MovieChat Forums > Hybrid66 > Posts
Hybrid66's Posts
Dumas being mixed race
Stupid name
Obvious paedophile ring and powerful cover-up
Chancellor homo the impotent druggie
Smith clearly made this "serious" role to win back respect
So Qatar isn't Uber-Gay like the West? Good for them.
Footballers just can't shake off those gra$ping slags and skanks
Trump for 2024 (that's just his waist in centimetres!)
''Models'' are NEVER good ''actresses''
Looks gay?
The freemason old men in the cabal?
How weird and nihilistic is this dross?
One final push, Vlad!
Trumpy himself IS the limp dick...
Wasn't she 'discovered' when working as a prostitute?
Fuck ukraine
Love how the racist limpwrists are seething at this!
Could she have offered him anything MORE phallic?
Well? Is this film ever getting off the ground?
Can't believe that no-one has posted here!