MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies
123Guy's Replies
your last line.... "people with higher incomes tend to be more health-conscious by exercising and eating healthier" is one of my main points, yes.
i was trying to trace it back to brain level/smarts you are born with... more brains, better job, more money for healthy food.... yet I see natural foods are pretty cheap when you really start going there.
So, higher income choices.... maybe they are smarter... can't we watch and make those same choices also without being rich or smarter? Not talking caviar fish here, just the basic natural food groups.
a $8 bag of plain chicken strips feeds gives me 4 or five meals, verses $4 McNuggets you eat for one meal,
but I have to make that choice
Same here. Let them if they want it.
I dated one who got a big reduction and it improved her quality of life ten fold. Good for her!
We stopped dating.
No, it wasn't because of that! :P :D We stopped before she had it done, but we kept in touch like decent people do. So, she was excited to tell me about it, and I was happy for her change.
[I forgot.... she blocked me for holding an opposing perspective, so she won't see this anyway! :D]
disresp..... this is the internet!
this is freedom of men speaking EXACTLY how they REALLY truly speak and feel in real life.
YES, we like breasts.
YES, we use goofy names for them.
YES, we use misogynistic musings because we do.
This is life on earth.
You'll never regulate sexuality, you'll never get us to stop using words you don't like, and men and women will never be the same.
Feel free to whine to the mods. Maybe they will help you.
WE like the freedom that is not being deleted and CANCELLED like some stuff in the world.
FOR ME, when I read things I don't like, I go away, not stay and bitch about how it offends ME, or isn't done how I wish.
absolutely not discounting those natural weight problems, but I doubt those are the cause of American obesity hitting one third. ONE THIRD!! My god!
A whole third of our population is over weight. We used to play outside all day, ride bikes, exercise kind of naturally. Now we have too many sit around hobbies like I am doing right now...
Anyway, yes there are natural problems too, but my focus is not the smaller uncontrollable parts, but the larger majority segment, and whether it is related to intelligence/smarts/thinking or being able to earn more money and eat better.
I really suspect you don't have to earn more money to eat healthy, just change many personal life choices.
good points.
i notice in walmart, and any cheap grocery stores, there is always an area with fresh fruits and veggies... and then the usual ton of processed foods, some better most worse for you than we admit. the availability is there, its just not purchased as much. so, rich or poor, the option exists. one group makes a healthier decision than the other.
i'm as guilty as the next, with a gut to prove it, that its more fun buying TASTEY food over healthy - even though when I have good full healthy, I saved a bunch of money, eating VERY healthy at home - like 50% cost savings eating healthy over NOT eating healthy in my personal experience.
good looks or not, I'm looking at facts of over weight always having health problems along with it. with obesity on the rise, there must me a cause that we can recognize and reverse.
Now, I have noticed the younger people making much better choices, and as a result, all of the convenience stores around here have pushed soda pop into a smaller side cooler, replaced with larger coolers filled with waters, teas, juice drinks, and some other healthier stuff. Maybe this transition to better foods is already happening?
absolutely government does help sway peoples' directions yes, but, can we also make food decisions on our own, each person? I feel that freedom isn't removeable. unless somehow healthy foods pricing sky rockets while the rest doesn't, thereby FORCING the masses to only afford garbage foods. but, I feel like I still have a choice - as do lesser fortunate people, regardless of government urging.
IE someone in drive trough at mcdonalds, could sped that $45 dollars on healthy food made at home for her 4 kids, instead of quick, sold as "cheaper" fast food. i know kids don't LIKE healthy, but it is up to the parents to keep things in check. maybe they haven't been doing that for a while... thus the obesisty rate rising... that, and 1 million TV channels, really cool seated video games, sedementary lifestyle...
excellent points, thanks for replying.
I've been trying to track down our weight issues here in USA where it has reach like 33% now in 2022, what the DEEP root cause is, and how it can be fixed. I'm not a doctor or nutritionalist, just a guy thinking out loud, trying to help.
I feel healthy food prices has been higher because it is not in as great demand as the majority trash foods: trashy, cheap, delicious! who would pick a vegetable over a sugar thing? processing and storage of vegetable is more expensive, sugar thing is produced in mass and cheaper because of that tooling, to meet demand.
I look around my local grocery store at the shelves and see like 80% is garbage, but it sells out and gets replenished weekly.
One reason I try to shop at whole foods more is to increase demand, show the need, and drive down prices as they work up mass producing better food. It's little, but I am trying.
I guess now, I need to sort intelligence into two catagories: 1 stuck level per handicap, 2 level changeable with education.
So, sounds like education COULD help with the obesity crisis... and that can be free to everyone... learning how to eat healthier. If that is the issue, how can we freely educate people to not be addicted to something that taste good, like sugar?
Just pondering options toward resolutions here.
So, I back tracked weight issues from money to intellegence backwards.... how can we educate the mases to make better food purchase choices, when SOMETIMES the healthier foods, are slightly more expensive?
Ha yeah
Who's this PIXAR you speak of? It's Di$ney now
i get the impression that now that pixar has covered all the mass coverage bases, they will focus on specific niches to make films for: specific ages or groups. because they can't just invent another all pleasing Toy Story thing, so gobble up all the races, ages, etc individually.
because it wasn't as profitable a business as it is now
i do get it, really I do, but it still took me out of it. didnt read books, just knew of them, and remembered the old crappy 1984 version.... where I do feel those sets were far more "out there" than this version. this version - well done as it is - looked low budget too me, with so many vacant shots: a room with walls and no texture or anything, just some fog, so many times the did that... might as well have all been green screened.
i respect that others love it and all, but it is just not for me, I guess
im only at the halfway point, its going to take me forever to finish :D
good stuff!
what I am looking at here as an unofficial "caste" type system, autonomously existing because of birth intelligence. not something created on purpose by people or government.
if you are smart, you make more money. because we need smart people in those smart jobs. thus, the worth/salary is higher... leading to eating better, being healthier, less obese potential.
no one wants a guy with 37 IQ to be their brain surgeon or do their taxes. everyone got handed different genes from birth, not by choice or wish.
That's fair.
By definition of terms like unkempt, I feel I am not judging, but reporting using proper descriptions. Offensive as they could sound.
Heck, I go out unkempt at least half the time, so it is me as well :D
Liked, but ended up feeling like every other super hero movie to me. No interest in purchasing or ever rewarding it again.
may 3 paragraph disclaimer failed to impress I am not judging anything, like cars, simply REPORTING exactly what I am observing in the parking lots. I could put the numbers on a spreadsheet to prove I am telling the truth, but aint nobody got time for that.
this is MY specific observations, in MY particular area. not judging anything or anyone, just observing provable facts
Thanks for your reply.
I do get all that, was just hoping for a more "out there" experience.
Not a huge fan, but always thought Dune had decently weird worlds going on. This felt to earth based.
Not sure if it was specified in the book, but that umbrella i was like, "oh come on!" I could have designed a cooler shade device for an outer space epic than something that should be in my fruity cocktail. :)
yeah. I rewatch this now and again. enjoyable.
people run down the fake hacking swirly light scenes, but that beats watching screen code for hours instead
not once have I laid down any expert advice on the exactness of what makes everything healthy.
I'm asking about starting an idea to improve health, in the opposite way the body positive protest is working to destroying it.
not once did I say, "Hey! Everyone should be STICK THIN, and that is healthy."
Put weird words in my mouth as much as you want, everyone else can see around it. :)