MovieChat Forums > DMX Discussion > Should DMX be cancelled

Should DMX be cancelled

I'm still trying to figure out woke cancel culture. He used the N word very liberally and often used disparaging comments towards woman and The Gays. Don't these indiscretions go back to birth? I'm very confused.


Gina Carano: said being conservative feels like being a Jew in the Holocaust = cancelled

DMX: Guilty on 13 counts of animal cruelty, arrested for cocaine possession at an airport, pleaded guilty to assault, multiple charges for reckless driving, charged for DUI, charged for robbery, failing to pay child support, tax fraud = not cancelled.


He IS black. That buys a lot of leeway.


I know right.
Talk about double standard.


And why does it buy so much more leeway? Is it because blacks aren't as intelligent as whites so they aren't held to the same standard? I would think that giving them more leeway was inherently racist.


it is. it's because what happened to them in the past which is unmeasurable.


Yet none of that happened to DMX. When do we stop using past injustices as an excuse? When do the double standards end?

Honestly the left loves slavery and racism, it gives them power and they can exploit it for political reasons


I would generally agree but since I did say unmeasurable... though it didnt directly affect him it did inadvertently since it affected his surrounding, well being, economy, social, and cultural. Now he has no where to go and has an insummorable debt instead of debt being paid to. He has a social economic society pitted against him with disadvantages nowhere end in sight. The double standard will probably never end given recent examples like BLM.


Well given that theory, as a Native-American I feel it only fair that every black, white or Asian in this country go the hell back to where their ancestors came from. My people let some of you back in after we develop a reasonable immigration policy that keeps out the uneducated and people that aren't worthy of being allowed in.


Natives are really Asian and if you think about the true Natives are the Vikings 'albeit they didnt completely migrate and actually got pushed out by your people.

You didnt really let anyone in. They evaded and pillaged. Blacks and hispanics really had no choice and are basically slaves just like natives. If you want to get angry at anyone get angry at the whites and complain to them about it. Blacks and Latins have as much right as anyone to be here.


If i bring my pet dog to you dog you dont simply have the right to tell me to leave, you also have the right to force me to take my dog with me. So if it makes you feel better the Eurotrash can take the blacks back to Europe with them. The latins are either descendants of the Spanish, Mayans or Aztec so they can all get the hell out of the US as well.


Force as a way of violence is what got the Natives usurped.

I think they took the blacks from Africa and the latins aztec from Mexico reserve the right as well since they stole their land as well. Again, you should go to congress and give your thesis.


"true Natives are the Vikings " ha ha, ha, ha, haha, buaahahahahahaha

what a pile of shite ...


Find any black man in the US that was a slave. You can't because they died decades ago.


Exactly , it’s all a victim mentality and persecution complex


So then when did white privilege end then? What's the date?


White privilege doesn't exist, it a construct of liberal snowflakes trying to find another way to justify their racist actions like affirmative action.


Didn't answer my question. So then did it ever exist?


It never has existed.


So then slavery or the KKK never existed?


Slavery existed in Africa as well with black master, is that white privilege? No it's just one group subjugating another. Not even sure what the KKK has to do with anything, I think your just grasping at straws.


Irrelevant actually. We are talking about America. Just because that happened over there does not mean white privilege did not exist in America. It is one group subjugating another, however as laws were set up it favored white people which is white privilege. Why did blacks not legally have the right to vote until well after the civil war? How is it grasping at straws? You realize laws allowed hate groups to commit violence against black people?


You are the one that wants to babble about the past, if that is what you want then it is only fair to open it up to the place the blacks came from. White privilege never existed except in the minds of idiots.


White privilege is still alive and well. If you haven't seen it's cause your an idiot and live in a cave. You probably live in hillbilly next to mar-a-lago but if you come out of your cave you'll see there is plenty of light out there.


Example(s) of 'White privilege' please?
I'm not talking about inner 'emotional' drawblacks that Black people *may* percieve to be unjust....I'm asking for examples of any rule, regulation or law that favour white people over black people?


Doesn't have to be rule or regulation.

If i enter a store I would not be suspiciously looked at.

But it's that because of white privilege or black culture?

When the majority of crime is done by a race is the white race to blame for people not trusting that race?

When black culture promotes and glorifies violence, rape, drugs, stealing, fuck the police, etc ... is it white privilege when people don't trust that culture?

When the taxi drivers in NYC refuse to take black passengers (and most of the taxi drivers are POC as well) due to their experience with other black passengers not paying the fare is it white privilege?


Exactly my point....But somehow conflating 'hurt-feelings' as a 'white privilege' (or even fault) is ridiculous.
I only asked for examples of Rules, Regs or Laws, primarily, because as *humans* we're meant to abide or adhere to them. The false notion of 'White Privilege' dictates that somehow white people get preferential treatment because of their skin colour (which, given practices like 'Affirmative Action'....are the polar opposite)

Apparently, I should give 'reperations' for slaves I've never owned to a subjection that never were? Black people get MORE chances in life (over whites) primarily due to this bullshit guilt-trippery, that gives them a pass for all their bad lifestyle choices.

If they live in shithole streets (or areas) then somehow it's a 'poverty' thing (despite the fact that even as 'welfare recipients' they recieve no less money than their white counterparts)

If they commit crime in far larger numbers (that belie their actual majority) it's seen as 'police brutality' (and unfair incarceration)

If they don't suceed at a profession, it's never because they haven't tried hard's because of percieved 'racism' that holds them back....despite ZERO data to prove such.

And unfortunately, they've latched onto a few isolated cases of white on black incidents (whilst conveniently forgetting the much higher black-on-white, or even black-on-black crime stats) and forming a 'Black Lives Matter' movement (which is run on the peddlement of lies and misinformation) solely designed to absolve themselves of any/all personal responsibilities for their wrong doings.

I'm not saying ALL black people are like this....but the only ones that are vocal are the 'chancers'....and the 'something for nothing brigade' (and they've even got an ingrained cop-out, by labelling their own kind who speak up against them as "Coons" or "Uncle Toms")

Black people might do well to remember that they invented slavery, bought and sold their own to the whites (and still practice it to this very day) White people didn't go to Africa with butterfly nets, they were sold by their own (a fact that is conveniently omitted, amongst BLM or any other bullshit organization rallies)

I take no pleasure in telling any ingrate, malcontent black person, living in the western world to go live in Africa.....But would suggest they do it anyhow.

If all they can do is constantly blame 'history' as their reason/excuse of their actions in the present, then their entire exsistence becomes mere revenge and is not wanted, needed or beneficial to the western-world that NO-ONE is forcing them to live in and around?


See but the issue is many on here want to deny that white people in history had advantages over black people. Does that mean someone should demand a handout or like the world owes them something? No but to refuse to acknowledge that only furthers bigotry and racism.

Poverty drives up crime it doesn't excuse it but it drives it up. That is another thing cops by some are seen as infallible. Do I think all cops are bad nope but they aren't infallible. Sometimes there are bad cops that have wrongfully imprisoned someone. If a cop is in the right I will defend him but if he's wrong I'm going to call it as well.

Also no I disagree on blacks getting more chances than whites. Utter drivel.


Then please (to the best of your knowledge) explain what 'Affirmative Action' is (and means?)

Poverty is's not a black or white thing. Given the sheer numbers, there's more poor white people living in america than blacks. Let's say (just for a moment) that you conflate 'poverty' with 'crime' then (statistically) there's far more white criminals out there....and guess what?
They're all arsehole, low-life scumbags too.

However, there's no organization that states "You can't call white criminals scumbags" or convenient 'entitlement' cards to be issued out to white criminals. They are simply wrong because they do wrong.

They don't have 'privilege', nor WHITE LIFE MATTERS groups, nor the right to blame the Romans, Vikings or The Ottomans for their fuck-uppery. They do the crime and the (likewise) time. They take their lumps and are (rightfully) punished, blaming only the fact that they were caught (and not some imaginary, percieved, 'ism' that's holding them back) and of course, not everyone living in poverty (of any colour) *IS* a it's more about lifestyle choices than a direct correlation between wealth and location.

However blacks (still the minority) demand majority (if not superiority) rights for a 'slavery' they've never suffered. A thousand years from now, they'll still be pissing vinegar and moaning about the very same things. They've been mental-slaves for a lot longer than physical slaves, and until they drop the 'self-shackles' (all of their own making, I might add) then they'll never advance one iota as a race...until they put down the history books (or at very least go back a few pages and admit their own bloody past?)

No-one is denying slavery happened or is failing to acknowledge such.......Have you ever met or conversed with ANYONE that stated "Slavery didn't exist"....Really?
But until you can name me a law *NOW* (not hundreds of years ago, not a hundred years ago, not 60 years ago.....NOW) that prevents black people from advancing, then you're clearly deflecting from the fact that it's high time they stood on their own two feet (and stop demanding anything from anybody but themselves)


Never did I say poverty is limited exclusively to blacks. It does drive up crime though. Think about something for a moment. You look at a stat sheet and do not consider that there are things at play when measuring stats. Are all people forget black people as a whole always treated just and fair by the law? Has someone ever been incarcerated for no reason? Cops ever lied on a report? Evidence ever been planted? Someone ever been framed? Someone ever been locked up for years and years for marijuana? Did you investigate all this or did you just look at the stat sheet and call it a day? On paper even if someone might be wrongfully framed it will show they are a felon on paper. It's like analyzing an nba game without watching the game. You simply look at the score and pretend you are in the know.

Proud boys, kkk, nazis etc. They excuse an unjust killing of blacks so no wrong on that account. I'm a person of color, never once been on welfare, been arrested, worked a 9 to 5 for years. I don't expect a handout but I will call out racism where I see it. Just like how I will call out wrongful acts committed by a person of color.


You want to know why blacks live in greater poverty than other races? It has nothing to do with any laws or rules that keep them in poverty it has everything to do with the black culture that puts a higher priority on athleticism than it does on education. Go any inner city and you'll find lots of black families that think their little spawns best chance of making it out of the ghetto is playing basket ball or some other sport. What they don't do is make sure their kids go to school and take advantage of the free education their kids can get. So when a black kid grows up to be an uneducated gang banger it has nothing to do with any laws or rules that were designed to fuck him over it has everything to do with the kids parents that didn't make the little fucker go to school.

You really want to help blacks in this country, then take away every black child from their home and put them in an orphanage where they are forced to go to school and get an education. Now if you aren't willing to do that then just shut up and let the stupid blacks that think their little Johnny is going to be the next Michael Jordan send their kid to the poor farm because the odds of them actually making it on sports is about the same as winning the lottery.


First of all you denied white privilege ever existed. This is a blow to your credibility. The definition of privilege is.

a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor : PREROGATIVE

Black people did not have the right to vote until well after the civil war. That alone contradicts your foolish statement about it never existing. Honestly I do not even have to say much more than this, it illustrates ignorance. It also illustrates bigotry.

It is wrong to place more emphasis on athleticism than education. However that is not exclusive to blacks. Other races do that as well. Not to mention not every black family does that. There are people who do follow the law and still get the short end of the stick.

Every black child? So every black family has that mentality and does not raise their kid to be a hard working moral individual? You said all which shows you throw out generalizations and think there are no exceptions to your blanket statements. I am a person of color who follows the law. Never once have I been arrested but to deny white privilege ever existed and to make the statements you have made comes from sheer ignorance. You are a fool!





Yea that was the issue, that he said it ever existed. But given just yesterday a bunch whites stormed the capital of the country and nothing happened to them but blacks are killed everyday for even non-crimes.


Amen my point exactly.



They are good cops and bad cops (of all colours) just like there's good and bad people of all colours? No-one is saying all black people are bad.
I'm baffled as to why you think because I haven't investigated EVERY crime statistic that I'm not allowed an opinion (that's an 'ISM' surely?) Had you been white and I be black, they'd be organisations that would help me successfully sue and/or 'cancel' you....solely because of such a perceived 'ism'?

I'm sure white people (on a whole) have had more problems with the law (be they innocent or guilty) than black people have? But any white person rotting in a cell eight now (for something they didn't do) is likely blaming the police or courts (as opposed to 'The Vikings') for their predicament.

Then you try to move the goalposts all over the place by bringing up 'Proud Boys', KKK and Nazis. I'm not entirely sure of the 'genocidal numbers' the 'Proud Boys' are guilty of (but I'd likely wager that more blacks will sadly die at the hands of other blacks *next* weekend in Chicago, than have ever been killed by 'Proud Boys')

As for the KKK, I'm almost certain they still exist but that they don't (*citation needed*) go around killing people anymore (Although I'm sure if I said they'd killed a million blacks last week, you'd readily agree, whilst at the same time lecturing me on not investigating every single case?)

As for the Nazis, well that's a different kettle of fish. If the evil white man hadn't have defeated Hitler, then you (as a race) would likely not be around to namedrop them (or you'd certainly be reading this in German) Ironically, BLM (another organisation that hates police and thinks that no-one acknowledges 'slavery') actually trashed up central London last year, and defaced a Winston Churchill statue (calling him a "Nazi") We went to war with those fuckers (twice) yet just TWENTY years later joined up with them in the (dreary and failed) import/export EU experiment, where we spent almost 50 years alongside a country that (by and large) wanted to exterminate us only two decades prior?

Funny (and rather telling) that you didn't mention 'Rwanda Patriotic Front' or 'Brazilian Death Squads' or (even further back) 'The Ottomon Empire' on your list of bad guys, who (quote) "excuse an unjust killing of blacks" (the majotity of such butchers, more in your colour-scheme than mine)

I can't really congratulate you on your skin colour....but I will congratulate you on never being arrested and working hard (I sincerely do) Although It's rather sad that in this day and age, we have to congratulate people for being nice and respectful (and however much you don't want/need my congratulations....I'm giving you them anyhow)
You are what you are, because of the right lifestyle choices you've made Your admission of such upstandingness, proves my point that the only thing keeping you back, were laziness and thug-behaviour.

More power to you, seriously amigo.

Slavery, History-Books, KKK, Proud Boys, Hitler, Trump (or General Zod) didn't stop you from doing the right thing....Did it?

Yet (for all your ethics) you're still the exact same colour as a large subsection of the planet that would rather answer "Slavery and shiiiit" for their 'lot' in life?


I didn't say you weren't allowed an opinion. I said I find it stupid when people cite stats without factoring in anything. They look at the stat sheet as the undisputable truth. I can't tell you what happened in an nba game in full detail unless I watched the game. Can I look at the score and stats and give a basic overview? Sure but the person who analyzes in full detail and context will be a more valued view. So no wrong don't claim things I said which I didn't.

Where did I move the goal posts? You said we don't have groups like black lives matter stopping us from calling criminals thugs etc. Those groups and some people will willingly defend a corrupt police officer or corrupt politician even if it's blatant. I brought them up because those are hate groups. No goalpost moving.

They still exist which means they still have some form of influence. No actually I wouldn't readily agree but some people flat out deny they still exist.

Where did I say I wasn't happy they defeated the nazis? Not once did I say that. Also see this is it, you think I stand by all of black lives matters actions. Have any proof of that or you making another assumption? I don't support breaking laws or morals but I do believe in calling out corruption no matter who it is.

I can name drop all day. Do I need to list every hate group on here? Or did you get the basic idea by me naming a few?

I didn't ask for your congratulations nor do I want it. I don't expect a cookie for behaving nor a free handout. I do find it interesting though how this country has adopted a it's every man for himself type mentality. I will help anyone who is willing to work hard who is honest. Some people are suffering that work hard and many don't care. I've known people who died working hard and never asked for anything. Then I've also known pieces of trash who inherit money and are looked at as if they worked hard for their money. No I don't want their money so don't go there, I just find society very ignorant. Not everyone who is poor is lazy and not everyone who is rich got it by hard work. There are those that have made poor decisions and that's why they are broke and people who worked hard to get wealthy.

I also came from parents who worked hard and taught me right from wrong. Not everyone gets that. Now does it excuse committing horrific crimes? No but it's harder when having bad parents.


(quote) "Just like how I will call out wrongful acts committed by a person of color"

....yet you didn't.

You took the safe option and brought up three (predominantly) white 'hate groups' as an example of those who (quote) "excuse an unjust killing of blacks"
Hitler killed far more whites than blacks (and was thankfully stopped)

So in turn, I gave three other 'hate groups' that were responsible for far more (quote) "Unjust killing of blacks"

But guess what, the groups I cited were all (predominantly) black?

Yet, usually (in conversations pertaining to racism) there's this un-written rule that only Whites can be racist. Yet history, stats and figures (you know, the same details which apply to your NBA analogy?) are conveniently ignored in favour of the history books starting from and stopping with 'Slavery In The West' (sidestepping from who actually enslaved and sold such in the first place)

You sound like an OK guy (not that you need my validation) but perhaps you should start "boasting" to (supposed-disenfranchised) black communities about your hard work (and your family unit) as opposed to cop-out blanket statements like "white people in history had advantages over black people" (keyword: HAD) or that "poverty drives up crime"

You (yourself) are living proof of what happens when people rely on themselves (instead of blaming historical indignities) and that goes for every person of every colour.

I've said what I wanted to say (make of it, what you will)



Not to you but I've denounced violent acts committed by black people on these forums. See this is the game you guys play. Unless I call out racism by black people for you to see I have no right to call out white people for racism. It has to be tit for tat type of deal. When the George Floyd video came out I said wow that cop acted in a brutal manner. I honestly can tell you race was the last thing on my mind. I would have been just as enraged if that were a white person a black cop had done that to. Most people though look at it and try to protect their political ideology. They look to see if it's one of their boys and if it is protecting them matters more to them than someone's life. Many people were glad it happened and believe cops can do no wrong.

Also see this is the other thing you aren't debating others you are debating me. Where did I say only whites can be racist? Far from the truth. You were specifically calling out black lives matter therefore I gave you white hate groups. Blacks aren't the only race to be enslaved but it doesn't negate it. A guy on here literally said white privilege never existed in America... Come on now! Why were blacks not allowed to vote then? Check out my debate with the user thomas998, he is a bigoted fool.

Had advantages? Sure about that? I'm giving you the chance to examine that statement. Just because things have gotten better doesn't mean racism or certain privileges' for certain groups still doesn't exist. You don't know that I don't do that. Another baseless assumption. I do my best to give people advice and help those that want to better themselves. Poverty does drive up crime amongst everyone. That's not being a victim it's a fact. I don't ask for special treatment just equal treatment. So because you said white privilege does not exist anymore, go ahead and provide me the date and year it ended please.

See that's the other mistake you are making. I follow the law but there are people who have done the same thing I've done and have been mistreated. It's silly to think that just because I've had no issues because I've followed the law that it's the same for everyone. Not every person who the law has failed plays the blame game. That is a blanket statement.


Look at the statistics which are law. Whites get most jobs than black. There have been many White President only One Black and one Black Vice. The Vast Majority of Sheriffs, lawyers, Doctors, Governors, politicians are white compared to blacks.

In Covid times there are reports that many whites are given preferences over dying blacks.



Point 1
(quote) "Look at the statistics which are law"

What the fuck are you smoking?
How on earth can a statistic be a law?
A statistic is a ever-changing, variable collection of numbers or other data.

A law is (quote) "the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties"

Point 2.
(quote) "Whites get most jobs than black"

Are you really that dense?
America is (including White Hispanics and Latinos) roughly 80% white.

With other ethnic minorities aside, Black people make up (roughly) around 13% of the American population. So of course (just taking basic maths on board) it's no surprise that (quote) "Vast Majority of Sheriffs, lawyers, Doctors, Governors, politicians are white compared to blacks"

In a country which is predominantly're complaining that 13% don't get a 50% representation?

Yet Funnily enough, the very same 13% commit 52% of all the murders in America (alondside a staggering 93% black-on-black murders) Although is that any wonder when you (clearly) don't even understand what the word 'LAW' actually means....let alone 'statisically' adhere to them?

Year in, year out you kill NINETY-FUCKING-THREE-PERCENT of your own kind....and have the gall to burn, riot, loot under the (bullshit) banner of 'BLACK-LIVES-MATTER'?

But I guess you don't want to talk about those 'statistics'...Do you?

Just a lot easier to blame racism, or slavery or some other bullshit, isn't it?


Point 1

So you think laws dont flutuate? You think because it is law it is solid and unchangable? What World do you live in?

Point 2

It would seem it's just a percentage thing but if you look at qualifications and studies you'd see that many whites get jobs over blacks even when blacks have better credentials. Blacks many times have to do more work to get same credentials and many times work even harder in the same job.

The crime rate is bias because most whites get away with everything. From shop lifting to serious crimes. Depending on who did it, who they are connected to, and how rich they are. Since blacks have it slanted they tend to be looked after and preyed upon even if they didnt do it. If you look up the news often you often see white priviledge get walk away with crimes or get light sentences something blacks tend to get locked up for along time.
You can just look up the death penalty for consistencies on more blacks than whites.

Not all protests by blm end up that way and not all people who protest are black so that defeats this argument. Because supposedly black on black crime is high doesnt give the police the right to murder blacks unaccountable.

The argument isnt black crime rate. The argument is the bias slanted abuse of white priviledge and black racism.


You're completely full of shit (and you know it)
You're obviously some embittered black person, who's going to go to his grave (like all your family members before, and likely after) with a huge chip on your shoulder.....Forever blaming white people for all your failiures.
You cite 'statistics' (despite not even knowing what one is) and as soon as real statistics are suddenly start claiming that statistics are no longer relevant, because (apparently whites get away with everything) You're clearly too dumb to know how dumb you actually are?

In your twisted logic, Blacks are just this 'peaceful' race, that don't hurt anyone.....and the evil white man just set's you up to fall....You actually believe this shit. don't you? Every waking moment of your life, you knowingly lie to yourself (you and millions like you)

You've got some built-in, cop-out excuse for any/all's all whitey's fault. There's little point trying to convince you otherwise, you're *that* far gone. You've likely had the same horseshit beat into you, by your (likewise, bitter) parent(s) and you'll never *EVER* improve or evolve as an individual (or a race)'ll waste the time of everyone you ever come into contact with, with your constant victimhood.
I'd be a bigger idiot than you, to even waste a nano-second of my time thinking you give a shit about anything. You are a complete waste of time, space and oxygen.

Perhaps if America is so racist, you should move somewhere else (how about's your 'spiritual' motherland, is it not?) You'd clearly have to be a fucking moron to live in a place you clearly don't like and (by your own admission) doesn't like you either. Go to'll see what real racism and oppression is (you wouldn't last 5 fucking minutes) you'd just be another black-on-black statistic (you know....the ones you conveniently ignore......because it does suit your agenda of getting "free-shit")
But I'm clearly wasting my time, thinking any of this might sink into your thick'll go on throughout life blaming everyone else for your failings. There's not a swear-word invented that could convey how utterly useless you are (and it would be wasted on you, because looking at your post history...English doesn't seem to be your first language, anyhow?)

I'd suggest you commit suicide, but you'd likely fuck *that* up also (and demand reperations for such) but given the 'statistics' you'll more than likely die at the hands of one of your own kind.
Either way, it'll likely be a white paramedic, mortician or waste-disposal worker that would have to (once again) clean up your mess (given that we have all the jobs, according to you?)

But of course, wishing you dead is fruitless, because it's obvious (to anyone that reads your garbage) that you've never 'lived' in the first place?


Wishing suicide on someone? Rather disgusting.


When did I wish suicide on someone?

(Quote) "I'd suggest you commit suicide, but you'd likely fuck *that* up also"

(Quote) "But of course, wishing you dead is fruitless, because it's obvious that you've never 'lived' in the first place"

Learn to read.


You alluded to it. Rather disgusting behavior. I think a nerve was struck. Also since you don't like a democrat being president I suggest you leave the country. Wanting to better our country doesn't mean we hate or disrespect it.


First you said I "Wished" I'm "Alluding"
(but hey, never let facts get in the way of your perceptions, eh?)

As I said (twice now) learn to read....I ended my previous post with (quote)
"I've said what I wanted to say (make of it, what you will)" I even wished you (quote) "Goodnight"
Given your many other dellusions, you've obviously mistook the fact I have a life to be getting on with (even if YOU don't) as some kind of half-assed 'victory'....That's how dellusional you are?

I've wasted far more time conversing to you, than you deserve. Pointing out your constant victim-mentality (as with bigbadwolf666) is fruitless, because the pair of you are a lost cause. Almost everyone else on here has torn you (and your buddy) a new arsehole, with your "white privilege" shit.
Moviechat (and likewise most of the western world) are sick to death of it.

Get on with your wasted, empty, false lives.


Your concession is noted. Leave the country and you won't be missed.


Yet funnily enough, the very same 13% commit 52% of all the murders in America

Actually, that's not accurate. It's not just murder. It's 52% of all VIOLENT crimes, which includes murder, but also rape, assault, battery, armed robbery, etc.

And it's also not 13% doing this. Think about it. It's (for the most part) not black WOMEN committing these violent crimes. So that cuts the stat down to 6.5% of the population. It's also not little black boys or old black men. It's young black men, between 15 and 40.

So 3% of the US population is committing 52% of all violent crimes, including assault, rape and murder.




I just disproved your foolish notion. Why did blacks not have the right to vote until well after the civil war? If that is not privilege then what is? Whites had that right long before black people did. You said it never existed. Even if you said it doesn't exist anymore you would still be off but you really buried yourself by claiming it never existed. You are a fool.


sit on the same bus, policed, charges, they dont even have the same public access.


Isn't it funny how foolish he is?


Not Really.
I'm trying to figure him out.


"have"??? Are you still living in the 40's???


it's just an example that it wasnt always equal but this still happens today and many other ways.

I just read about how taxi drivers in NY dont accept black passengers which is a form of this.


No, it's not a form of this.

It's a defense on part of the taxi drivers because black passengers often run without paying the fare so the taxi drivers don't want to take the risks.

So no, black passengers are NOT the victims here, taxi drivers are.

And of course instead of blaming the black thieves you blame the real victims and cry "racism" or "discrimination" without caring to understand why.


Most taxi drivers in NY are 'people of color.' They're poor and they're NOT white. And yes, many of them refuse to pick up black passengers, especially in certain areas of the City, and at certain times of night. They do this because, consistently, black people (and no other racial group by-and-large), will take the ride and then flat-out refuse to pay the fare or assault/beat/rob/kill the driver. It happens so often that cab drivers don't even care about being considered "racist" anymore. They simply discriminate racially for their own SURVIVAL.

This is yet another example of something that has NOTHING to do with "white privilege", and everything to do with the Black community needing to change.


I'm still waiting...


On what?


the date it ended.


Yep me too!


shh... the black man aint the only one who's a slave.


Yep pretty much, the liberal standard is that if you are black you can’t be held accountable for your actions, it is racism straight up


and he still has loads of fans that could look pass all that.


It's sad how fandoms turn a blind eye to their idols.


just look at trump, for starters.




People like this are an X in my book.


What is there to excuse? His presidency was for the most part flawless until Covid happened despite the entire demokkkrat establishment actively trying to destroy the country just to make him look bad with their conspiracy theories and fake impeachment. The Trump haters are the real radicals , you people should be institutionalized. Also comical irony: Biden and Harris are literally guilty of what you people accused Trump of and here you are turning a blind eye to your idols scandals and corruption. Speak for yourself kiddo

Edit: the fact that you have to deflect to Trump shows that you can’t stand on your own two feet




fake impeachment? Twice? and the show aint over.

You must've lived under a rock if you thought he was flawless before covid and whatever happened post by your hero and lord savoir? Millions of death? And he got the Covid himself. Last time I check The Entire Biden family is Covid Free. Hahahhahahahahaa Flawlessly.


Or biden ...


I don’t believe in the woke cancel culture mob but he doesn’t really have a career like he did 20 years ago. Besides what you’re talking about sounds like typical rap lyrics and most of the time that gets a pass unless you’re R Kelly.


I'm sure R kelly would get the same pass, but raping kids is still frowned upon by the left...for now.


Not long now...


'Till the left gonna give it to em'?




the problem was that he was never really that relevant and he never really try to hide it.


He was pretty big for a while. Even broke into the movies and stuff.


yea in an acceptable era where n* was still tolerated.
He faded out quick after that.


Five albums went to #1 and sold 74 million albums worldwide.


long time ago. No longer relevant except for loyalist and the black community. If he was still strong he'd still be number one is really no longer the case. His era was done and he couldnt maintain based on a variety of factors but also artistically as he never really did grow nor was he highly dedicated to the craft.


I liked his raps....but his beats (like NAS and several other 'supposed' great rappers before him) were lame.

I like hard beats to go with my Rhymes. In fact the music *makes* the track for me (as I get older, I find the words trivial) LL Cool J used to have the perfect combination (as did Run DMC) but somewhere during the mid-90's, the beats got sooooooo lame. DMX could be reciting the 'Meaning Of Life' or the 'Cure For Cancer', but the listener would barely notice, primarily due to the beat being so lame and sleep-inducing.
Ironically, more 'chart-friendly' artists like Salt N' Pepa or Kid N'Play had awesome beats which gives them a far greater longevity to my ears.
Vanilla Ice (regardless of what you think nof his content) had much better beats and production values than (the otherwise morose) DMX, NAS, BIGGIE (and their lame, tinny, digital-alarm-alike beats)


Well beats and samples go a long way in rap music. Since they don't use any instruments like real artists do, that's really all that distinguishes a good rap song from a bad one, besides the rap itself. No one gives a shit shit about the message.



The worst thing is that he has been arrested for animal cruelty.


sadly this fucker will make it....... this overdose was not big enough.

oh well, he will burn in hell sooner or later, that happens to animal abusers


"I'm still trying to figure out woke cancel culture. "

if you are not part of so called "cancel culture" why are you trying to decide if people should be cancelled?


Who said I was was trying to make that decision? I asked others their opinion.


ok I'll rephrase

If you are not part of so called "cancel culture" why are you trying to encourage people to reach a concensus of wether people should be cancelled?


I'm just trying to know the cancel culture rules. I might not play rugby, but its still interesting to understand the game.


Do you believe some people are, homophobes and misogynists from birth?


No, do you? Also, I'm confused as to why you put a comma after "are".


of course not, he is black, he s allowed to do everything he wants.......

just like George Floyd that once robbed a pregnant woman by holding a gun to her stomach, while his friends looted the womans home.


George Floyd is a hero, just ask the media.


A hero and a saint........ this is the best, George with angel wings and a halo:


Ahh I was wondering why DMX kept show up in the feed. You right wingers are trying to manufacture outrage.
