MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies
123Guy's Replies
so, doesn't intelligence level equate to access to money, to access to better food and health?
that's the caste system point i'm making here.
in MY personal experience, relearning to shop better, the cost of eating health foods is not much more than crappy foods. I haven't done an accouting balance sheet comparing, but just notice it. broccoli for a couple bucks and a bag of lettuce make 2 to 4 full meals for me for just a couple bucks over all, and is very healthy compared to other options: hot pockets, frozen pizza, something "cheap" at mcdonalds-that I notice is no longer cheap.
Financially, I don't see living wage optimism as working out. companys raise paychecks, raise cost of goods, people stop buying, company closes - guess who is now jobless with NO wages? money has to come from a balance, and minimal paying jobs are generally starter jobs for high schoolers, not a job to depend upon for life income. it's been like that for many many decades. only diference I notice is the crying and whining from enabled entitlers. "Waaah! I can't buy a house equal to what my parents worked for, for 50 years, right out of college" "waaah! I have to work two jobs!" --- yeah, we ALL did. suck it up, and improve. almost no one is handed silver spoons. many of us work very hard for it. and the working staff I see out there right now is fucking pathetic, unmotivated, entitled garbage (thanks to their shitty parents) that I would never want them to continue working for me, living wage or not.
Hahahaa ok it was a little long, thanks to all the disclaimers one must do now, but at least I stay on point
hmmmmmmm okay then. you win. :)
maybe come back when you are capable of sustaining an adult conversation. :)
this is a very interesting perspective and I totally get it. I've seen a few bloody films, I know it is fake - not really fond of that unless it serves a great plot - and some real life stuff that I absolutely never want to witness again. but I ask myself, "why would I want to witness it as fake also??"
I have literally fully stopped watching all zombie and horror films because I would have nightmares sometimes that I could not control. Now, away from that, I NEVER have nightmares, and my dreams are all mostly fantastic!!!
back then, let's say when art was new, maybe they just hadn't yet discovered that morbid stuff could make huge profits? once they started with gore, saw peoples reactions, it became more tolerated.
if that doctor interview was a serial killer, or average movie watcher, does it sound similar yet still healthy?
We are what we eat?
yeah, lets divert to a million other things, THAT's always effective.
"hey buses pollute too much...." "Yeah, because people buying fruit live in town. LEVEL ALL TOWNS!"
one fire at a time, m'kay?
living wage.... maybe if people prioritized living over cell phone plans, it would be easier on them. pfffff
my laser discs definitely looked better than VHS, although not as good as DVDs can.
I had the full on digital ones, not the older capacitance kind
that would be fantastic. and I would buy it yet again - unless they can't keep it as good looking as these fan edits
very mature. if you cant comprehend basic discussions, have to resort to twisting meanings incorrectly, and insults, you are not equipped for adult discussions.
have a nice day sir, madam, maam, person, he she it them they leftist rightist whatever.
Ackbar, IT WAS A TRAP!!! "D
yes that. no clue why they won't release the only original version in high res: the theater cut, that everyone loved and wanted. they literally could make even MORE trucks of money if they released that version finally. it's not lost, he just didn't like it.
don't tell me they couldn't have had Han shoot second if that was what was originally intended. so, modern take is just stupid rewriting bullshit.
luckily there are fan edits out there they don't seem concerned with at all
....and if you already own a physical copy of said movie?
I've supported the future of this classic film more than 50 times, at theater, VHS tapes, dvd setS, laser disc setS, blu-rays, drive ins, theater re-releases.... not releasing the original THEATER CUT is what is criminal. Each version I buy, I WANT the one I saw in the theater... best I can BUY, is a crappy tv-lined version lower resolution than a normal DVD, which I do own. I'm fine owning the original version of a movie I've already bought many times over. Everyone got paid, everyone made billion. NO ONE is affect by it or losing money from something I already paid for. they won't give me the only version I fell in love with? Fuck'em. :)
If you do not own that version, you are a pirate.
there is potential in the next few decades for some of this to START turning around. I have millenial friends VERY conscious of the foods they consume, and ALWAYS avoid the crap. They've seen the damage, done their research, and practice corrections to our crappy diets.
I've seen soda pop in all convience stores pushed to the side for much healthier drinks like juices, sparking waters, and direct health drinks, and rows of candy reduced. even the crappy bagged sandwiches I love are vanishing for things that LOOK freshly plastic wrapped WRAPS and salads.... SALADS!! At a gas station. the kids stopped buying the crap, so they must cater to what the crowd wants to keep profits rolling in.
it will be slow but there is hope.
I'd like to keep correcting your terminology here: this is not based around insulting, calling inferior or hating, it is ONLY (repeating it yet again) about "HEALTH", and health only. Thus the name "HEALTH positive". If someone chooses to feel insulted by saying over weight is not HEALTHY for you, that is blind avoidance of long time true facts:
causes of death (mortality)
High blood pressure (Hypertension)
High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (Dyslipidemia)
Type 2 diabetes
Coronary heart disease
Gallbladder disease
Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)
Sleep apnea and breathing problems
Many types of cancerexternal icon
Low quality of life
Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders4,5
Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning
Are you suggesting that supporting health positive is equally supporting fat shaming, or mockery? If so, every single person using a gym to work out should be arrested. Or something.
I'm trying to point out we are enabling a mental condition of insanity: overweight is GOOD. It's not.
That's like saying a human guy who tells us he believes he is really a rock, doesn't have mental issues that need dealt with.
I'm in the center 1/3 of the united states... low pressure to look hot like on the coasts to compete. And it shows around her.
I'm literally not knocking overweight people, just saying being not healthy, is not healthy for them. or me, or everyone. its a fact. I really feel sorry for them, and enabling a "body positive" overweight is A OK, is bad for them.
PS I am overweight myself, yet trimmer than many, but I notice the health issues, as does my doctor.
Another friend of mine, who is a family doctor, is about 10% UNDER the standard weight for size and height, and I know of no one healthier. He works out, lots of outdoor activities and is older than me and could jog up many stairs. His life is about making others healthier, and he practices it himself. and says under the standard is much better for your body.
while I'm babbling about this.... related to THIN people.... in my reality, where I live, I think I see one almost too thin person like 1 in a 1000. MOST people I see out and about are a little heavy to crazy over weight. RARELY do I notice an average, normal healthy size anymore.
I think that is why I brought this up. That and some famous person that gained a ton of weight and is now a spokes person for body positive. not good.
i dont hate fat people, not even remotely. I love nearly everyone, and seriously feel sorry for overweight people - victim of society overall eating options - and wish they were healthier. I people spouting "body positive, I am what I am" and their size tells me they will soon have blood pressure issues, heart problems, muscle issues, and then there is wear and tear on the bone structure. I wish I could help, but I'll never reverse the billions poured into making mcdonalds fries additive, or the billions into ad campaignes to get these places more profits.
I've put on a slightest pot belly recently, after being fairly healthy, I notice I am slower, tireder, blodd pressure up, exercise is down.... I can not possible imagine what its like when I see someone who litteraly has like another whole human size strapped to their front. shame or depression or not, that is NOT medically helpful and very danergous.
seriously, I feel at the root of all this, is the industrial society making such garbage foods cheapest, and readily available. 150 years ago, pretty sure people only had natural things to eat, no twinkies or hohos etc... sure they made cake or cookies, but that took lots of time to do, probably didn't happen as often as stopping for gas and just plunking down money for wrapped diabetes garbage. Now, processed is everywhere. I went grocery shopping and notice, not just that 75% of EVERYTHING in the isles was more bad for you than good, but realized those are ON the shelves because they sell the most, and are emptied every week or two for new stock, by people eating it. Healthy sections are on the rise, but they are still cost prohibitive to most.
granted, I don't know how much real info was tracked in the early years for this pic, but this doesn't look good.
Right. But looking at that doctor discussion, is this a healthy mindset, whether fiction or not?
Vanilla Sky? But in my opinion that did it way better