MovieChat Forums > User548 > Replies
User548's Replies
Everything bad that happens is his fault, innit? Everything good that happens, isn't it. If it rains on your birthday, it's Trump's fault, innit? If you cut yourself shaving, it's Trump's fault, innit? Such pointless hate. Why don't you sing John Lennon's Imagine to yourself and then apply it to yourself?
Why don't you move into a commune? You clearly can't take any responsibility on your own.
Where did I admit that? Show me. Once again, you believe the lies you tell yourself. That's why in the real world, people don't talk to you to engage in an intelligent conversation. A pointless one. Yes. A meaningful one. No. Also, talking to yourself, is neither intelligent or meaningful. Just FYI.
Not a Russian. Putin's a tyrant. Are you a socialist? If not, say something bad about AOC.
Do you enjoy playing pointless games? Apparently so.
Duhhh....and Trump doesn't fit the nuclear family mold. Thus, you should be happy about that as a progressive, right? Yes. Willie Brown and Kamala. Nasty business for a woman to advance her career in that way, right? You all bitch about Trump being unscrupulous. Now you got Biden AND Kamala. Such a double standard.
The China travel ban was too late? I AGREE. It was too late. So then tell me why did Biden and Pelosi condemn him for issuing it calling him racist and xenophobic???? Shouldn't you be spewing your vitriol at them too? Why do they get a pass? What a joke!
Hydroxy is used to treat malaria. It's not experimental nor is the Z-pak. Just to let you know, all drugs have side effects. So let me ask you something. Is the possibility of having an irregular heartbeat better than DEATH??? Seriously, did your education stop at the 3rd grade???
So did Cuomo follow the CDC by leaving COVID patients in nursing homes to infect the others living there, yes or no? If so, then why won't he allow an independent investigation? He followed the guidelines, right?
1. Your opinion is not a substitute for proof. Where's the proof to you claim?
2. And you have proof that if the doctor wasn't removed it would've prevented the pandemic? According to China, the coronavirus was from a wet market, not the lab. If that's true, how does the doctor prevent the spread? If it isn't, it's a cover up. Do you think China would tell her?
3. It seems like Obama didn't follow it for H1N1. I guess he just got lucky, right?
4. Just like a typical dem. Throw money at the problem to solve everything. Has that worked for education, yes or no? Your answer is wishful thinking at best.
5. If WHO did their JOBS correctly and not covered for China, then maybe it would've prevented the pandemic from spreading. How the hell can you blame Trump and not blame WHO at all? That is their job specifically, innit?
6. Democrats know how important science and data are? They do??? So tell me how many biological genders are there?
7. No past Presidents would skip them? And your proof? Such absolute assumptions you make. Ludicrous.
8. Yes he did. He gave the authority to Govs and Mayors to open at their discretion as each state and city are different. What happens in Juneau Alaska is quite different than NYC, don't you think? The problem is the dem govs and mayors decided to play politics allowing rabid dogs to go wild on a pillaging spree and denying people to buy seeds in the name of saving lives.
How ignorant are you to the facts?
Uhhh...that was the point I was making. Try to pay attention. You know, you don't give yourself any points for credibility when you can't follow the thread convo. No matter though. You'll find you have lots in common with other posters here on these boards.
Such backpedaling. Too bad you didn’t have any ammo to fire, huh?
Who said it’s Mexican culture to bring in drugs???
Just because it’s a fact that drugs are trafficked over the Mexican border and human trafficking is occurring as well doesn’t mean it’s Mexican culture. Nobody said that nor even implied that, yet you jumped to that idiotic conclusion. Shameless idiocy currently on display.
Your response is beyond stupid making assumptions and implications from thin air just to justify you inane rant. If this were a chess match, you should have resign 3 moves ago. Better yet, you should have never sat down in Keelai’s seat. That would’ve been the smart move. But then again, that’s not you, right?
No progressive pundit or politician??? What did the African American museum at the Smithsonian say about the nuclear family??? It’s a white thing. Hence, racist!!!
And you think no progressives panders to that notion? You do like to assume absolutes, don’t you?
I don’t care who dumped who. I appreciate you acknowledging the fact that she advanced her career by knowing Willie by your silence. Even Willie said it was him that launched her career, but because it was done in the bedroom, you dems want to keep it on the down low. Such a role model for women to aspire to, right?
And what policy should have taken? The dems condemned the travel ban. Would that have saved us more lives or costed more?
Dems blocked hydroxichloriquine for political reasons. Did that save lives? Cuomo’s nursing home order costed lives. How is that Right wing policy’s fault?
Seriously, how indoctrinated are you? How ignorant to the facts are you?
All you are doing is believing the lies you tell yourself in order to justify the crap you say and feel good about yourself. In the real world, you look like a shameless idiot. Just FYI.
That’s the correlation??? You do know it’s a GLOBAL pandemic, right?
How is it American culture that only Americans don’t wear masks??? By your logic, you’re assuming all Canadians wear masks. Not only is that quite an assumption, you should know that it can’t be true base on the sheer percentage. Your litmus test is over.
Obvious fail.
You tried your best to fix a catastrophic leak left by Keelai. Your failure was not realizing it and tried to apply reverse logic with what you had to work with. The right thing to do was admit Keelai’s logic was faulty, but you allowed your own partisan biases to obscure rational logic an replace it with shameless idiocy.
Should I be surprised or is that typical?
Now let’s see if you use this as a learning moment or will I get some snarky dismissive retort? Which one do you think I’m expecting?
To most leftists, your description would be seen as progressive, right? Aren’t you in favor of getting rid of the nuclear family???
Shouldn’t you be saying that aspect of Trump as a positive? Broken families are a good thing, right?
Now back to “nasty”. Doing the do with Willie Brown when he was 60 to jumpstart her political career is nasty, or do you find that acceptable? Commendable perhaps?
I told you you’d fail to explain it.
So not only do you hate Trump, you also hate Barr. Why? What has he done to you personally? You say you’re not a dem, but you’ve consistently demonstrated giving dems a pass. What ever you call yourself, you’re definitely a leftist. Can you admit that? No need to be closet dem. You personal demographic litters these boards.
Okay then. Explain the correlation of the article to the wall for Mexico. Keelai can’t explain his logic, so since you know, go ahead and do it for him. I’m still assessing your litmus test.
Yep and I’m sure some people from the west too. Do you really think that fact is some kind of revelation or something?
A name is a name. Hell, you leftists think people that incorrectly pronounce Kamala’s name is sexist. How easily triggered you people are. Grow up!
The article states nothing about the wall. Keelai injected the suggestion of a border wall. Why? Because some American tourists are violating the lockdown rule by visiting Banff National Park. To associate the wall at the Mexican border to this infraction is ridiculous, is it not?
There's your litmus test. Let's see if you fit the demographic.
I care about Canada building a wall because I responded to your post three times??? What kind of logic is that? Although I already know, you can't explain it because your logic makes zero sense, but why don't you try to enlighten me with your logic?
As I'm sure you're aware, there are a lot of idiot posters here on these boards. Melania's Mirror and dteam are two that come to mind right off the bat. Not only are there posts rife with idiocy, they post it SHAMELESSLY. Now let's see if you are part of that growing demographic. Okay go.
Go ahead and say what you want to say. Why so much hatred? What did Trump do to you personally?
If your argument holds up, then why don't you address what everybody said and answer how pillagers are protected from the virus.
I like how you play the victim card rather than defend your argument with facts and common sense.
Basically you're either Ignorant or Dim. Either way, it doesn't speak highly of your character, does it? FYI, that's a rhetorical question.