MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > why are people so dumb? theories?

why are people so dumb? theories?

the question is what it is:

why are people so dumb?

I don't mean persons with mental learning challenges, but the mass population as a whole.
This isn't a new thing, but it is getting worse and worse along side the availability to self educate is greater and greater.

Love to hear some time proven theories on this. REAL stuff, not "government sprays chemtrails" crap...
what about education institutions? is schooling to blame?
Why are colleges popping out social warriors instead of learned types? Maybe there is really only so much human space for brilliance, and the rest must be misdirected so they don't eat each other.

Other theories?


What was the quote from "Men in Black"? "A person is smart. *People* are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.”

I swear, the more people you bring into a group, the lower the collective IQ gets, and we're certainly seeing that when all of humanity has to face a plague together.


is this because of acceptance, wanting to fit in?


I don't how collective IQs fall, but we've all seen it in action on a large scale and small. Like if you're with your friends and you do something really stupid to impress your friends, which you'd never do if you were on your own? So I don't know why entire nations get collectively stupid at election time or in times of crisis, but we all start clucking over trivialities and ignoring the big issues.

You know how everyone says stuff like "So what if the oceans are dying, I'm all steamed up about [idiotic headline controversy that will be forgotten next week]!"?


yup! Nailed it!

I guess I'm forever the naive optimist... when the virus struck, instead of thinking, "how do I take care of me", I thought, "Okay, what can I do to help others through this?" And assumed this would be the world altering system change that would bring families much closer together, gets people working with neighbors, make us re-evaluate our personal and professional priorities.

Then, people hoarded toilet paper. :P

In a sense, I thought people would becomes smarter, thinking through the issue, helping each other over come. Yes, in many ways, that is happening quietly in the back ground (THANK YOU health care workers whom I personally know are going through hell right now) but, sadly, overall, seems like the overall group of society is showing its collective true colors.


I think a site like this could improve those who read it, if the content is good. I take it as a personal challenge to get people to consider things (or movies, music, comedy, literature, etc) they wouldn't consider before, hoping it spreads against the saturated tidal of bullshit.

I think people are smarter (or have the ability) than given credit for.


Cuzza the stuff is why. Not to get too technical, but persons get anti-brainified and extra dummulated when theys does things that they does. And stuff.


:) Thanks I needed that laugh.


That is my primary function.😜


If people listen to dumb people, they'll become dumb.

People need to keep reaching for higher and better. It seems no one wants to work for knowledge, and think "Google" is research. People who don't "get it" after 20 seconds, they just quit, and as a result, everything is dumbed down - especially movies.


ah, very good point!
I have been seeing people worship the DUMBEST people, with zero skills or talents, like kardashians... yeah, nice eye candy, but having a show? Following them around in the life? why? then there is music, movies the race to the bottom for max profits....
maybe absorbing garbage from a phone all day is is doing the exact opposite of learning: just SEEING, instead of ABSORBING


That's why I call "smartphones" stupidphones. They don't make the users any smarter; the opposite is occurring as more and more people become overdependent on these ridiculous electronic gadgets. Some can't perform simple tasks without implementing some silly "phone app." They have to carry the stupid things everywhere.

They are dumbing themselves down and the sad part about it is they are doing this voluntarily.


Exactly... (I don't think they're 'eye candy' - but I also haven't looked - don't want my soul corrupted).

I'm about to post a nice thing I found.. Authors from the 1960s writing letters to each other (over "In Cold Blood) and about to read some Thomas Wolfe letters

Even when I played basketball, I always wanted to play those older and bigger than me. Same with intelligence -- keep reaching.

I also notice when I talk to my siblings, they say the word "like" so much that even I begin to say it.. I have to tell them to stop.




I have a theory, or maybe I borrowed it, that television made people dumber. If you go back and look at the generations that grew up or had their childhoods before television they were smarter and more creative.


Back then they had to read and do research rather than have it spelled out for them. There are too many people today who don't want to exert any effort; everything is supposed to be done for them.


It's more than that. Reading a book or listening to a story actively engages the imagination. The child has to imagine the scenes in their mind. But television provides the images as well as the story so it is a passive medium. In a real sense it shuts down the imaginative part of the process.


Yes. It was called "theater of the mind."


The information age and especially the Internet and social media have made it possible to disseminate messages around the entire globe within seconds. Many people see something on Wastebook and consider it to be gospel truth because they "saw it on the Internet." They don't bother to fact-check or research any of what they read.

I blame it more on laziness and the demand for instant gratification rather than actual stupidity. They don't bother to verify the information because that would require effort and thinking. So conspiracy theories and misinformation spread like wildfire.

Two of the biggest scourges of today's society are the stupidphone and the social media.


true true true.

maybe it appeals to our inner voyeurism of wanting to see how badly other people are doing compared to self?
I'm totally stunned by how people eat up the bad info over reality. Stunned!

I recall in the past how "Freak Shows" were interesting to people, then they kinda got banned, but they are back in social media and even news, and people gobble it up. It's literally a modern FREAK SHOW.

When the internet started, I recall seeing amazing potential - and truth told, it has enhanced life in so, so many ways - where I thought nations and people would all feel like one, sharing knowledg and we'd all grow at an astounding pace and become better. Now, looks like it is back sliding: we peaked, no where to go, but back down.

TOOLS are how we use them. Internet is a tool too.

It's uplifting to see REAL replies to this thread instead of the usual, "no, YOR STUPID!" type answers. People see the problem, ponder it, consider answers. Thank you all for that.


You're welcome. Some users don't like the subject matter of my posts and I have received those types of responses. I'm not trying to be a troll... I'm just concerned about the direction our society is headed. And like you said, we don't seem to be moving forward. Our society is regressing.


yet another big issue of the net IS a too diverse connections: where you cross paths and communicate/interface with people you NEVER would ever in real life.

like a golfer in a football forum. why? because "Internet." And the golfer is like "Football is stupid compared to golf" but really it should be more like "why is a golfer in this forum in the first place?" Internet allows anyone and everyone, all at once. We are not designed for that to work for us.


Dumb where? The average IQ in America is 100.


average of people who actually take that test. :)


I just saw a YT documentary about how the Romans might have been suffering from lead poisoning collectively, because of the pipes they used for their plumbing. The most influential, wealthy, city dwelling Romans would have been most effected, because they were the ones living in the cities, in homes that had plumbing.

They thought it might have something to do with why the Romans were such savages, even by the standards of the times, which were generally pretty savage everywhere.

Not sure what's going on today though. We know what causes lead poisoning and can detect it these days, so that's not it!

One positive of watching those history docs is that you realize that things can, and have been, worse, though.


yeah, we got a ton of comforts and medical life that we totally take for granted.

That form fitted plastic thing your sandwich came in... who designed that, who made the machine that manufactured that?? that weird one use glue that keeps it sclosed... so many parts, It's really quite amazing. And we toss it out and it doesn't biodegrade. whoops. :D


most people aren't stupid. they're average. by definition, most people are average, and there's nothing wrong with being average. if you're above average, then good for you. you're blessed. i wish i was so lucky.

but it makes little sense to berate people for being less intelligent than you. whatever it is that makes people bright or dim, whatever combination of genes and environment produces that outcome, they had no control over it, and it doesn't make sense to fault anyone for things they can't control


I understand, and I don't mean to actually berate people, but discuss a global situation. I'm probably average also, as I am aware there are people less mentally capable, as well as people above me at much higher levels. I'm sure they look down at my abilities, but understand (because they are smart) it serves no purpose to berate anyone, so they don't bother.

Being average, I'm stepping up to ask, why are people choosing to become idiots, rather than smarter? Above responses are pointing out some of the issues:

individuals make decent choices, large groups go off rail.
they listen to dumb people (idols?)
they don't research
TV lets you turn brain off instead of engage it
loss of reading, loss of thinking and imagination
smartphone subjugation
and more


ok, having read through your response and the other responses here, i understand where you're coming from now.

i guess i'd still say i kinda reject the premise, in that i'm not sure all those things you listed above can be applied to most or even many people, or at least more people than they did in the recent past. it feels more like cynicism and a sort of reflexive bias that things are always devolving and getting worse and worse and worse, even if they aren't. it's the same sort of bias that leads people to believe that people are poorer and the state of the world is getting worse for the poorest when the opposite is true. not to take us off on that tangent - it was just an analogy that popped into my head.

i'm simply not sure that people are by any measure less thoughtful or less critical. the ongoing increase in iq - the flynn effect - suggests that a lot of the influences of modern life, with more educated people, more connectivity with the world, better nutrition has resulted in increasingly intelligent populations.

i think it's all too easy to look at people arguing in twitter or staring at their phones and adopt a 'get off my lawn' contempt, and maybe that's right sometimes. but my retort would be what about all the great minds that are on twitter that we all have access to, what about all the incredible podcasts and endless data that we're all carrying around in our pockets that we can access at any moment.

my feeling is that in the years i've been alive, in most ways people have improved in real ways. there's more consideration of racial issues. i can absolutely tell you that the way people in my city used to talk about indigenous folks 30 years ago was brutal. they were barely viewed as human. that's changed a lot. and i think there are all kinds of ways that i could name where people are more thoughtful, more respectful, just better.

i think it's all too easy to sneer at stupidphones or whatever. condescension and contempt always seems like a smart position, because it seems to appeal to an innate human bias to thinking things are atrophying. but i'm not convinced at all that those positions reflect the world with any real accuracy, and i think the exact opposite is much more likely to be true.
