caste system / wealth / intelligence / weight / parallels
Personal local observations about the above. its interesting to me to see repeated classifications within our world that are what they are because, well, that's just how it works. Birds fly, fish swim sort of deal.
This is sure to trigger people in every place in life, but hear me out as REAL WORLD OBSERVABLE catagorizations you could easily do/see yourself.
For reference, I am in the middle. middle class, probably the lower end of that, income barely above what I have seen listed as a poverty level, yet I save well, think, plan, so I am doing okay financially. Not brag, just wanted the reader to know I am not on either end of this spectrum. Wealthy would call me poor, lower waged would call me well off. So, I'm not pushing any side of agenda, just observing.
EVERYONE KNOWS (so I am not biasing here) that WALMART is kinda looked at as dirty, cheap, and not the first place the rich would go to shop.
Opposite side of that, WHOLE FOODS is more pricey, (this has changed a lot since Amazon took over FYI) not a place people making less money would go too often. Yes, there are ALWAYS exceptions, lets focus on the majority section for discussion, and not nit pick the side tracks, please.
I can and do shop at both and could create statistical counts, verifiable by living FACTS in reality, and not bias or subjective perspective.
These are not judgements, simply facts, and everyone is on their own walk in life, I'm not bragging up or punching down anyone for anything. Even though some will post here, after being offended, that I am running people down. Can't please everyone. Ever.
What I am trying to do is ask and point out some obvious things.
With all that disclaimer out of the way... let's proceed...
I postulate a CASTE SYSTEM will always exist simply because we are not all born with the same mental capacity, and education, although effective, can not correct this.
This leads to varieties in wealth and health, and perhaps other parallels I have not noticed.
Back to those stores...
At Whole Foods, I will notice nicer(expensive)/cleaner vehicles in the parking lot, mercedes, range rovers, porsches, etc, much less beat up, rusting pickups, or tiny cars. Inside, the majority of shoppers (not ALL, obviously) are of a healthy weight, and MOST are masked up, and well kempt, respectful.
At Walmart, the expected opposite. This is what I observe every time I visit these places, so, my observations are not "wrong", just reality. Walmart has dirtier cars, beat up, crashed and dented. Inside the majority of shoppers, say maybe 75% in my area, are obviously overweight to an unhealthy level, and most not wearing masks*. The people are less kempt, more rude.
* I'm aware mask mandates are dropping... hmmm... yet the "intelligent/wealthy/healthy" set are still masking? something to think about... who do you follow? :)
Back to the intelligence/caste connection...
Everyone knows we are not all born equal intelligence, and can never actually be equal. For the spectrum, some are born with mental handicaps where they can barely function normally, others are born with brains on levels that sometimes it seems hard from them to dumb things down for the rest of us. Probably Einstein, maybe Musk, you can find them by their outlandish achievements.
Knowing we will never be equal in intelligence, I postulate that intelligence sets up a standard path of wealth, health and related weight, and less intelligence parallels the opposite of that: less wealth, less health probably due to weight (yes, otter, that again).
A mentally challenged person USUALLY doesn't become a brain surgeon, and a super smart person rarely excepts a job cleaning toilets. I think all that should be obvious to everyone.
Can one change these paths? Of course, and we see it all the time... someone switching lanes.
Bottom line is, there are things related to the class or caste we are in, that urge us in a direction: I make less money, THEREFORE I should choose CHEAPER foods, probably less healthy options, making me heavier. Or am I smart enough to notice this, and work to do it differently?
On paper, I shouldn't afford to go to whole foods, yet when I did - to eat healthier - I discovered the cost was not as bad as I expected.... so, bananas are a few cents more... am I not PAYING for better health, as opposed to paying cheaper for worse health?? What cost my health if I can affect it myself for a few extra pennies? (dont go off on bananas, twas just an example and not a discussion about organic etc)
So, CASTE will always exist because we are not all born with equal intelligence which usually leads to wealth which allows better health.
The less intelligent don't make as much money leading to less healthy purchase choices, and worse health, sometimes even obesity.
Born intelligence levels can not be adjusted. Therefore caste will always exist.
In my observations and opinions.