Toxic Masculinity has created Transgender Culture
Let's face facts, our society is toxic on "femboys" and "tomgirls," much of the hate against the "gay lifestyle" was from the portrayal of gay men as being feminine. We know that the brains of gay individuals resemble those of straight individuals of the opposite sex, just like "transgender brains" claim the same thing.
We also know that people who are transgender are significantly more likely to be homosexual or bisexual than the general population.
What becomes clear is that "Gender" is what society tells people who act in a certain way should be. Transgenders literally are destroying the LGB community by perpetuating these toxic stereotypes about how people who act in a particular way need to change their sex to match their mind. As we saw, homosexual brains match the sexed brain of a straight person (which is what transgenders are claiming is an indication of being transgender).
Take a look here, we have males whose penis were cut off at birth to turn them into girls. According to transgender ideology all of these boys should declare themselves as boys but surprisingly only 57% of them did, as the research noted "All 16 subjects had moderate-to-marked interests and attitudes that were considered typical of males." Hence we get to the root of the matter... girls cannot play with boy toys.
We were particularly interested in investigating the kind of situation described by a colleague in which he observed a young boy happily playing with a toy racing car until the helmet of the race car driver fell off, revealing a female with blonde hair. The boy then dropped the car like a "hot potato" (D. B. Garter, personal communication, April 1987). Although researchers have shown that children avoid playing with sex-inappropriate toys (e.g., Frey & Ruble, 1992; Hartup, Moore, & Sager, 1963), the question remains whether gender labels are so powerful that they alter children's desire for unfamiliar and very attractive toys.'s%20gender-based%20reasoning%20about%20toys.pdf
We train children from birth to respect these gender boundaries and now they're changing their sex rather than accept these gender boundaries are sexist remnants from ages past. Transgenders are inherently sexists, they're people who are fighting to maintain the lies of Masculinism, that women are born to like certain things and that they cannot rise above it. Pink aversion, boys can't have long hair... all of this nonsense is what created Transgender Culture, we forced it upon our children and because we have boys who like playing with dolls those boys assume they must be girls.