a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide IMMUNITY against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
Around about christmas, the main consensus about the vaccine was that it would offer immunity, we've found that not to be true, it's that the basis of a vaccine is... well for example everyone knows what chicken pox is, you can only get chicken pox once, because the body creates antibodies, that fight off the virus before it gets a chance to enter the body, and the concept of a vaccine is to take these antibodies, create a vaccine which then cuts the virus off in it's tracks.
But heres the thing, many many many many people have had covid more than once, what does that suggest? well that there are no antibodies, and we've learnt that to be true when many double gabbed people are testing positive for covid. i have a doctor friend working on the front line who believes he's had covid maybe 6 times.
So based on the definition of a vaccine, the vaccine isn't a vaccine, so what is it? many people say that the vaccine limits the symptons or severity of the symptons, well theres not enough evidence to suggest that, the scientific community really needs years, even decades to come to a sensible conclusion about the effects of anything like this. also you have to remember that before the vaccine, millions of people had and have covid without symptoms
People also say that it cuts your chances of dying from covid, the thing is the mortality rate exactly a year ago, in july 2020 and today july 2021, are roughly 2.4% worldwide. nothing has changed
As someone who works in medicine and has studied virology i'm amazed by the lack of critical thinking not just at government level, but in general. i don't know if it's ignorance or wishful thinking.
a virus which mutates into a variant with greater infectiousness would normally be expected to be more lethal. infection & replication, with attendant cell death, is the normal course of viral infection for hosts lacking immunity, along with amped-up immune response, and the side-effects associated with that.
evolution doesn't have a program or conscious aspect. those mutations that lead to increased reproduction tend to be conserved, and those that don't do not. that's it.
the OP is largely bunk. the vaccines are HIGHLY effective. hopefully you are vaccinated.
if the world population were fully vaccinated, these covid viruses wouldn't have the OPPORTUNITY to mutate into the more problematic strains.
the variants are real, they aren't 'scare tactics'.
In most cases with another virus i would say that previous mutations would become weaker over time yes, but covid is very different, how many times have you read "this person died of the mutation" ?? you generally don't. it's become so chaotic that we have no idea which variant is killing people, and thats another thing, there shouldn't be so many mutations in so little time.
the only way of solving a problem is understanding it. but even fauci couldn't answer 3 basic questions, 1, where did it come from? 2. when it began and 3, why?
the chinese say that their "patient zero" died in january, the french believe that their patient zero died in october. we're experts at something we have zero idea about.
It's not a question if what i say is true, it's what has happened. go back and look at all the things our governments and experts said and predicted 6 months, 18 months ago. they have been wrong everytime.
i was laughed off a board like this in november for saying that the vaccine wouldn't make you immune. i've been proven right.
we have a mixture of goal post moving, wishful thinking, fear and ignorance. more and more people who have been double jabbed are dying. and the figures are rising. what will be the excuse then?
Ok, listen lady. Do not even TRY to out-rid-dit-dit-doo me. The Nard Dog does not lose contests. He wins them. Or... he quits them... because they are unfair.
>>Worldwide death rate data from 2019 does not erode the severity of the coronavirus pandemic as the 2020 rate is a projection based on data from years prior to COVID-19 being recognised as an illness.
people say that the vaccine limits the symptons or severity of the symptons, well theres not enough evidence to suggest that
The EVIDENCE that PROVES this is the way that 99% of those who are in the HOSPITAL now here in the US are those who HAVE NOT BEEN VACCINATED.
People also say that it cuts your chances of dying from covid, the thing is the mortality rate exactly a year ago, in july 2020 and today july 2021, are roughly 2.4% worldwide. nothing has changed
Since people DIE from all kinds of CAUSES (traffic accidents, FLOODS, FIRES, HURRICANES, TORNADOS, DISEASES like CANCER, HEART DISEASE, STORKE, etc. etc.), trying to claim that MORE PEOPLE haven't DIED from COVID the past year is SIMPLY ABSURD without BREAKING DOWN what the ACTUAL CAUSES of DEATH have been.
Because lots of people also DIE from the FLU VIRUS each year, but since we've been wearing MASKS, that RATE has also DECLINED and is DOWN 97% from the USUAL amount:
>>Compared to previous years, where the numbers in the 2019-2020 season saw roughly 22,000 deaths, and the 2018-2019 season had more at 34,000 deaths, 600 is a 97 percent drop. So why is that happening?
Flu Deaths Dropped 97 Percent In 2020.
And with so many places being in LOCKDOWN, that also means LESS TRAVEL, which would also mean LESS TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, which could possibly also REDUCE that rate.
In other words, the way you've GENERALIZED the situation is also so AMATURE that all one can do is suggest that you find another PROFESSION that you'd be better suited for (due to the way that your complete LACK of LOGIC or ability to think in a RATIONAL enough manner also indicates this probably isn't a very good choice for you).
This is a movie board so we probably don't want to get too technical. I don't have a medical/science background so I appreciate posts that aren't too technical.
I do want to point out that the CDC does not keep track of annual flu deaths. They use a mathematical model to estimate the annual flu deaths.
There is also a shortage of doctors who work as medical examiners all over the USA so there are plenty of locations where the autopsies are signed off by someone who has zero medical training. This leads me to question the accuracy of statistics when the USA doesn't have enough medical professionals who can identify the cause of death.
We have to generalize, because obviously we aren't going to go case by case right? like most people your argument is based on wishful thinking and posting links. our governments and scientific community have got it wrong at every step. everything they have predicted didn't happen. everything they told us would happen, hasn't happened. it's been the opposite.
emojis, random letters capitalized and "you're generalizing!" won't change the reality.
We don't need to go CASE BY CASE to figure out that a 97% DROP in DEATH by the FLU Virus means TENS of THOUSANDS of people that usually DIE each year of the FLU didn't DIE WORLDWIDE the way they usually do.
And that FACT alone shows the reason why your FAULTY REASONING is FLAWED when you try to claim that the COVID VIRUS hasn't been a problem due to the way the DEATH RATE WORLDWIDE has remained the SAME.
Because obviously a part of the reason why that would be so is due to the way other DEATH RATES involving the FLU have DECLINED nearly 100% (which is due to the way the COVID VIRUS has people wearing masks which reduced the SPREAD of the FLU).
SO NO. It's YOUR IRRATIONAL LOGIC that's a FAULT here (not mine). And that's also made EVIDENT by the way you can't even properly create a SENTENCE.
It's YOU who is WRONG (not the scientific community or our government).
And it's also the reason why several OTHERS HERE have also pointed out how the things you've said are MORONIC and IDIOTIC.
Because it's also easy enough for anyone with HALF a BRAIN to see how the FLASE claim you make that you've studied VIROLOGY is nothing more than a LOAD of BS.
They are MOSTLY AMUSED at the way you thought you could GET AWAY with trying to FALSELY CLAIM that you've done something that you OBVIOUSLY HAVE NOT.
It's the same as when the SCAM MAN tried to FALSELY CLAIM that his wife could SPEAK several languages, and then people who KNEW the languages she's suppose to know pointed out how she DID NOT know them enough to SPEAK them properly.
And it's also AMUSING how you also FLING FORTH FALLICIES called THE ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM while trying to CLAIM your DEBATE OPPONENT is the one who hasn't given you a LEGIT COUNTER ARGUMENT when they have (which is how the RATE of the FLU VIRUS has DROPPED NEARLY 100% because of the COVID VIRUS).
But instead of giving us a LEGIT COUNTER ARGUMENT to that CLAIM, you LOSE the DEBATE by coming up with NOTHING but FALLACIES (with your SILLY use of "Attacks against the Man" instead of against the ARGUMENT that's been put forth).
In other words, your "ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM" attacks offer us FURTHER PROOF that you don't have a LOGICAL enough mind to ever be the VIROLOGIST that you try to claim to be.
Your input on the politics board would be appreciated. There are tons of bots representing big pharma or the government who are promoting the vaccine. I was actually accused of being a Russian by one of the bots.
According to the latest news reports, the Pfizer vaccine has lousy efficacy rates against the Delta variant in Israel so I don't understand why people are still blindly trusting this government. I contend that big pharma is going to be handing out jobs, speaking fees, prez library donations to the current US exec branch. Big pharma is also going to spend a lot of money on advertising on the networks so that might explain why some networks are promoting the vaccine.
They keep saying that 99% of the fatalities are the unvaccinated but I question the accuracy of that number. I don't think the government is capable of compiling accurate nationwide numbers so I think it's just a BIG LIE to scare people into getting the vaccine. The CDC is not keeping track of breakthrough cases that don't require hospitalization and they rely on a computer model to estimate annual flu deaths.
Most of the people who die from covid are old/obese or have underlying medical conditions so I don't see any benefit of giving young people an ineffective vaccine. I'm most concerned about the long-term effects of the spike proteins and that could mean increased risk of strokes, heart attacks, etc.
As NANCY said yesterday (when she speaking about the MINORITY LEADER of the HOUSE -- who didn't want to wear a MASK again -- and then SPITS out a LOAD of ANTI VAXX RUBBISH the way IDIOTS like him usually do):
And SPREADING MISINFORMATION like this also explains the reason why you've been accused of being a RUSSIAN, because PUTIN'S PAWNS are also busy filling up message boards with lots of ANTI VAXX RHETORIC in hopes of creating still more CHAOS here.
And when one reads the SILLY kind of RIDICULOUS NONSENSE that you've written, one can also see how and why PUTIN's PLAN to FURTHER DIVIDE the country is also WORKING for him.
what a load of hogwash. there are no antibodies ? the vaccines aren't effective ?
from the data below, we find that :
0.003 % of fully vaccinated people have been hospitalized from covid.
0.0007 % of fully vaccinated people have died from covid.
please stop the nonsense.
Hospitalized or fatal COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases reported to CDC as of July 19, 2021
As of July 19, 2021, more than 161 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
During the same time, CDC received reports from 49 U.S. states and territories of 5,914 patients with COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection who were hospitalized or died.
Total number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC
Hospitalized or fatal vaccine breakthrough cases reported to CDC 5,914
Female 2,881 (49%)
People aged β₯65 years 4,392 (74%)
Asymptomatic infections 1,164 (20%)
Hospitalizations* 5,601 (95%)
Deathsβ 1,141 (19%)
*1,529 (27%) of 5,601 hospitalizations reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19.
β 292 (26%) of 1,141 fatal cases reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19.
Last week in singapore vaccinated people made up 75% of all cases, for 2-3 weeks the UK was recording record highs of new cases, although 90% of the population has had at least one jab. cherry picking the data from one day in one country and ignoring the rest will make it rather easy to prove anything.
there have been and always will be peaks, but the vaccine if it is a vaccine shouldn't be giving the type of numbers it is. the goal posts are being moved so often that it's getting out of control
the data i quoted above isn't cherry-picked. it is cumulative, from the CDC. the direct inference is that, were the vaccine available from the start, our death rate would have been closer to 2K instead of 600K. and in any case, the death rate among the vaccinated plummets to a level that is almost negligible, relative to other health risks.
you don't post any support for what you are saying, so it makes it hard to take what you are saying at all seriously. which i don't.
i think you are full of beans, just to be xtal clear.
what "support" do you want? you want me to post some link to some media source? the same people who have got it wrong at every turn?
I was laughed off a board like this in november for saying the vaccine wouldn't make you immune, i was right, so then with a litle bit of goal post moving, the vaccine doesnt make you immune, it just gives you less symptoms and it's less likely to kill you. but based on worldwide figures, the mortality rate hasn't changed, it's still between 2 and 2.4%.
in england where 90% of the population has at least one jab, they are seeing record highs of cases, at times 40.000 more than this time last year, what did they say?
"well because older people have got the vaccine first, we'll see more cases of younger people getting it"
but no, it was older people getting it, so they did a little goal post moving and ignored what they had said before.
i think you're scared, and i think you're ignoring the reality, the real data just based on wishful thinking.
deaths among those who have been vaccinated are rising and very quickly, i'm looking forward to see how the goal posts will be moved this time.
no logic ? i post the numbers, the derivation of the rates from the CDC, this clown counters with some claptrap out of nowhere with no support, and then projects his lunacy back upon me.
priceless. unless you post some actual objective public health agency support for your nonsensical assertions, which you won't be able to of course come up with, we're done. so we're done.
You want me to post and quote public health agencies and governments, the same people who told us 9-12 months ago that the vaccine would make you immune?
is that how fucking nuts you? if i posted this last year....
20 jul 2020 β Results from the COVID-19 vaccine candidates tested in people showed that it triggered an immune response against the virus in all cases, results show that it triggered an immune response against the virus with.......
would you believe me?
Oxford experts a year ago claimed that the vaccine would make you immune. is that what you want? if it appears on the internet, it's true? you more than likely were quoting these things a year ago weren't you?!
I'm not gonna quote and offer "proof" even if it backs me up, from people who have been wrong time and time again.
and of course the vaccines trigger an immune response. whatever in the world would they be good for if they did not ? the differential death rates (three orders of magnitude lower) between vaccinated & un-vaccinated populations bear this out experientially, in smashingly successful fashion.
from the data below, we find that :
0.003 % of fully vaccinated people have been hospitalized from covid.
0.0007 % of fully vaccinated people have died from covid.
us population : 333M, covid deaths : 609K ==> raw death risk from covid : 0.18 %
which risk of death would you be more comfortable assuming - 0.18% or 0.0007% ?
please stop the nonsense.
Hospitalized or fatal COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases reported to CDC as of July 19, 2021
As of July 19, 2021, more than 161 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
During the same time, CDC received reports from 49 U.S. states and territories of 5,914 patients with COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection who were hospitalized or died.
Total number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC
Hospitalized or fatal vaccine breakthrough cases reported to CDC 5,914
Female 2,881 (49%)
People aged β₯65 years 4,392 (74%)
Asymptomatic infections 1,164 (20%)
Hospitalizations* 5,601 (95%)
Deathsβ 1,141 (19%)
*1,529 (27%) of 5,601 hospitalizations reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19.
β 292 (26%) of 1,141 fatal cases reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19.
Those Vaccinated In Singapore Make Up Three-Quarters Of Recent Covid Cases
Singapore has already inoculated nearly 75% of its 5.7 million people, the world's second highest after the United Arab Emirates, a Reuters tracker shows, and half its population is fully vaccinated.
WorldReutersUpdated: July 23, 2021 2:09 pm
Singapore has already inoculated nearly 75% of its 5.7 million people, the world's second highest after the United Arab Emirates, a Reuters tracker shows, and half its population is fully vaccinated.
It reported 1,096 locally transmitted cases in the last 28 days, of which 484, or 44%, were fully vaccinated people, while 30% were partially vaccinated and the remaining 25% were unvaccinated.
There were only seven severe cases requiring oxygen support and six of them were unvaccinated and one was partially vaccinated, the health ministry said.
"There is continuing evidence that vaccination helps to prevent serious disease when one gets infected," the ministry said, adding all of the fully vaccinated and infected people showed no symptoms or mild symptoms.
Experts said infections reported by vaccinated people do not mean vaccines are ineffective.
"As more and more people are vaccinated in Singapore, we will see more infections happening amongst vaccinated people," Teo Yik Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore (NUS).
"It is important to always compare it against the proportion of people who remain unvaccinated.... Suppose Singapore achieves a rate of 100% fully vaccinated... then all infections will stem from the vaccinated people and none from the unvaccinated."
The data also showed that infections in the last 14 days among vaccinated people aged over 61 were at about 88%, higher than the younger age group.
Linfa Wang, a professor at Duke-NUS Medical School, said elderly people have been shown to have weaker immune responses upon vaccination.
When companies started using minxoidil (a chemical that is thought to regrow hair and is used most commonly in rogain)they waited for 4 or 5 years of tests before they concluded if it worked or not.
these vaccines have been around for a matter of months. nobody with any inteligence would jump to conclusions about it's affectiveness in so short a time. and i repeat, the mortality rate hasn't changed in a year. it's roughly 2%
but heres the thing, if out of 100 people getting covid, 75 are vaccinated and 25 aren't...
christ, read my thousand-fold death rate reduction and quit asking me stupid questions.
you're yapping about singapore and no antibodies, and then we read your link and find the death toll amounts to this - zero :
"There were only seven severe cases requiring oxygen support and six of them were unvaccinated and one was partially vaccinated, the health ministry said."
This person is definitely one of the MOST PATHETIC people that we've encountered before.
They think they can come to a message board, PRETEND to have studied VIROLOGY, and NOT realize how there are OTHERS here who either ACTUALLY have DEGREES (or else who have STUDIED other SUBJECTS) who can INSTANTLY SEE right through the FAKE CLAIM that they've made.
But instead of CONFESSING that they're full of BS, they PROCEED to keep making a COMPLETE FOOL of themselves by REPEATING the same LIES again (as if by doing so that is going to make what they say so).
And where have we encountered this same kind of NONSENSE before???
Wasn't it also during the LAST ADMINISTRATION when we also had another MORON who occupied the OVAL OFFICE???
but i was right, thats all that matters. people like you preach science, and then try and claim that someone can be any gender or sex they like.
i was laughed off a board of people who claimed the vaccine would make you immune, 9 months later i've been proven 100% right. we're living in a moronic world, you're a moron. i don't take the general population telling me i'm wrong as something negative, i see it as something positive in a world where we tell ourselves that men can be women. i love being part of the sane minority.
In addition to FLINGING FORTH you're ARGUMENTUM AD HOMENIMS, NOW you're busy FLINGING FORTH still another FALLACY which is called "THE RED HERRING" with the OFF TOPIC mention of the GENDER ISSUE.
>>A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic.
Again, there's just NO WAY that anyone with the LACK of LOGIC that you DISPLAY could ever be someone who STUDIED VIROLOGY.
No, the gender issue is very much part of the topic, when elite universities, mainstream media and even the state are validiating peoples mental health with "you can be any gender you like, you cares about science"
then i'd have to serious question our society when it comes to understanding and fighting a pandemic.
Capitalizing random words is what 14 year old girls do, and the funny thing is, i know that 10 months ago, you were calling people kooks and cultists for saying that the vaccine wouldn't make you immune. and you've been proven wrong.
now you're losing the battle when it comes to "but it stops you from dying" because the mortality rate is still at 2%
we'll see! we'll see in 6 months time when the "experts" realize that nothing has improved, like we've seen that immunity doesn't exist.
What's ABUNDANTLY CLEAR to most of us here is how YOU haven't STUDIED VIROLOGY or anything else.
And you only PRETEND as if you have as a way to try and SPREAD your LIES and other MISINFORMATION about the COVID VIRUS, LIES which also LEADS to the DEATHS of other people, for which you should also be ASHAMED of yourself.
So WATCH OUT, because KARMA may also be paying you a visit pretty soon -- when COVID also comes calling on you -- due to the IGNORANT way that you've CHOSEN not to be VACCINATED.
Just like the case was where you OVERLOOKED the way there was NEARLY a 100% DROP in the FLU VIRUS (thanks to the COVID VIRUS and MASK WEARING) ...
YOU ALSO MADE the same kind of MISTAKE in ASSUMING that ALL FEMALES have PERIODS (which is also NOT the case -- because ONE THIRD of FEMALES also end up having their FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS REMOVED for one reason or another).
So what we have is a case of PROJECTION on YOUR PART, where you FALSELY ACCUSE someone else of being what you most likely are YOURSELF.
So HAVE FUN and ENJOY YOURSELF there in that BASEMENT of yours, because it's also ABUNDANTLY CLEAR to us by now that YOUR INTELLIGENCE is NOTHING MORE than a PILE of USELESS PULP.
Oct 17, 2019 Β· The percentage of women aged β₯50 years who have had a hysterectomy decreased from 36.6% in 2008 to 31.7% in 2018.
Decreases were also observed among non-Hispanic white women (37.5% to 33.3%) and Hispanic women (30.3% to 22.6%), but there was no significant decrease for non-Hispanic black women (40.4% to 36.8%).
What is life like after a hysterectomy?
Life After a Hysterectomy.
Certain aspects of your life will change after a hysterectomy. For instance, you will no longer have your period[/b]
you're on your period? you know only women can get that right? or is that lies too?
Since no one here wants to PLAY with you anymore, why not just GO AWAY and PLAY with yourself from now on and leave the rest of us ALONE???