User548's Replies

I like how you ignore all of the Anti-Democracy and hypocrisy. Is that the American thing to do too? I appreciate the Dodgers for allowing their open space to be used. As Dr. Fauci said, there's no reason why people can't vote in-person. All they need to do is find more open air voting stations, which they can do at most parks. It's good to give people work, right? Did you support Gov. Whitmer when she made seeds and paint illegal to be purchased? If you want more people to work, why would you deny workers the chance to work in the paint and gardening sections? These are bad things you listed, right? So then why do you give Clinton a pass? Not only has he cheated and been accused, he did so while in public office unlike Trump. Do you see the blatant double standard? Again, do you go out of your way to avoid the obvious, or do you just not know? Either way, it doesn't make you look good, does it? Yes. Kudos for LeBron for associated with Dodger Stadium. The Dodgers staff will do all the work and it'll be because of LeBron. Such an "American" thing to do, right? Unlike being endorsed by a company that employs sweat shop labor and shuts his mouth on true democracy for Hong Kong so he doesn't upset China. And of course he's practically a billionaire now and where did he make all of his money? USA. The land of "systemic racism", right? I guess he's immune to the system, isn't he? Why don't you draw his blood so the rest the people can get vaccinated? <i>"He has so many nicknames because he is such a preposterous, obnoxious and incompetent idiot. I didn't make these names up... I'm just listing the ones that I've heard."</i> As Biden always says, "C'mon man!" How stupid are you? You just said that a few posts up. Once again, shameless idiocy on display. Did you forget or are you backpedaling? Either way, it makes your intelligence meter slide that much farther to stupid. You notice a trend, little Christopher? If you can't remember or you go against the words coming from your own mouth just a few hours ago, then how can anybody take anything you say as credible? My mind is blown at your level of shameless idiocy. Apparently you aren't ready to rejoin your friends yet. Just sit here quietly for a while longer and you can resume playing with your friends. Perhaps this time, you can use your imagination, rather than "borrow" from others? Looks like little Christopher needs a time out. Why don't you sit in the corner until you calm down and then you can join your pals and resume your juvenile name list. Okay? Go ahead. You're all fully committed and already engaged in your juvenile activities. Go hog wild! Enjoy. Once again, the union muscling over the little guys. Even the SJW freelance writers got to eat and pay off their useless education too. I'd rather have them employed rather than unemployed. Apparently the number of posts affects the validity of the post. Such idiotic logic not to mention shameless. Are you not a dem because your rhetoric embarrasses even them? That would make sense. You ain't no A-Team for sure, but you already knew that and labeled yourself positively, but with discretion, yes? D is better than an F, right? If you didn't make up the name and you claim them as yours without proper credit, then you're a plagiarist. Clearly, you lack imagination to make up your own juvenile nicknames. That alone speaks volumes of you. Not highly either. You mean you don't know that Biden plagiarized a speech when running for President back in the day? Are you ignorant or just not in the know? Either way, that doesn't reflect well on you. So your defense of being juvenile, is that your nicknames are less juvenile than another nickname? Seriously??? That's your defense? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 To translate, that's like you admitting you're wrong while pointing the finger to the other group and saying they're MORE WRONG. Now you're a juvenile tattle tail too. Amusing! Stupid, but amusing.😁😁😁 You didn't make up the names you listed? You mean you're taking credit for somebody else's work? Plagiarist. Biden would give you a nod. I'm glad you acknowledge the fact that the nicknames generated are juvenile. So let me ask you once again. Which group is juvenile? That should be a rhetorical question, but imposed to you, I don't think it is, which doesn't say much about your intelligence level, does it? Hmmm....let's see. A bunch people gathering for what? To make up juvenile nicknames for somebody and the other group observing them. Which group do you find more grown up? Do you go out of your way to avoid the obvious, or do you just not know? Either way, it doesn't speak highly of you. Good for you! I'm glad you're proud of the work you do. Would you like the adult to display it on the wall for everybody to see? Instead of attacking me with facts and defend Kamala with positive things from her record, which I will admit is hard to find, you just attack me with insults. You're such a credible and non-partisan person, aren't you? She was AG of California. How did she get that opportunity? Willie Brown. That's a fact plain as day. If you want to claim ignorance, go ahead. It doesn't change the facts, does it? In the primaries, your fellow dem Tulsi Gabbard performed a SUPLEX on her record as AG that Kamala is still reeling from. You don't have to take my word for it, you can take Tulsi's. Are you ignoring that too? Her Jussie Smollett tweet hasn't been followed up with a correction or recantation. Do you believe two Nigerian co-workers of his performed a "modern day lynching", yes or no? Seriously, you need to watch Dave Chapelle's take. You say I don't understand a "false equivalency", but offer ZERO EVIDENCE of it as if your opinion is fact. You're just as guilty as Kamala's Jussie tweet. Single standards? The law? What did AG Barr say at his Congress hearing when asked what he'd do? He said, he FOLLOW THE LAW. What was the dems response to that? "That's disappointing to hear." What???!!! How ignorant are you? Impeachment? What about it? Steele Dossier. Fusion GPS. Adam Schiff. Peter Strozk. James Comey. They're all clean as a whistle, right? Even a tainted Wuhan bat infected with syphilis could still see straighter and clearer than you. Repubs kill Americans? How? Pelosi and crew said the China ban was Xenophobic and racist and would not have done it. Wouldn't more people have been infected if they were in charge? That's only obvious. You think dem govs and mayors allowing pillagers to pillage and not enforce the lockdown order caused increased deaths? How about the people that got shot and killed? That's on you dems lack of law enforcement. Finally, like a petulant child, you cover your ears and throw a tantrum. Bye. Well you all are doing a bang up job on your own. Nevermind me. Go back and play with your new pals. Okay. Enjoy your time in the Romper Room. I'm sure you'll make a lot of like minded pals.😁 Kamala banged her way into politics and then threw the banger under the bus once she got in. Calls Biden a racist, just a year ago, and then endorses him. Thus, endorsing a racist in her eyes. Defended Jussie Smollett without any evidence and she's was an AG. Even now she hasn't corrected herself. Called 18-24 years stupid and then says 16 year olds should be able to vote. Tulsi Gabbard bodyslammed her at the primary debates over her hypocritical AG record. She still has no answer for that. She was in favor for Sanders Medicare for all and now she's not. She's the definition of an empty suit. Really, Biden's staff should've "had a conversation" before picking her. No morals. No scruples. No values. Yet, you dems constantly bitch about Trump and then praise somebody who is just as unsavory. Such hypocrites. Are you all having fun in Kindergarten Corner? Nevermind me. Continue.🤪 That's the best come back you got for your defense of your first choice candidate? Pitiful. Amusing in a stupid way, but pitiful.🤣🤣🤣 No one? Go ask the Smithsonian Institute. Another absolute assumption. How dense are you dems here on these boards? If you say no one, but there is just one person that does, then your entire claim is wrong, innit? Just by the sheer percentages, there has to be at least one person, right? Even UV admitted to that and he's just as shameless as you. Yet, you still say "no one". Grow a brain. Clearly you don't like Melania, yet you LOVE Kamala. Once again, you PROVED the double standard from your own mouth. No coercion. No effort on my part. You freely stated it. How you can give one "nasty" person a pass and not another "nasty" person is sheer hypocrisy, innit?