The way things are I really don't see Trump winning this election. People will blame the whole thing with COVID and the lockdowns and such on the current government and will want to see a change so many will turn on Trump to vote for Biden / Harris.
They are winning, so what now? What will their presidency have in store for the USA?
It will just be like when Obama won. Everyone will celebrate that a woman of color is in the White House, all press, celebrities, talk shows will suddenly be in love with whatever Biden does. All the blame will be shifted to the Republicans in Congress.
Bubbathegut- Too bad Oprah's talk show is no longer on! You know she'd do a series of episodes with Harris and fawn all over her. The compliments and hosannas would reach to the heavens!
Poor Kamala Harris' butt would be chapped from all the kissing Oprah would do.
No kidding, she would be glowing from all the praise and adulation's. Michelle would come out of hiding from the Hamptons and hang with Kam at the White House everyday. Oh and of course Oprah would be there! lol
The American people are more educated than ever before. They have more access to information than ever before.
The Democrat media/party attempt as gaslighting the country with Russia collusion and quid pro quo’s have failed.
Before the Chinese coronavirus the country’s economy was at the strongest we’ve seen in a century thanks directly to President Trumps pro American people economic policy.
Discussing baseless hypotheticals regarding a potential Biden/Harris presidency is an exercise in futility. Being from CA she brings no new votes with her. The black community can’t stand her. And the list of gaffs and flubbs by both Harris and Biden is longer than a man.
It is ironic though considering a staunch Democrat supporter that you are, you have no idea what the party you support will do. Don’t feel bad, this is actually standard playbook for the Democrat party and their lemming followers. Clinton had no platform. Obama had no platform. Kerry had no platform. Hate is not a platform.
Trump doesn't deserve to win. America at least deserves the satisfaction of having a decent leader after everything we've been through this year. Even if Biden isn't their first choice, he's still a good decent leader whose 100x better than that orange clown will ever be.
Matilda, your pathetic, childish shtick is wearing thin. Can you ever post something without using the phrase "orange clown"? Makes me wonder what color your costume is!
And again with another math 'statistics' which you apparently pull out of your a@@ after your morning dump! ", a good, decent leader whose a 100x better..."
I have nowhere near the dislike for Biden as I had for Hillary. But really! Almost fifty years in government and NOW he's a good leader??
Again, it's "who's" as in WHO IS! Hard to take someone seriously who has not yet mastered grade school spelling and grammar.
Omg you're seriously pathetic pjpurple. It's like your so obsessed with me and following me everywhere Lol. Are you really THAT bored? Is quarentine getting to you THAT much. Perhaps you should try finding a hobby.
Why do you care so much about my insults towards Trump? That's not your buisness and has nothing to do with you directly. If I was calling YOU a clown, I'd totally understand you being upset. Plus, I can guarantee you that hundreds of people have referred to him as "orange" something. It's a very common trend look it up if you don't believe me.
Anyways, "orange clown" is actually quite generous if you consider what others in the world have said about him. Stop acting like I'm the only one on the entire planet to say mean things about him.
“Is [quarentine]getting to you THAT much. Perhaps you should try finding a hobby.”
FYI, it’s quarantine
I do believe your masks are having an affect on you...not enough oxygen reaching your “little gray cells”! You know, the “french fry shy of a Happy Meal” thingy. Ho Hum...🙄
Shouldn't YOU get a hobby. Are you THAT bored with quarantine? LOL You need to get a kick out of what an anonymous poster says to you? No friends?
The irony is that I didn't even notice your misspelling of quarantine. kspkap noticed it before I did. I just automatically assume that you can't spell.
OMG, this is the first time I replied to one of your pathetic posts in days. I think you are secretly happy to have a following!!
Forgive me but NO I don't believe you. I don't think you'd understand if I was upset at being called a clown by you. You've called me enough insults and excused yourself as having a reason for every single one. I'm hardly upset by your behavior any more than I'd be upset at a baby for soiling a diaper. You're both full of the same thing!
Follow you everywhere? LOL You DO realize that you are posting on a public forum and thus subject to getting responses? If that bothers you so much , stick to writing notes in crayon.
To answer your questions- No, I'm not THAT bored! No, quarantine is not getting to me THAT much, mainly because I am NOT quarantined. I go to work, I shop, I walk my dog, I check in on my elderly mother, etc. I suppose coming from the foxhole that you've dug in your basement, you must think EVERYONE is as bored as you. What other reason for your tired, pathetic, unoriginal mantra of "orange clown", "orange clown". It is you who needs a hobby!
And sorry, I never meant to imply that you are the ONLY one to talk foolish gibberish; you have plenty of company in that area. LOL
And how do you know that I DON'T have a hobby? Perhaps I am gathering material for, "The Stupidest Things Said on-line by Foolish Leftists" YOU are going to head up the first chapter!
LOL! 😂 May I have first dibs on writing The Forward? I just read something which could be your Prologue.
”There's a difference between smart people and idiots. A smart person will look at all the facts, and try to understand why something is, then make a logical decision. An idiot will not look at any of the facts, and make a decision probably within about 10 seconds about something and no matter what you tell them they will never listen to reason. Arguing with an idiot is impossible, as Ron White says, “you can't fix stupid!”
Does the following read familiar?
”Arguing with an idiot is as useless as kicking a dead horse hoping that it will get up, it never will. An idiot will never admit they're wrong, and if they feel that they might be wrong, they will meet you with violence and aggression. You will never hear an idiot, especially on the internet, say, “ wow, you make an excellent point, you have changed my mind.”
If you do, go buy a lottery ticket because you are probably the luckiest person on Earth.
I wouldn't go so far as to say everyone who says idiotic things is an idiot (only a few people...chuckle...).
It's just idiotic to become so firmly entrenched in your positions and "feelings" that only you are correct. Some refuse to ever see another side of a position.
I know it's easier here to get hot under the collar and nasty sometimes because we are dealing with faceless people on the internet. But people can disagree politically and not get angry.
One example, the late actor Jimmy Stewart was a very firm conservative Republican. One of his best friends was Henry Fonda who was almost as far to the left as his daughter. The men were lifelong good friends.
Jimmy Stewart said that there were just some things that they didn't talk about.
Of course the people here are not close, personal friends. But that's no reason to totally abandon good manners and constantly call people idiots, Trumptards, hoping Trump will get sick, etc. I admit, I lose my manners too. Sometimes I give free reign to my inner smart aleck.
I’ve written many times it’s useless debating an alt left lemming. 🤷🏼♀️You may as well debate a’s wasted breath...and you get the same nonsensical reply. 🙅🏼♀️🙇🏼♀️
I, too have a lifelong friend who is a Democrat. Her daughter & son-in-law are far left, but we never discuss politics. I value their friendship much more than their political views.
The problem with most of these anti-Trumpers is they completely dismiss how well the country was doing before the Covid-19. They don’t despise him for the good economy, people working again, the lowest unemployment in decades. They despise him as a person which is understandable, but good grief as I’ve heard most of my life...”Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face!” Look beyond the man and ask themselves “Do I want to throw him out of office because the economy was better before Covid-19...or is it because of not liking him as a person? To that I would deem it to be very selfish and full of oneself.
Harris will go on to be president when Biden goes to the hospital. But she is needed to convince Habib to invent a flying car to start a whole new economy.
I don't think most will blame the lockdown on Trump although initially I didn't think he should do it because I knew the left would never allow normal living till who knows when, if ever. However, at that time no one was really sure about Coronavirus but now that the suppressed data is out there, there is NO proof that the lockdowns did anything to save any lives, not to mention the faulty tests and the inflated death/case numbers.
You can see that this whole thing has been politicized (Democrats always say don't let a crisis go to waste). They want to see how many will obey and what can they try next to take away more of our liberties?
My initial gut feeling was correct. Impeachment didn't work to get rid of Trump, COVID wasn't working either so they moved on to the ever so popular racism crisis like they do before elections. Then the destruction started happening to instill fear and panic along with the threat of a "pandemic." When the "protests" started to not pay off so well, they started ramping up Coronavirus fears again.
Expect more and more of both to keep happening.
Now today you have goofy Biden telling us to "be a patriot" and wear a mask outside for the next 3 months. Hmmm...???? What's happening in 3 months?! Oh yes! The election!
Enough with the Election Infection. It's time to get back to life.
The only hope of that is voting for Trump and voting Republican across the board even though there are so many spineless Republicans, the Democrats are like voting for Satan himself. Biden/Harris is definitely NOT the better option.
So if they win, you'll see the media saying it's okay for people to go back to work. The lockdowns will be lifted. The stock market will drop. Taxes will rise. Unemployment will creep up again. They'll get probably ask for a $18 minimum wage rate. They'll continue to pander to groups like BLM while ignoring their secret gestapo group Anti-Fa. Obviously, the country will fall into a recession and more liberties will be lost in the guise of aid.
Right wing policies are the only thing that is holding it together. You add left wing policies coming out of the executive branch, China pandering, Middle East pandering, higher taxes for more useless social programs, increase consumer prices for everybody, banning fracking, which would end our energy independence, not to mention increased crime across the board for their lack of backing law enforcement in the nation.
Now you tell me, is it better where we are now or what I just stated? You really think it doesn't matter?
The right-wing policy for stopping Covid-19 killed 167,000 Americans. Saying it's a hoax, injecting disinfectant, doing opposite what the health professionals said, and taking dangerous and useless drugs have failed.
No, it's not better under Trump. Normal people are not in your death cult. Normal people want to work and go to school. Normal people don't want to be evicted or lose their house. Businesses are shutting and you celebrate.
And what policy should have taken? The dems condemned the travel ban. Would that have saved us more lives or costed more?
Dems blocked hydroxichloriquine for political reasons. Did that save lives? Cuomo’s nursing home order costed lives. How is that Right wing policy’s fault?
Seriously, how indoctrinated are you? How ignorant to the facts are you?
All you are doing is believing the lies you tell yourself in order to justify the crap you say and feel good about yourself. In the real world, you look like a shameless idiot. Just FYI.
What stupidity! It's a French drug which has proven not only to be useless against Covid, but dangerous since it caused patients to have irregular heart beats which raised the death rates so much that test trials were stopped.
Dems blocking a foreign drug is just dumbness on your part. The French and then other countries stopped their trials because too many Covid patients were dying from it.
1. Your opinion is not a substitute for proof. Where's the proof to you claim?
2. And you have proof that if the doctor wasn't removed it would've prevented the pandemic? According to China, the coronavirus was from a wet market, not the lab. If that's true, how does the doctor prevent the spread? If it isn't, it's a cover up. Do you think China would tell her?
3. It seems like Obama didn't follow it for H1N1. I guess he just got lucky, right?
4. Just like a typical dem. Throw money at the problem to solve everything. Has that worked for education, yes or no? Your answer is wishful thinking at best.
5. If WHO did their JOBS correctly and not covered for China, then maybe it would've prevented the pandemic from spreading. How the hell can you blame Trump and not blame WHO at all? That is their job specifically, innit?
6. Democrats know how important science and data are? They do??? So tell me how many biological genders are there?
7. No past Presidents would skip them? And your proof? Such absolute assumptions you make. Ludicrous.
8. Yes he did. He gave the authority to Govs and Mayors to open at their discretion as each state and city are different. What happens in Juneau Alaska is quite different than NYC, don't you think? The problem is the dem govs and mayors decided to play politics allowing rabid dogs to go wild on a pillaging spree and denying people to buy seeds in the name of saving lives.
It doesn't appear you read anything. Read both articles and give me your viewpoint. Let me know if you disagree with any of their conclusions. If so, let me know your reason(s) and link with any supporting research.
I don't believe you since you're asking a question that has nothing to do with their research and conclusions.
I'm asking you to challenge yourself. Read the science. Let me know if you disagree with anything and why.
I wasn't expecting you to read it in 2 minutes. Take your time. We can discuss it in a few days. No rush. My beliefs are in the scientific papers you will read.
You were asking about the origins of COVID. So I want to confirm that you agree with the findings that it originated in a lab. So are you saying that, yes or no?
Whatever your beliefs are, the links you provided makes a conclusion, does it not? So based off of the conclusions of the links you provided, what conclusion do YOU come to? Was COVID from a lab or not? That's a simple question asking for a simple answer. Why are you so afraid to take a stance one way or the other?
I've already had this exact conversation with someone I personally know and had printed the second article for him to read. Unlike you, he read the article. Originally, he was on the fence about the origin of the virus, but changed his position after he looked at the science in the article. I also discussed my support for the second article by bringing up zoonotic diseases which are very common and is the subject of the first article. The reason why I wanted you to read the first article is to clearly understand that commonality.
I still prefer you to read both articles, but this is a very, very basic explanation about the high frequency of viruses jumping from animals to humans and why it will increase as time passes.
Why does it matter and what difference does it make if you had this conversation with another person or not? That is completely irrelevant not to mention useless information.
The article is not being debated. What is, is your opinion, which as I stated isn't fact. So you want to prove the origin of COVID? Well YOU need to take a stance one way or the other. I won't allow you to CIRCULAR ARGUE and let you flip flop from one side to other. Either take a stance or step down.
We are discussing your point #1 are we not? I told you that your opinion isn't fact. If those links are your facts, then take a stance behind it and state it for the record. You don't get to be a flip flopper.
The China travel ban was too late? I AGREE. It was too late. So then tell me why did Biden and Pelosi condemn him for issuing it calling him racist and xenophobic???? Shouldn't you be spewing your vitriol at them too? Why do they get a pass? What a joke!
Hydroxy is used to treat malaria. It's not experimental nor is the Z-pak. Just to let you know, all drugs have side effects. So let me ask you something. Is the possibility of having an irregular heartbeat better than DEATH??? Seriously, did your education stop at the 3rd grade???
So did Cuomo follow the CDC by leaving COVID patients in nursing homes to infect the others living there, yes or no? If so, then why won't he allow an independent investigation? He followed the guidelines, right?
An important part of being a president is knowing how to handle a national emergency!
Trump said he is not responsible for the country. Instead of coming up with a national plan to handle a national crisis, he plays golf, tweets, holds rallies and watches TV. News flash! The president is supposed to work.
Practically every country is doing better than the U.S. which used to be a world power. Trump turned the U.S. into a banana republic. There are shortages compatible to the ones in the former Soviet Union thanks to Trump's inept bungling of his pandemic.
How long does it take to tweet? All of the leftists tweet too.
If he golfed like you claim, MSM would show it each and every time on every single broadcast! He golfs nowhere near what Obama golfed.
Anyway, he DESERVES some downtime, relaxation, fresh air and sunlight.
Are you in a room with him when he's supposedly watching TV all day?
Get your head out of CNN's butt.
Aww well I'm glad then because he deserves to play! Obama did nothing for our country but make it worse.
Remember as a child when your parents told you that you couldn't go outside to play until your homework was done? See, Trump does his work and still has time to play. Obama, not so much. 😝
You keep repeating this but you can’t tell us which Trump policy is responsible.
Nor can you or any of the lemmings tell us what Democrats wanted to do different re: covid this entire year. There’s a reason for that. Think hard.
Answer: Because they didn’t have a different solution. Only now do they give vague back seat driving answers of what should’ve been done yada yada. This is all they ever have. And it’s not a surprise. Where would they draw ideas or solutions from? Their presidential candidate has been a politician his entire life. Same with his VP. Same with their speaker of the house. And their minority leader in the senate.
The only thing politicians know how to do is campaign for re-election. A skill that’s useless when faced with real world problems.
I hope you remember the details from this period of time. You’ll see the Democrats and their media try to rewrite history as they always do. Claiming they wanted to do this or that. Yet they never have these solutions before the fact. They did this same crap with 911. And Hurricane Katrina. And AIDS. Always blame, always campaign. Always provide an answer that involves giving them more power.
"Answer: Because they didn’t have a different solution."
I'll use the term Democrats below since I'm addressing your comment. But, in reality both Democrat and past Republican administrations would've handled Covid-19 correctly. The inept mishandling of Covid-19 is specifically Trump and his administration.
1. The Democrats have handled past viral infections with competence.
2. An American doctor was placed in China to alert us if any new viral or bacterial infections mutated and became a threat. Her only job was to watch out for possible epidemics and pandemics. Trump removed the doctor in June 2019 which allowed the virus to get out of control.
4. Trump has been weakening health institutions by defunding and understaffing them. Democrats would have left them alone.
5. Trump attacks the CDC and WHO. He left WHO. Democrats know how important those agencies are and would've continued to support them.
6. Democrats know how important science and data are. Trump has denounced both.
7. Both national security and health agencies repeatedly warned Trump about Covid-19 which he chose to ignore. Trump refuses to attend "boring" daily national security meetings. No past president would skip meetings.
8. Trump still has no national plan to combat Covid-19. He refuses to take responsibility even though he's the president and the buck stops with him.
You continue to support him, therefore you share in the responsibility of 168,000+ dead Americans. Watch something more intelligent than the Fox propaganda machine.
"Always blame"
Obviously, you haven't figured it out that the presidency is an important responsibility. The president isn't elected to tweet, golf and watch TV for hours each day. He is supposed to work and keep Americans safe. The buck stops with him! Stop finding excuses for a bad and lazy president.