Werewolf wasn't scary enough

I loved this film at the time. Still do, but as always over time flaws crop up.

I always thought that the eyes should have been darker, red maybe, at least the face should have been kept partially-hidden until near the end.

I always found it funny that the Dr's pint in the pub keeps refilling.


You gotta be fucking kidding, the werewolf in this is an iconic design! The teeth, the eyes, the noises it makes, especially that iconic howl. You see that thing coming towards you and you KNOW you're toast! The businessman knew it, the police inspector knew it. Heck, even the girl would've known it if it hadn't been for the police marksmen!


I'm not fucking kidding.


I think you are kidding. AWIL has NO flaws.


No, I'm not fucking kidding.

This is a DISCUSSION FORUM, whereby people have their OWN opinions about everything.


The werewolf still looks fine. The only real problem with it is the film's continuity errors rather than it's design.

When David first changes in the flat, and then later at the cinema, you can clearly see it's dark haired. But there's other times where it's a grey/silvery colour.


That's typical for werewolves in the reality of the movie. FTFY!


As a kid it was pretty damn scary.

This movie was up there with The Thing and Poltergeist as being scary. At least as a kid.


Sure but it didn’t hold up well for me. The thing and Poltergeist still do though as do the Shining and Texas chainsaw massacre


The Thing is still amazing. The visual effects in that could be the greatest of all time. That fricken dog scene in the kennel is nuts.


Nothing will ever top Lon Chaney Jr in The Wolf Man. That was the scariest werewolf ever depicted on screen


I was 12 when this came out. It was pretty damn scary even then. I still think it holds up great... and the transformation scene is still incredible.


Yeah I tend to agree!

I think they should have went with a more human hybrid like werewolf !

The werewolf portrayed by Oliver Reed was really scary and ferocious looking !


Yeah I just watched this movie again for the first time in like 20 years. I remember loving it as a kid but I had to force myself to finish it this time. It really did not hold up well for the most part. The subway scene towards the end was still pretty good though
