Hybrid66's Posts

Jewish descent- Hollywood's most famous blue eyes... Tone deaf, talentless ''singer'' without autotune... As a footie hooligan in Green Street Revolting China: Ugly stats of a dirty people Revolting old plastic skank...NO class "The French have no word for Entrepreneur!" The blue-haired SJW dikes will hate this... His head looks like it's been in a vice Powerful pro-Tranny Freemason ''elites'' brainwashing us... How woke is this? My God this film has not aged well. Ever do a 'mafia impression'? Silly, mouthy cow [Spoilers] So... Rhaenerys will now opt for... Why do franchise's end up getting shitter and shitter Profile pic doesn't help Buck's weird sexual innuendo - to his NIECE?? Did the King really promise...? Harfoots = Irish Gypsies...Hobbits = Cornish/English? Who the fuck is he?