson write that conservatives who claim to be "following science" in putting forth ... should i listen to this fucking loon, who thinks a man with a wig on his head is a broad? are you that fucking naive? solid information isn't copying and pasting things from people who have spent the last 18 months getting things wrong, time and time again. you don't even understand the concept of a vaccine, and what it's actually supposed to do. you're using words that you don't understand. I know for a fact that 7,8,9 months ago you were calling anyone who believed that the virus wouldn't make you immune "loony", now you've been proven wrong. everything we are being told is being proven wrong time and time again. The education system should give us enough critical thinking and inteligence to be able to look at something, an opinion and be able to weed out the rubbish from the truth right? If i told you that was france was a south american country, you'd know it was lies, you don't need someone to separate fact from fiction for you. But the thing with covid is, there are no absolute truths, 18 months later, what do we know? do we know when it first appeared? no, do we know why? no, do we know where i came from? no. The vaccine 10 months ago was going to make us all immune, it hasn't, so what does that mean? well like the saying goes, we only know that we know nothing. how can you stop disinformation or even know what good and bad information is with covid, when we have no fucking idea? and remember, another mans disinformation is another mans truth. some orwellian figure in silicon valley or in washington deciding what i should read, scares the shit out of me, as it should you! 5 or 6 years ago if you looked for something in google you'd get anything and everything. if you search in google or youtube "the vaccine won't work" you don't get a mixture of opinions, you only get videos of people "debunking" anything negative about the vaccine. No, the gender issue is very much part of the topic, when elite universities, mainstream media and even the state are validiating peoples mental health with "you can be any gender you like, you cares about science" then i'd have to serious question our society when it comes to understanding and fighting a pandemic. Capitalizing random words is what 14 year old girls do, and the funny thing is, i know that 10 months ago, you were calling people kooks and cultists for saying that the vaccine wouldn't make you immune. and you've been proven wrong. now you're losing the battle when it comes to "but it stops you from dying" because the mortality rate is still at 2% we'll see! we'll see in 6 months time when the "experts" realize that nothing has improved, like we've seen that immunity doesn't exist. Heres the thing, 10 months ago this board was full of people saying "the vaccine makes you immune and if you don't agree you're a kook" Now we've learnt that even double jabbed people are getting it, in some countries vaccinated people account for more new cases than non vaccinated people. So now even the die hard vaccine fans accept that it doesn't given you immunity, however they have moved the goal posts and they say "but it does make death less likely and the symptoms less severe" 1. the mortality rate globally is still at 2%, the same as less year, and 2, you'd need years of data in order to show it made the symptoms less severe. Before the vaccine the narrative was that covid wasn't much different to the flu or a bad hangover, now they want us to believe that without the vaccine we'll suffer an agonizing death thanks to this killer virus. in reality the vaccine has changed nothing, it's changed zero. in many european countries there are more new cases registered everyday than ever. but yeah i agree with you on the great reset. i agree, but when were our fantasies validated by the state and in elite universites? i don't care if a man wants to pretend he's a woman. but 20 years ago it wasn't validated by our society. we weren't teaching it in the education system, we weren't able to make the state validate it on legal documents. We have a narrative that has no problem validating your fantasies, wanna be a man today and a woman tomorrow? ok, you wanna be "culture fluid" like baldwins life, why not? you wanna identify has whatever? go ahead. it's all backed up by pretty much every part of our society, thats not always been the case. even 15-20 years ago, saying you were "gender fluid" would havemade people laugh. now it's totally viable. and not just viable the norm. i don't want support but i was right, thats all that matters. people like you preach science, and then try and claim that someone can be any gender or sex they like. i was laughed off a board of people who claimed the vaccine would make you immune, 9 months later i've been proven 100% right. we're living in a moronic world, you're a moron. i don't take the general population telling me i'm wrong as something negative, i see it as something positive in a world where we tell ourselves that men can be women. i love being part of the sane minority. hahahaahah!!! they told us that young people would be dying because the older people got the vaccine first, now it's not true, it's the older people dying. how have you got time to reply when you're constantly moving these goal posts?! you're an over emotional liberal child, biden tells you something, then it becomes fact. When companies started using minxoidil (a chemical that is thought to regrow hair and is used most commonly in rogain)they waited for 4 or 5 years of tests before they concluded if it worked or not. these vaccines have been around for a matter of months. nobody with any inteligence would jump to conclusions about it's affectiveness in so short a time. and i repeat, the mortality rate hasn't changed in a year. it's roughly 2% but heres the thing, if out of 100 people getting covid, 75 are vaccinated and 25 aren't... do you think we're seeing something positive? Those Vaccinated In Singapore Make Up Three-Quarters Of Recent Covid Cases Singapore has already inoculated nearly 75% of its 5.7 million people, the world's second highest after the United Arab Emirates, a Reuters tracker shows, and half its population is fully vaccinated. WorldReutersUpdated: July 23, 2021 2:09 pm https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/vaccinated-people-in-singapore-make-up-three-quarters-of-recent-covid-cases-2493025 let me guess? another leftist that would believe anything the government told him? hahahahaahhaahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!