

is that you moviebuff1?



^This. Thank you.

“Get away from her, YOU BITCH!”

Sigourney Weaver goes toe-to-toe with the Queen Bitch of the Universe and kicks fucking ass. The Ginger character in Casino was a working girl and a hustler, and she basically killed herself The Alien Queen was evil incarnate.

The OP needs to see more movies.

Beware topics that are categorical imperatives, especially if you are under 15, chronologically or emotionally.




I wouldn't go that far. She certainly did repulsive things. I think DeNiro's character was equally to blame because she was honest with him from the beginning about who she was, but he insisted on trying to transform her into a regular wife and mother. That wasn't ever going to happen.




Mrs Voorhees


Mrs. Carmody (The Mist)
Nurse Ratched (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Malory (Natural Born Killers)
Mrs. Danvers (Rebecca)

To name a few possible titlists.

Ginger's pretty repulsive, but this isn't an easy decision.

What about Frau Blucher?

...do you guys hear neighing?


Have you seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?




I disagree.

Ace knew better and went against his better judgment in favor of an easy lay and the prestige of having a "looker" for a wife. Remember during their wedding when the young casino manager congratulated Ace and Ginger and complimented Ginger's beauty? He fucking fired the guy. Meanwhile, Ginger goes into the lobby to cry into the phone while talking to moLester her real lover and Ace tolerates it, ON HIS FUCKING WEDDING DAY.


I agree that she was a bad character(and yes, Sharon Stone did a fantastic job portraying Ginger). I also agree she's NOT the most repulsive character ever. I'll say this; she always has reminded me of a very pretty woman I met when I was 23 years old. I hooked up with here and was enamored right away however, she was a hustler/hoochie or whatever you call it and I was lucky I figured her out as quick as I did. Actually, she was so much a train-wreck I think everybody had trouble with her in the past, and probably anyone who meets her up to this very day. I don't begrudge her she was who she was and honestly I wasn't a freaking prince neither. I was lucky to at least a smidgen of a built in protection mechanism otherwise I would have been in serious trouble back then. I'll repeat..she was who she was, there was no changing that. I do remember close to the end of our relationship she said I was a "maniac" in bed it was one of the biggest compliments ever. However, the real truth it was because of my attraction to her. I'm sure many women since then would comment.."meh".


Yup. Same here buddy. We all meet girls like that early in life and I had my Ginger experience and thank God I cut ties and moved on. Looking back though, I can't really hate her because she was actually honest with me about what she liked in life (partying, drugs, and travel). I thought I could get her to still have fun but let go of two of those things in exchange for a long term relationship.
