MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies
123Guy's Replies
excellent layout here. sounds spot on. though I am not up and exactly what liberal and conservative covers, I understand what you mean.
looking at this on a pretend flowchart design, where does all this liberal trend go? toward higher level functioning slaves for 1% or something? I don't see a useful endgame if the dumbing down is on purpose
did you see NO recreations of the first movie here? you are not grasping why people are calling it out. nevermind not worth the time
yup! Nailed it!
I guess I'm forever the naive optimist... when the virus struck, instead of thinking, "how do I take care of me", I thought, "Okay, what can I do to help others through this?" And assumed this would be the world altering system change that would bring families much closer together, gets people working with neighbors, make us re-evaluate our personal and professional priorities.
Then, people hoarded toilet paper. :P
In a sense, I thought people would becomes smarter, thinking through the issue, helping each other over come. Yes, in many ways, that is happening quietly in the back ground (THANK YOU health care workers whom I personally know are going through hell right now) but, sadly, overall, seems like the overall group of society is showing its collective true colors.
well put!
yet another big issue of the net IS a too diverse connections: where you cross paths and communicate/interface with people you NEVER would ever in real life.
like a golfer in a football forum. why? because "Internet." And the golfer is like "Football is stupid compared to golf" but really it should be more like "why is a golfer in this forum in the first place?" Internet allows anyone and everyone, all at once. We are not designed for that to work for us.
im kinda good an engaging with controversial things more than fun things. I'll work on that.
I understand, and I don't mean to actually berate people, but discuss a global situation. I'm probably average also, as I am aware there are people less mentally capable, as well as people above me at much higher levels. I'm sure they look down at my abilities, but understand (because they are smart) it serves no purpose to berate anyone, so they don't bother.
Being average, I'm stepping up to ask, why are people choosing to become idiots, rather than smarter? Above responses are pointing out some of the issues:
individuals make decent choices, large groups go off rail.
they listen to dumb people (idols?)
they don't research
TV lets you turn brain off instead of engage it
loss of reading, loss of thinking and imagination
smartphone subjugation
and more
if women sex someone, then later lie to get money.... ...are they prostituting themselves??
yeah, we got a ton of comforts and medical life that we totally take for granted.
That form fitted plastic thing your sandwich came in... who designed that, who made the machine that manufactured that?? that weird one use glue that keeps it sclosed... so many parts, It's really quite amazing. And we toss it out and it doesn't biodegrade. whoops. :D
average of people who actually take that test. :)
true true true.
maybe it appeals to our inner voyeurism of wanting to see how badly other people are doing compared to self?
I'm totally stunned by how people eat up the bad info over reality. Stunned!
I recall in the past how "Freak Shows" were interesting to people, then they kinda got banned, but they are back in social media and even news, and people gobble it up. It's literally a modern FREAK SHOW.
When the internet started, I recall seeing amazing potential - and truth told, it has enhanced life in so, so many ways - where I thought nations and people would all feel like one, sharing knowledg and we'd all grow at an astounding pace and become better. Now, looks like it is back sliding: we peaked, no where to go, but back down.
TOOLS are how we use them. Internet is a tool too.
It's uplifting to see REAL replies to this thread instead of the usual, "no, YOR STUPID!" type answers. People see the problem, ponder it, consider answers. Thank you all for that.
ah, very good point!
I have been seeing people worship the DUMBEST people, with zero skills or talents, like kardashians... yeah, nice eye candy, but having a show? Following them around in the life? why? then there is music, movies the race to the bottom for max profits....
maybe absorbing garbage from a phone all day is is doing the exact opposite of learning: just SEEING, instead of ABSORBING
is this because of acceptance, wanting to fit in?
Have you seen the trailers at all?????
Sounds like a fair review and about what I expect. Probably spoils some things, but I don't mind. Probably very complex SOUNDING but going no where interesting, like most of their catalog.
"Rape" is now a form of currency. Like cash, credit, or bitcoin.
Why are your types so afraid of being human?
I enjoy rewatching it. Even though I remember all of it. It's got fun memorable stuff.
Latest Bond... man, I barely even remember the plot of that thing... no interest in ever sitting through that again. I'll rewatch the old, original Bonds over and over for the stunts and gadgets over this new drama-Bond
yeah! I caught her in this on this last watch! hahahaha who knew
I'd like to block out those who keep posting political junk in movie chats. turning every MOVIE thread into Biden/Trump/sjw/whatever garbage where it doesn't belong in MOVIE chats