NitroHangover's Replies

"Native AMERICAN?" How dare you, you racist. The inclusion of 'American' invokes feelings of patriotism, which is just code for white supremacy. Plus, "America" was named after a white man (and NOT a Black woman!) who condoned and even bolstered the legacy of Columbus's evil and bloodthirsty journey across the ocean. This entire continent should be renamed immediately, to atone for the pain its current name causes so many people each and every day. This film should be renamed 'Native North-Central-Continental Jones'. I'm pretty sure Chris Pratt is the top-runner for the role. <blockquote>Yet funnily enough, the very same 13% commit 52% of all the murders in America</blockquote> Actually, that's not accurate. It's not just murder. It's 52% of all VIOLENT crimes, which includes murder, but also rape, assault, battery, armed robbery, etc. And it's also not 13% doing this. Think about it. It's (for the most part) not black WOMEN committing these violent crimes. So that cuts the stat down to 6.5% of the population. It's also not little black boys or old black men. It's young black men, between 15 and 40. So 3% of the US population is committing 52% of all violent crimes, including assault, rape and murder. Most taxi drivers in NY are 'people of color.' They're poor and they're NOT white. And yes, many of them refuse to pick up black passengers, especially in certain areas of the City, and at certain times of night. They do this because, consistently, black people (and no other racial group by-and-large), will take the ride and then flat-out refuse to pay the fare or assault/beat/rob/kill the driver. It happens so often that cab drivers don't even care about being considered "racist" anymore. They simply discriminate racially for their own SURVIVAL. This is yet another example of something that has NOTHING to do with "white privilege", and everything to do with the Black community needing to change. <blockquote>What's wrong with me?</blockquote> Well, judging by the hysterical conversation you're having with yourself, my guess would be... a lot. There really does seem to be a lot of truth to that. Over and over and over again, the publicly outspoken 'male feminist' turns out to be way creepier and more sinister in their behavior towards women, compared to the average male population in general. These jag-offs cloak themselves in dogmatic, feminist, horsesh!t activism, because that's the only way they can generate a circle of trusting women around them. They take this approach because they're subpar males, with no other way to generate attention or attraction from women. And once they have that circle of trusting women, they take advantage. Don't fall for it, ladies. "Male feminists" are predators. Naaah, people on the streets heard her, but she was only asking the Busters to choose the Destructor's form. It was Ray. He even admitted to accidentally thinking of Stay Puft. Seinfeld's aim was off because his gun-toting hand was debilitated from endorsing thousands of checks from the Super Terrific Happy Hour. He had Super Terrific Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Yes, every actor has at least one movie in their catalog that they hate. But most actors don't talk publicly about how much they hate that one movie until years after its been out, if not decades. They don't usually tell the press about how they hate it during the PROMOTION of the film's RELEASE. Especially when they are also implicitly making accusations about the writer/director of the movie, when the movie is supposed to be their big break in Hollywood, and that writer/director was the person who GAVE them their big break. I agree calling it Bruce is dumb. And yes, I always refer to it initially as "the Shark from Jaws", and then as the conversation goes along, just "the Shark." I used to think the same way, but I've changed my mind with age. Literally the entire world, with the exception of the US, is talking about Soccer when they refer to Football. And the name Football really does make way more sense to refer to Soccer, just based on the physical mechanics of the game. I'm as American as they come, but I really think we should get on the same page as the rest of the globe, and call our version of "Football" something else. Something uniquely American. I actually like what the Aussies call our version of Football. They call it 'American Gridiron'. That's pretty cool! And "The Gridiron" has always been a nickname we've had for our Football, anyway. I say we go with that. Oh, come on... I didn't say I hated my sister. I said I hated one trivial little thing she used to do as a kid, and it drove me crazy when she did it. My sister is awesome, and one of my favorite people. But for the record, I've hated THOUSANDS of trivial little things she's done over the years, lol. Doesn't make me love her any less. And yes, I understand full well why people call the shark Jaws. It's still incorrect, and still drives me crazy. Pffffffffff, I like how you deleted half your original post, lol. I guess there's nothing for me to respond to now, since you realized it was horsesh!t and deleted it. All you've left is essentially "No, I'm right and YOU'RE wrong!" This. Both are a consequence of mental illness, and everything that you read into their respective psychologies beyond that basic truth, is a reflection of your own issues. Just because you can live without it, doesn't make it useless. You can live without your arms and legs, too. Yep. I'm sure a site called '' is a TOTALLY unbiased source of facts. I know when I have discussions about abortion, I only trust the infallible studies cited on Ohhhhh if only my mother had had that Ferrari, and not a busted old Subaru station wagon. I might have gotten laid on the WAY to the movie, lol. The last episode I watched was the one where Rick Grimes exited the show on the helicopter. That was it for me. I hung in there after the show lost many great supporting characters, but I simply have no interest in continuing to watch without the MAIN character, who I started this journey with so many years ago. The only thing I will watch going forward will be the Rick Grimes movies... IF they ever actually make them. Actually, I MAY give the Carol/Daryl spin-off a shot, since it'll be a different show. I haven't decided yet. But I was completely done with The Walking Dead when Grimes left. Craven Morehead.