Hybrid66's Posts

Boring ''plot'' and clichéd like a PS2 game Titless and cat-face? Absolutely stupid ''defence'' of Winterfell. Looks like a Downs? Is there any need for another Mclite Bio? "Bit parts in our own movie!" Bruce really was. a. shit. ''actor''... Should they reboot Indy as a Chinese-African disabled Communist lesbian? Shit ''band'' famous for make-up? Lol "Assigned male at birth"? Born a boy, more like. Great in ST but NOT sexy Do Yanks understand any of this banter? Werewolf wasn't scary enough No wonder your 'country' is a laughed-at shithole. Brilliant film and performance by Connery. Oh, FFS, is there any need for this? Complete c*nt banning everyone on Twitter Racist USA shithole hasn't changed or grown up, we see... She's half black (correct grammar): Get. Over. it! Lenny Henry's early TV shows were genuinely funny