MovieChat Forums > jimmyjuliano12 > Replies
jimmyjuliano12's Replies
you really think that the vaccine makes you immune? really?
You want me to post and quote public health agencies and governments, the same people who told us 9-12 months ago that the vaccine would make you immune?
is that how fucking nuts you? if i posted this last year....
Coronavirus: Oxford vaccine triggers immune response - BBC ... › news
20 jul 2020 — Results from the COVID-19 vaccine candidates tested in people showed that it triggered an immune response against the virus in all cases, results show that it triggered an immune response against the virus with.......
would you believe me?
Oxford experts a year ago claimed that the vaccine would make you immune. is that what you want? if it appears on the internet, it's true? you more than likely were quoting these things a year ago weren't you?!
I'm not gonna quote and offer "proof" even if it backs me up, from people who have been wrong time and time again.
it more than likely would be more affective against your STD, because we know it doesn't give you immunity when it comes to covid! hahahahahahaha
you're like a religious fanatic, no real logic.
I just see emojis, capital letters and someone who clearly is very angry. theres no debate just emotions.
good luck with that
what "support" do you want? you want me to post some link to some media source? the same people who have got it wrong at every turn?
I was laughed off a board like this in november for saying the vaccine wouldn't make you immune, i was right, so then with a litle bit of goal post moving, the vaccine doesnt make you immune, it just gives you less symptoms and it's less likely to kill you. but based on worldwide figures, the mortality rate hasn't changed, it's still between 2 and 2.4%.
in england where 90% of the population has at least one jab, they are seeing record highs of cases, at times 40.000 more than this time last year, what did they say?
"well because older people have got the vaccine first, we'll see more cases of younger people getting it"
but no, it was older people getting it, so they did a little goal post moving and ignored what they had said before.
i think you're scared, and i think you're ignoring the reality, the real data just based on wishful thinking.
deaths among those who have been vaccinated are rising and very quickly, i'm looking forward to see how the goal posts will be moved this time.
In most cases with another virus i would say that previous mutations would become weaker over time yes, but covid is very different, how many times have you read "this person died of the mutation" ?? you generally don't. it's become so chaotic that we have no idea which variant is killing people, and thats another thing, there shouldn't be so many mutations in so little time.
the only way of solving a problem is understanding it. but even fauci couldn't answer 3 basic questions, 1, where did it come from? 2. when it began and 3, why?
the chinese say that their "patient zero" died in january, the french believe that their patient zero died in october. we're experts at something we have zero idea about.
It's not a question if what i say is true, it's what has happened. go back and look at all the things our governments and experts said and predicted 6 months, 18 months ago. they have been wrong everytime.
i was laughed off a board like this in november for saying that the vaccine wouldn't make you immune. i've been proven right.
we have a mixture of goal post moving, wishful thinking, fear and ignorance. more and more people who have been double jabbed are dying. and the figures are rising. what will be the excuse then?
Last week in singapore vaccinated people made up 75% of all cases, for 2-3 weeks the UK was recording record highs of new cases, although 90% of the population has had at least one jab. cherry picking the data from one day in one country and ignoring the rest will make it rather easy to prove anything.
there have been and always will be peaks, but the vaccine if it is a vaccine shouldn't be giving the type of numbers it is. the goal posts are being moved so often that it's getting out of control
We have to generalize, because obviously we aren't going to go case by case right? like most people your argument is based on wishful thinking and posting links. our governments and scientific community have got it wrong at every step. everything they have predicted didn't happen. everything they told us would happen, hasn't happened. it's been the opposite.
emojis, random letters capitalized and "you're generalizing!" won't change the reality.
if the introduction of islam brings advancement, art, maths, medicine and all that crap to us, why do muslims live like shit in their countries and want to come to ours? shouldn't the beauty of islam have them living like kings?
don't talk crap
what people like you do, is to find the worst historical figure there is, and without the need for any inteligence, intellect, debate is to say "this person doesn't think like me, so he's hitler"
Bush was hitler, reagan was hitler, trump is hitler, everyones hitler, and you know what? it's what stupid people say when they can't debate, when they have no intelligence. the start, middle and end of every conversation with a leftist is that everyones hitler, hitler, hitler, hitler and hitler.
And it's ironic seeing how hitler was a socialist who believed in big government, in causing race wars and divide and conquer. just like the modern democrat party.
how many skin bones have you had in your mouth you little queen?
Look at the women he's dated? you more than likely wake up every morning with porn hub open in your phone, 3 or 4 tissues stuck to your fat stomach and the smell of cheap beer and oven pizza.
Godwin's law, short for Godwin's law (or rule) of Nazi analogies, is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Adolf Hitler becomes more likely.
But muslims did invade spain for 700 years, they did invade southern italy and sicily, greece, and many parts of africa and the middle east. infact the basis of islam, the caliphate is for islam to invade and dominate.
You liberals love cherry picking facts and history, islam was invading countries and implementing it's backward ideology when what we know now as the united states was a forest.
Islam is backward, we needed to send troops to their countries because their backwardness spills out and we end up with planes in our buildings.
The rape gangs in europe aren't christian white males
For every adam lanza you can throw at me, i can throw 200 nidal hassans at you. you're comparing a cold with brain cancer.
I was just saying that the role of the government had changed in europe, the french revolution being a major factor. it gave the state the role of God. but it was just one of many things, maybe the french revolution happened after the constitution convention but this same mentality and ideology was affecting freedom, it had millions of people wanting to flee europe, because they weren't free to practice their religion or weren't allowed to progress and improve their lives. I'd even say that the europeans who left europe a hundred years ago were a consequence of that.
The american constitution is a product of a group of people who didn't want to commit the mistakes the countries they had left had made.
It's not always about needing something, there should be extreme limits on what the state can dictate that we can and can't have. we've gone so far away from the concept that politicians are our employees and that they work us and are elected by us. we now have a very small political class dictating what the other 99.999% of the people can and can't have, can and can't do.
Like you already know, it's in the constitucion, and it's in there because america was founded by people who had fled dictatorships. they had seen the consequences of the french revoluction that handed too much power to the state. and it would be very naive to believe that it couldn't happen again.
Maybe people don't need an AR-15, but it isn't up to the state to tell us what we do and don't need. as for your last point a very ironic thing happened in 2012, when adam lanza killed 26 people with guns at sandy hook, that very same day in china, Min Yongjun killed the exact same number of people at chenpeng with a knife.
and i never said that you said ban all guns
you have a very strange logic! overdoses and hanging dwarf the amount of people that use guns in order to commit suicide. guns are rarely used. you have at least 200 things in your home that could be used as a suicide method. if somebody wants to kill themself there will always be something at home that will allow you to do it.
And i think that getting to the root cause of why people want to kill themselves would be more intelligent than wanting to ban something that is rarely used to do so.
i'll never understand liberal logic, it's like reading a book backwards and trying to make sense of it.